
Ontario Swingers in Wisconsin

Ontario Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ontario, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ontario looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ontario, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ontario, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ontario, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ontario Swingers right away!

exspense of taking husband and boyfriend to party - - [quote=PITMOMMY]you know what i was originally think when i started this was that, iam masculine in my relationship with both guys, they both have more feminie than masculine qualities, then i read posts on here about homophobic guys who dont dp because they dont want to touch penises, its like wtf, then iam wondering where bi sexual men fit into this swingers community who are supposidly open mined, i would think that if this community were so open mined they would see a person as a masculine or femmine spirit, what if my bf like feminine guys, will there be any at a lifestyle party? what if a guy likes masculine women how many will be there? the closed minded nature of these parties sets the whole thing back to before the sixties, they might as well only allow straight wife swapping and no bisexual men allowed[/quote] I will admit my mind is not that open. I wouldn't enjoy seeing any bi men activities at a party we would leave. We or mostly I dont find those thoughts sexy. However I have seen bi couples and group all bi parties forming on Craigslist. However I doubt those parties are held someplace with a heated indoor pool and Spa. But for $12.50 each you should be able to cover the cost of a suites. But then you will need some liquid spirits but you wont have a bartender so you will still ave to mix them yourselves. Or I am sure you can task one of your escorts to tend bar all night long.

Naughty Nature/Kinky Campout - Information please - We are new to the camping experience but would love to give it a try with experienced campers and swingers.

Nuendo - Battle of the bands - ok fellow swingers, we need your votes! It seems a band came outta no where and is no leading by 40 votes! Please if you wouldnt mind, go to http://www.klzxfm.com/greatunsigned and vote for N-U-endo ! Thanks, Mike & Denise

Why Be In Utah? - - The Mormon culture is Thick and repressive, winters are cold and the air is filthy. What makes Utah great in my opinion is the country. From deep dry snow only moments from the main population centers,to world class rivers, spectacular desert country. Utah, despite It's crazy rules and history, is a very beautiful place to be. And there is a pretty crazy swingers scene.

weight approperate - - We have been in the lifestyle together for 10 years now and couples not being up front about just wanting to play with the wife alone has always been a problem with us. We let people know upfront we only play together. Now on the weight subject...We advertise ourselves unashamedly about being a BBW/BHM couple. We also let people know if its Ken and Barbie they want they need to move on down to the next profile. We have played with HWP couples as well as with Big Beautiful Couples like ourselves. The HWP couples we have played with in the past have been amazed at our level of inhibition and sensuality. In short it was an eye opener for them...Big people can be very sexual. One thing we have noticed is that lifestyle web sites, magazines and clubs seem to perpetuate the Barbie and Ken mystique. How often on a swinger web site have you seen a BBW, BHM of even a BBC on their front page? The same goes for magazines and advertising for clubs and lifestyle conventions and events. Even here on Swingular we have yet to see even a featured member that is a person or couple of size. In our humble opionion it's something swingers media needs to address. Our whole take on the topic is this...If your mind is so closed that you can not see beyond exteriors then its your loss. We started a Yahoo group called Big Beautiful Couples and Ladies a couple years ago with the idea that if membership grew large enough maybe organizing an event similar to Lifestyles or Hedonism II. Though the membership is small we still have the passion for the idea of a convention with Big Beautiful People as the primary attendees. We are still checking to see if there is a similar group here on Swingular and if not we'll be getting it rocking and rolling. If we want people in the lifestyle to be more accepting of size (both women & men) we have to learn to be our own best advocates. Have an erotic day Howie & Susie

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

YAHOO SCREEN NAMES - ADD UR SCREEN NAME TO BE CONTACTED - well here i am anothe single guy my yahoo is houseblackwolf im in dallas tx but it looks like all the swingers are in florida

Partners with hall Passes - - Bummer you haven't found single guys worthwhile. (This is the Mrs. by the way.) I guess we have just been lucky in that department. So many people bash single guys and I just don't understand why. We play separate more and more often. We have a harder time finding single women or women with hall passes. Maybe because I am the picky one :) I mean if I am going to share my incredibly sexy and amazing man she better be worth my night alone watching the kids! So ladies, please let me know if you're game to play. All you need to do is read our profile to see what "worth it" would mean to us. I also find it amusing how so many swingers claim to be open minded then are incredibly judgmental of people who choose to play separate. What is up with that? It isn't always easy finding couples where all sides are attracted and ready to get naked.

We're going to SEMA! - Gonna be in Las Vegas for the weekend. Sexy swingers?? - The pregnant wife and I are going to be in Vegas from tomorrow evening through saturday morning. It's going to be awesome to go to the SEMA show. We'd love to meet up with some super SEXY swingers while we're there, or maybe a nice sleepover on the way home saturday night? Maybe meet at the couples oasis? What other plans could we make? Stay sexy swingers!

real members? - - You've struck on an interesting topic. I call them cyber swingers. They are swinger wanna be's . They find the thought of swinging erotic and interesting but they don't have the balls to actually get involved in the lifestyle. They like to hide behind the safety of their computer screen. They'll exchange email with you as long as you're willing or dumb enough to keep writing them. They'll never actually meet you or anyone else. That would be way too personal and would force them to crawl out from behind the security of their computer. Or you ocasionally run into the single guy that has created this fictional "couple". It's all a big game for him. He's just there to collect photos or maybe trick someone into playing with him because his wifes is "unavailable " at the moment. Whatever their game they're all the same because they both violate the principles of honesty and trust that the lifestyle revolves on. We get email all the time from couples that "have read your profile--think you guys are great and want to get to know you better". That generally sends off alarm bells for us. We'll respond and exchange an email or two. If the other couple doesn't have pics posted or pics of just one of them we ask for additional photos in the first email. Since we have good pics of both of us in our profile we never send any other pics other than those posted. If we get the "don't have any pics of him or he's camera shy or don't have a camera yet" or any one of the other lame excuses we've gotten over the past year or so--that's it--you're done as far as we're concerned. We'll give out our cell phone number right away and tell them to call us or give us theirs and we'll call them. We want to speak to both of them. If we can't because one's not there we'll call back at a more convenient time when we can talk to both of them. If everything seems ok during the conversation we'll make a date to meet at a convenient restaurant or club and take things from there. This seems to work well for us. It tends to weed out the "cyber swinger" right away. John & Colleen

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