
Zachow Swingers in Wisconsin

Zachow Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Zachow, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Zachow looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Zachow, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Zachow, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Zachow, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Zachow Swingers right away!

Exclusive Couples - couples who are committed to another couple - Ok! You have heard from someone who is poly....ME. But we are still swingers and no one expects us to be exclusive either.... anymore than we expect them to remain true to us and us alone. Polyamorous is a conjunction of a Greek and a Latin word. Means to love more than one.....I don't fall in love with everyone that we have sex with but I do have 2 secondary relationships. One woman is separated and we met her in the lifestyle.. We love, yes WE love her as much as people can feel love. The other were seeing what swinging was about and came to a club that we attend. The lady and I started talking and then on line and we discovered that we loved each other. I stopped by their house and talked to her husband and we, that couple and us are great friends and she and I are lovers.... and everything is open and above board. Recently while I was in the hospital from a heart attack, they came to visit everyday. So poly really isn't about swinging at all but there are poly people in swinging who are looking for exclusive relationships... I let people know that I'm poly because if the lady and I hit it off...... I don't want any surprises... BUT I never go looking for that type of loving relationship in the swinging community, i.e., "the lifestyle" I think that some people use the word without a true understanding of what poly really is... Poly can involve sexual relationships but those are based on love not sexual recreation. My wife is not basically poly however, she loves that lady who is not attached as much as I do... so in a way she may be poly but does not wish to define herself that way. When talking about poly and swinging one has to make a distinction as to what people are looking for in a relationship. And, let's not kid ourselves...swinging and sex with people outside of your marriage or relationship is really a relationship aleit maybe a short lived one but one all the same. I'm just a person who can and does love more than one person. Like being hetro or BI or whatever..... that's just part of my make up.. I have chosen to be a swinger and if it lead to something I hope that I have let people know ahead of time and found out their feelings on that possibility... If they are not open to that but are sexually attracted, then we can keep it on that basis and I simply have to be aware. I think it can best be analoged to a couple or one of the partners in a couple being bi. They find a couple to play with but that couple are not bi or have no curiosity in that bent.... So they play and the bi part is never an issue because they discussed it beforehand and everybody was fine with the situation.... I belong to a poly group here in my state. the group is more a discussion group although they get together once a month and every mon or Fri to discuss poly issues. Most of the people who are in that group, over 300, will say that poly and swinging are two entirely separate issues and they are totally unrelated. There are a number of members, both single and couples, who are also listed on swinger sites....They are looking for sexual companionship and maybe, if it happens, loving relationships... So poly and swinging are not so exclusive nor does it mean that poly swingers are only looking for LTRs any more than bi women will only play with couples who have bi women in them.... Being poly of Bi ain't an issue...playing is... There may be some who are in the lifestyle to find lovers... Easy to find out and make a decission about....

Eureka ATV UTV Poker Run - Elks lodge charity - Love the idea and could be available this weekend. Is it trail rated atvs? Or our rzr900 be ok. Maybe we could get some more swingers to show up.

At what point do you out yourselves to family and friends?? - - I really don't think it makes that big a difference. What ever you are comfortable with is what you should do. Me personally, I let the people I work with that we are swingers, after they had guessed. Didn't see any reason to lie to them. Hell I was hoping to get in the pants of a couple of them. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.

Required info for swingers - - I learned alot...,.thank you!!! lol

Required info for swingers - - Very educational for sure lmao

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - hey pat so whats up i wasn't invited well damn, by the way i couldnt find the site either oh well guess i will have to have my own all ladies party huh ps. we wont be going to this under 35 party and theres alot more of our friends that feel the same

Any Sci-Fi lovers here? - What\'s to describe? Either you like a good sci fi TV series or movie or you don\'t. - I'm a voracious reader. Love most Sci Fi movies and TV(not to be confused with TV's). Love the Dr No series but several of the Dr's we not as good as others. Hated the Darlic series but liked most of the Master ones. I wonder why Heinlein's books were never made into movies most are quite good. C.S. Lewis, Athur C Clark, Asimov all super writers. Martian Chronicles, SG, SG Atlantis... Too many to mention... The day the Earth Stood Still with Michael Rennie...Rocketman Seriels in the movies from the 40's and 50's. Who remembers Rocky's Rocket Rangers from 50's TV brought to you by Ovaltine and if you sent so many jar seals into the show you could get the decoder ring for the secret messages..... Sci Fi has been predictive of future events for so long...Lazers, Rocket ships, Rocket packs, And a statement in Forbidden Planet; " the taped thrillers of the 20th century" Filmed in Eastman Kodac color and in 1956 or maybe 65 but long before video tape was available...The special effects were awsome ...no computer generated things.... And the landing scene... note the shadow and the bubbliing earth and dust.....all hand done animation. And Robbie the robot... a mechanical wonder for it's day... Swingers would and probably love Heinlein... Stranger in a Strange Land and Time Enough for Love.... Can't get enough Sci Fi...

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - My husband has served in the USMC before we were married. Both my husband and I have been in Public Safety. (Him in the Fire Service and I in Law Enforcement and later attorney.) We have first hand knowledge of the sacrifices we and other Americans in uniform give. We speak as one (and it looks like others) in our Pride we have for our Nation. Under God and will do everything to fight for the rights of all who share in our ideals. For those who don

Black Rings - Do Swingers really? - We heard Garden Gnomes are a sign of swingers …. Hmm I wonder if any of our neighbors suspect anything hehe.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 2011 Victory Red... Don't Touch or Don't Ouch...[em]Emo_25[/em]

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