
Stratford Swingers in Wisconsin

Stratford Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Stratford, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Stratford looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Stratford, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Stratford, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Stratford, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Stratford Swingers right away!

Phone Call Gone Bad - Real Bad! - I'm feeling pretty bad for the brother, he's going to get an ass kicking from his own brother and then the brother's wife is going to move in with him? :S Proof positive swingers have a lot less drama in our lives. (sun)

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - I think "Forum" is about being able to talk about any thing you want....doesnt have to be about just sex. If you want just sex or friendship, talk to people individually........ Just my thoughts :) Jenn

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - There is also the part about the needs of some to explore life to its fullest and in some cases it is held back by the desire to stay faithful to your partner. Swinging opens that avenue up and takes away the need to cheat on your spouse. In some cases it is amazing to watch your spouse be pleased by someone whether you are taking part or not. Watching my wife be pleased by another guy was an amazing experience and wouldn't give that up for nothing. Not sure that is news worthy!

Single Males vs. Unicorns - this is ridiculous - I block ANYBODY that has repeatedly made himself/herself/themselves annoying, obnoxious, and/or rude. And I have more married males (who's wives ARE around and part of the couple's playtime) act inappropriately than I've had single males. But yeah... if someone is acting obnoxious and I don't wanna hear it (or read it I guess), I use the block button. Works wonderfully. And for the other topic that's surfaced. Plenty of these single men can find dates. They just choose swingers due to their sexual preference. If you wanna get rude and say single men are here cuz they need to steal someone else's girl... couldn't this also go for married men? Or the women for that matter? Seriously. We're all here cuz we have this particular sexual preference. Now play nice and block those that don't know how. :P

stupid posts on topics that may make newbies change their minds! - - Yes, we've personally been responsible for countless noobs joining convents and/or monasteries after realizing that some swingers are simply not taking this shit seriously enough. Sex is serious business and if a post or thread isn't directly leading to someone getting laid then it should be banned! Thus saith the forum hall monitors. And I think I could make a pretty valid argument about who the "frustrated" party really is here. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Wishbones - - Since we joined the lifestyle we've thought the idea of a symbol of some sort was a great one. I've read about the apple, but not the wishbone before now. I think swingers are in a good place for this right now - the internet has made it possible for those with an interest to pursue it, but it's not mainstream enough so that people who are in it "stand out." Pretty much everybody knows about the rainbow now, but I think very few would know about a swingers symbol, for a while anyway. Whether it was the rainbow or what ear the earring went in as a sign for gays, or I believe at one time the BDSM community used bandanas to communicate preferences, it's great to have a way to be tipped off that others share the same interest. It'd be nice if this takes off.

Swingers clubs in Amsterdam - - Going to be in Amsterdam for 2 nights in September and we would like some suggestions for swingers clubs. Has anyone been to Sameplace, it's look like it might be nice. We appreciate any suggestions.

Before you started swinging - - - Illustrator you and evil keep the forums so funny, thanks for the laughs. To get on topic however, we had no idea the fun and enjoyment or type of people that did this before becoming participants. We have been lucky because most of the swingers we have met are just great people that really enjoy sex. How simple and easy can it get.

Why are there prostitutes on Swingular? - - [quote=ANONYMOUS]Cool. Swingular is craigslist/backpage now. That's definitely what we all want.. to be solicited by stupid prostitutes. [/quote] The debate has raged for decades about the validity of single males to be called "swingers". I'd go so far as to say the complaints about unsolicited messages from single males far outweigh those of sex workers on this site. (Please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong). In our opinion, this seems like a very minor annoyance, and just a reason to bitch about something. Delete. Move on. Simple stuff.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - We single men are viewed as simply looking to get laid rather than to enhance our experience with a spouse or partner. Further, often single men get possessive or overbearing attempting to get sex from someone's partner without both people knowing about. This leads to hostility and rejection. In most cases, this author believes we single men get this reputation because it is deserved. I don't think it is hate that is the problem. It is simply people not wanting to risk the the above mentioned outcomes. In Utah there seems to be lots of young single guys on the site. My question is, "why can't they find someone in town to be with?" This site is NOT about single men getting laid. It is really for excitement between partners. If all a guy wants is to get laid, he should go to the local bar. Otherwise on here, he is fooling himself. This is not a market for single men at all. Once in a while some single guy gets lucky, like hitting the lotto, but it is not a regular experience for most men. Don't go to McDonalds when you want a taco. Don't date fat women if you want thin ones. Don't go to Swingular if all you want is to get laid. It just doesn't work. Fortuantely I am the other half of a female on the site. We share experiences. Otherwise, I would never have joined.

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