
Norwalk Swingers in Wisconsin

Norwalk Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Norwalk, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Norwalk looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Norwalk, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Norwalk, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Norwalk, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Norwalk Swingers right away!

Swingers Club - Swingers Club - It comes with egg rolls, but onion rings cost you extra. I knew I shouldn't have recycled the damn clipper.

He wouldn’t Listen to “no” - My wife said “no” he kept going - [quote=RICOGI1]This was my point exactly. A lynch mob mentality is not constructive and the one sided accusations(I am not questioning the legitimacy of any accusation)in any forum including that of this thread has only fueled the fire and now has overzealous members messaging the wrong couple with incorrect information. Please take my initial comment in the tone that it was intended and keep positivity in our actions within the community.[/quote] First, a posting like this is everyone’s worst fear realized. People are going to over react, they are going to take her word over his, and we all react this way because we don’t want to listen to both sides of the next story, we don’t want it to happen at all. Us all saying it’s not acceptable is our way of trying to stop the next time. Second, you post about community. What separates swingers from people just “playing around”, is the trust between two people in a committed relationship trusting each other enough to play with others. Being a single male you don’t have someone to answer to, nor protect. Being single you are not a swinger, you just join those who are. Your postings show you feel equal to her, which you are not! This is why most shun SM in the community. Yes we do play with SM, those that know they are an addition to our already fun sex life, and approach it as such.

Utahns, Do you think that you will see... - - [quote=FREANCY69]why not if a man can have two or three wives then a woman could have multiple husbands make it fair unfortunately polygamy is more about control than pleasure and love [/quote] Sorry, I can't just let that that one pass without shouting WRONG!!! to everything after "unfortunately." Saying something like that is a lot like saying all swingers are completely immoral and irresponsible. Just like anything else in life, including swinging, it depends on the people doing it. And, again like everything else, the bad ones, like the FLDS, get all the publicity, so a lot of people who don't know better, through knowing poly families, think it's all like that. ~ Terry

Swallow or not to swallow - - Mmmm... call me crazy but I love the power of knowing I have made a man cum with my mouth and love the taste. I will have to say though that it is a taste that took a while to acquire a desire for. In my early teen days I did not like it but gradually grew to acquire the tasty flavor. I know several women that do not like to swallow and most of them put on a show of letting it run out of their mouth down their chin or simply tell the man that they don't swallow. However, I have run in to very very few ladies in the swingers community that do not swallow. Just tell the guy up front that you don't.

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - I like the black idea, are couples using them ? We heard it was bananas in the fold out part of the shopping cart.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - [quote=SoScrewMe]We have an amazing group that get together often it is awesome, but unfortunately we are in Lehi.[/quote] We want to part of your group, more often than we have been..

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - Okay, Last year we went to Vegas. We were across the street from the Hard Rock. OMG there were tons of people being brought by limo's to the club both nights. We got busy doing other things....like hanging out with Bill my Prono boyfriend and his sexy lady N. Haha. However, It looked amazing. I was the only one ready to go....just not by myself. This red head would of had a great time on her own. hehehe

Bubulaplease - Confidentiality - Something that has bothered me a little bit...when we went to Lumpys the doorman asked if we were there for the Sinful event. We says yes and as we were walking down the stairs some people upstairs asked him what was going on and he said it was a swingers party. I mentioned it to a few people that night and it seemed that it was a normal occurrence. We realize that going to the events we may run into someone we know, however, people who don't know about our lifestyle also go to lumpys. I would hate for them to know there was a swingers party going on and then see us leaving or something. My question..is this normal? Is it this way at, say, Sandy Station? Do the group organizers ask for confidentiality?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - yeah we know ,,been there done that,,same here,, but some are better at puting it in words,then others and there spelling ant perfect along with there grammer. but that does not make them a bad person.. we have seen single men but we like to pick them, not the other way around,, and will you ublock me as im not quoting emails in the forum anymore lol Alton

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - because sometimes words have more then one meaning a pineapple can also indicate 420 friendly {ref reddit\trees} It's reasonable that there is some overlap between the two groups.

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