
Saint Germain Swingers in Wisconsin

Saint Germain Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Saint Germain, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Saint Germain looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Saint Germain, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Saint Germain, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Saint Germain, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Saint Germain Swingers right away!

Free will versus playing fair. - - Criusers......... This is exactly why we don't really like the group things. Nobody knows what the boundaries are or if there are boundaries. There are lots of different scenarios as far as groups go. Sometimes it's anything goes. Sometimes it's anything goes with some couples but not others. Sometimes there are couples there who are not even swingers, and in most cases, you have to figure that out yourself..... ( that happened at our last party and she was the hottest woman there.) I don't know how long you have been doing this, but the lifestyle is a trip, huh? Never imagined it would be this difficult. But it's still loads of fun, both socially and sexually.

Simpsons: Is Marge going to be a Swinger? - - Who knows, but Bob & Linda of Bob's Burgers have been invited to swing and Linda's parents are swingers.

Original humans as swingers? - Provocative theories based on Bonobo sexual behavior - I think I'm aroused.

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - Neuroscience makes morality out to be largely born in and more complicated than just "stuff god doesn't like". For example, what one may see as an immoral act may in fact be quite honorable to someone in that person's in group. A gang banger seems immoral when he kills a rival gang member but a soldier is doing the same thing except that we call the gangs nations. What religion manages to do is take false credit for morality so that it can attach additional memes on so we get motivated to do those too. This amounts to "lying is bad so sex must be bad too". The problem with buying into that logic is that not everything churches say are bad actually are and can even override true morality. For instance, a religious hatred of homosexuals. This doesn't always happen and there are many influencing factors (again morality is quite complicated according to neuroscience) but it is often a potent driving factor. The short answer is that the more people you include in your in group the more people you will act morally toward.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - he started it

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - Well, I am one of those horny little mormon girls ;) ! You know anywhere you go there are a group of swingers, I am sure! In Utah, (probably elsewhere too) there is so much pressure put on you religiously to be a certain way (as perfect as you can) that it catches up with a person, and you eventually wanna let your hair down and just be a "real" person. Even hot little mormon girls have sexual needs and desires..........thank god right, or maybe there wouldnt be any swingers in Utah! LOL!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Interested as well

Disabled Swingers - - I WOLF am disabled, Dont feel that way, am told that, Feel sorry for me? Ya better not! Would I not be just as quick in a fight? my disability hold me back?? I and anybody that knows me, knows not! Twobears,Deannas so friggin hot!..lol, I was disabled when I owned a biker bar in San Diego, (some brawls did I think about my spine getting twisted??..YES!) Cast iron barstools across my back, Poolsticks...yada yada, They all lost! But tell ya what!, im still alive and well in Utah after some rebuilding! Do I have the same heart? no. BUT spirit never dies! What I believe in, be it in San Diego,NYC,or Utah, Everyone that isnt't disabled, better keep up with me! WOLF Union Ironworker(ret)local 229 San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Boston, Vermont(Burlington, Middlebury), New York City

Safe Sex - How do you (or don't you) protect yourselves? - Condoms? Yes, please. However...I can think of quite a few reasons why some people are opposed to using them; Intimacy, sensation, alergies, penis size, etc. None of them seems compelling enough to me to make an acception though... As \"swingers\" there is very very very little possibility that we (despite the fact that mRs. Luvbugs is \"fixed\") would allow anyone to be with either of us unless there was protection involved. In 12 years we have seen unwanted pregnancys, a paternity suit that became very nasty, STD\'s passed from one couple to another, and complete dishonesty about the sexual history of the person in question. What cracks us both up is when we get these letters that say \"Vasectomy SAFE.\" Get the f**k outta here! Are you serious? Safe from what? Pregnancy? A condom will do that nicely buddy, and as long as you arent trying to fuck a hole in someones back, they shouldnt really break all that often. Everyone believes that they have led a good life and have avoided the contraction of an STD. I would like to be able to accept that fact in good faith, but there is no way I can allow myself to think in such a naiive manner. There are even those in this world who would KNOWINGLY pass a deadly disease such as AIDS to another person out of pure spite that they themselves have contracted it. There are risks with oral sex as well, but the probability of contracting anything serious is atleast somewhat less then through vaginal intercourse. I just cant see it. It amazes me. A person would have to be plain stupid to take that risk. Just our .02 cents. Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

Combining Lifestyle & Non-Lifestyle Friends - - This seems a bit more "adventurous" than I would likely try. There are just such different standards ... comparing swingers and vanilla friends. Recipe for possible embarrassment, trouble ... or whatever, if you ask me.

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