
Montfort Swingers in Wisconsin

Montfort Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Montfort, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Montfort looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Montfort, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Montfort, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Montfort, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Montfort Swingers right away!

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - I don't lie. I don't cheat. I don't steal. I'm loyal to a fault. I keep my promises. I will have your back when ever you need it. I donate both material items, $, and time to charities and those who need it. I'm kind to animals, children (except my own LOL), those less fortunate, and my neighbors. I respect and obey the law for the most part. Im STILL trying to learn how to drive without speeding. I have taught my children to respect their elders, the law, and their friends. However..... I will rip you a new asshole when the one you currently have has your head shove up there. I will do depraved sexual things with whom ever I want (consensual only) and enjoy every moment of it. I will kick your ass if you hurt someone I love. Literally and figuratively. And I don't share chocolate. I don't what that makes me. Then again, I don't feel like I need to answer to you ("you" in general, not the OP) and justify my behavior. Your morals maybe completely different. If yours offend mine then I have the freedom to say "fuck you" and walk away. And vice versa.

Single Male Market - Need feedback on a feature idea. - Affirmative Action in swinging is using Race (BBC) as a Plus factor when considering a single male. [quote=massageBBCguy]Brilliant! Thousands of other guys!!! That is very well said! I actually did some soul searching a couple of months ago and I noticed the difference.. I am pretty sure someone is saying I may be lucky because we have some “Affirmative Action Swingers” LOL[/quote]

Want to read funny swinging stories check out our books on Amazon - We are swinging authors - For our fellow swingers we wanted to let especially new couples to the lifestyle know we wrote some tips on swinging we have some funny stories of you type in Scorpio Midnight on Amazon you can find our swinging series not trying to sell you anything we wrote to help others. Hell in 2017 we made enough to buy one bottle of wine lol. Our swinging series is called Swinging Over the Pond and Back Again volume one covers our time in Europe Volume two through ten covers time in Florida and some vacation locations. If there are any newbie couples wanting help message is we love to help that is why we wrote our books more for help than profit. Norm and Sharon

Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - St Martin orent beach is awsome for swiming scuba or snookaling and the tikkie bars are great we cant waite to go back.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - hmm. being that he is 32 and i am 23, we find ourselves looking at a pretty broad age range. but honestly, and sorry to say (dont want to be a bitch and all :) ), I usually prefer OLDER people. now, you must keep in mind, that most people are older than me :) but for the most part i usually prefer to surround myself with people at least in their thirties. that being said, it is not the actual age, but mental age, that is the true factor........

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -

Pete, The Don

Looks like you were wrong all the way around. LOL! You don't know what I am thinking, so that criticism was meaningless to me. Thank you for committing the acts you were trying to accuse me of. That was classic. I need not slander you, you are doing a great job of it. LOL!
Everyone else, please take a look at my initial response to WAAA1101. I answered their post with civility and honesty. Most of us do not want to be dictated to. The people with an issue with non-swinging threads, have the power to avoid them. None of these people have been able to dispute that fact. I challenge them with that very question... What is stopping you from avoiding threads you do not like? Instead of answering, they break the new forum rules by defaming me, calling me names and lying about me (Trashy). What I want these people to do is convince us that they are powerless to move on to things they enjoy. The majority spoke and told these people that we are going to talk about what we want to. Perhaps these few whiners need to move on now. eh? I sure as hell am not going to change my subject matter because a few people have an issue with the subject. They can move to the next thread if they do not like it. If these people wanted things to be cool in the forum, they wouldn't keep bringing it up. We heard your opinion and the majority disagreed. What more do you need? Get over it people. Sheesh LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Another Swingers Show on TV - - We will call

Las Vegas - - [quote=TWONAUGHTYONES] Good to know. The one time we were there the upstairs couples only section was closed. They said it was a light crowd that night so it wasn't necessary. We thought the place was pretty full and the pool was very full. Don't think we'll be back as we enjoyed Couples Oasis so much more, but that's just us. [/quote] As we were looking around at the various swingers clubs in Las Vegas before our trip, the Couples Oasis was one of the ones that we considered, but we felt that $80 ($35 for the activation fee and $45 for the party) was a bit steep for one night (with the other things that we had planned for the weekend, one night was all we set aside for going to a swingers club). Maybe next time we will try something different and go to the Couples Oasis. On a side note, as we were conversing with some of the locals about the various clubs, we were told that the upstairs area at the Red Rooster is generally only open on Fridays and Saturdays, which is what they told us there too, so keep that in mind too.

Black Rings - Do Swingers really? - We heard Garden Gnomes are a sign of swingers …. Hmm I wonder if any of our neighbors suspect anything hehe.

asking your swinger friend if you can join them. - - Well, I have a co-worker that I have been friends with for a while and recently found they are a swingers, it wasn't shocking to me or anything just thought it was interesting. So some time has passed and I thought I wonder if I could join them sexually. To me it would just be awkward to as him that. Obviously I'm not going to ask him "hey can I bang your wife?" I don't care if it was both of them or just her, I've always thought she was hot and I consider my co-worker a good friend. So, how do I ask that and/or is it a bad idea? Thanks

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