
Kieler Swingers in Wisconsin

Kieler Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kieler, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kieler looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kieler, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kieler, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kieler, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kieler Swingers right away!

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How did you meet your mate? - - Chrissy and I first "met" in a Yahoo chatroom that we were both members of. We were both with others at the time, but, that soon changed. We first actually met at a Meet & Greet in Scranton, PA in August 2004. She had her boyfriend, and I was there with someone, but, I was instantly attracted to her. I then hosted a Meet & Greet in Bensalem (Philadelphia), PA in October 2004. We had about 50 people attend, and Chrissy was there alone, and so was I. We went to a diner for breakfast after the M&G, and got chatty. After the party, we contacted one another daily thru IM, and that Thursday, we agreed to a date. I drove from Newark, NJ to Philadelphia to take her to a local bar, where there was Karaoke. She is an awesome singer! We stayed at the bar until closing, shared some intimate moments, and I took her home. I drove 70 miles back home, arriving at 4 a.m. I slept one hour, and went to work. After work that Friday, I again drove down to her in Philly, and brought her back to Easton, PA, where I lived, and we attended a M&G in Allentown that Saturday. We let the group know we were a couple, and the rest is history. We have been together since, and Chrissy moved in with me in January 2005. We now reside in Northeast Philadelphia since February, and marriage is on the horizon! We are no longer active in that chatroom, but, we still go to M&G's, although now they are thru sites like this! We are very happy together, and we love the swinging lifestyle. We were both swingers prior to getting together, and now, it is the most awesome enhancement to our already stimulating sex life! We do hope to meet some of you wonderful people, so, if you want to chat, hit us here or on IM. Thanks for the great topic, and have a great weekend! Ron & Chrissy P.S.: The pic is of us at the Philly M&G in October 2004. We were NOT a couple just yet! ;)

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - SPERMINT-are you saying children finding out their parents are in the lifestyle is the "no.1 a reason for children to commit suicide"? Where in the world did you find this information? Just because a couple is in the lifestyle and has children, why is it assumed that "for swinging the children may have now found evidence that the father is not the real father"? Who says the couple was swinging when they were building their family? There are probably a lot of questions for children who discover their parents are swingers but I'm not so sure that this is the first concern. "all i can tell you all here this is one of my professions i have worked with gov. agency for years". Hhhmmmmmm....government agency.... What capacity? Where are you getting this information or where are the studies? ???????????????wow, where to even go with this?

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - Dare: The person to your left ties your hands and blindfolds you. The person to your right chooses one person from the group to do one of 3 things to you for 2 minutes (the chosen person picks). 1. Perform oral sex on you. 2. Have you perform oral sex on them. 3. Wildcard...you are theirs for the 2 minutes to do whatever they ask.

Swingers in Draper cause Super Dell to speed - - After watching the KSL story we soon realized that it was closely tied to another story in the news lately. Super Dell Schanze from totally awesome computers was obviously speeding through the Draper neighborhood to get away from the crazy swinging people that live there! He only brandished his gun when he was confronted by a group of swingers trying to recruit him into thier sick and twisted lifestyle. It is all so clear now and he is obviously inoccent of all charges. We don't think we would drive throught that sick city if our lives depended on it! Who knows...they may force us to come out of our bubble and enjoy life!!! Just our two cents

Boston area swinger clubs or h spots - - Going to the greater Boston area for the weekend. Anyone know swinger clubs or places where swingers hangout?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Maybe the more appropriate question is "Why so much hate for single males in the swinger's world". One of the issues could be that they are seen as diners who bring nothing to the table. Yes, you might say there is something for the lady so all is good. However, the issue is "What do they bring to the table that the host wants?". If the husband is being left out, do you think he is going to be happy? Once or twice, maybe. If many times he will not be happy and she will not be either. Yes, some couples are looking for single males only because of some reason or other. Many are wanting it to be an all way experience. For us, the risk of the baggage outweighs the potential gains. Why? Because the few times we tried it, we had a bad time. So, what is our incentive to go ahead and try again and again? Well, you could say that there might be a bunch of good single guys just around the corner if we just tried again. Fair enough. However, since we both are not really interested in single men or single women, the gains would be slight, if any. For a couple that is not interested in a single male, what is their benefit? Probably little, if any. So, how would you go about enticing them? Probably going to be a hard sell. Little to gain and the potential for a problem. Add that to the fact that they see the single guy who is in abundance, brings nothing they care for and you have the nuisance factor. Now, with us, a couple could also be problems. However, we are more tempted to risk it because of the rewards it could bring. more importantly, the rewards it could bring THAT WE WANT. With the single male, the rewards would be something we don't really care for so the risk of a problem is a negative. I don't care for a BMW. I'm a Mercedes man. You might say that both are made in Germany and quality vehicles, etc, etc. However, I might be willing to pay $40K for a Mercedes while a BMW of the same value might be worth only $30K to me. Or if my dad had nothing but trouble with BMWs and when I was young, so did I, it might be worth $5K to me.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=LOOKIN4FUN369]We are getting off of track of what this post was created for, it wasn't to make fun or the party or who is attending age limitations. it's was to see who would want to party for those who can't attend due to it being sold out. [/quote] I thought the point of RECON's post was that if age is being verified prior to tickets going out, it isn't actually sold out.[/quote] I doubt they verify the age, just took the money and ran lol

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - i can understand why some people try to keep their pics out of site out of fear of losing their job or somehting like that . i wish the world was different so people could just be who they are and not worry about it . but i understand some feel they have to becareful . we go to alot of parties and people are always taking pics with us , so i tell anyone that wants to hang out with us to let us know up front if they dont want their pics to be taken so i can watch out for that and try to make sure it doesnt happen . but what gets me is when people wont put any kinda of pic up what so ever .there is ways to block your face or stuff like that . but some dont even put up any pics . i dont understand that . when people write us and they dont have a pic i tell them to please send me one i dont even care if the face is covered or whatever i just need some kinda of pic to see who tehy are . iam not trying to be mean or piss anyone off but most of the people that dont want to show their pics are either very over weight or very ugly .not all but alot . i wish people would realize that there is always someone that is right for u .so just be who u are and find those that u will click with . there is alot of people that try to keep them being swingers a big secert . from their family and firends and people at work . so there is alot of people that wont show their pics unless u ask and they know they dont know u already . and their is alot of fake people and people who are just wantitng to look at everybody else and not be known . so most of the time i dont bother with all of them . i think u should have to have at least one pic of each person that is on the profile . face covered or whatever . but at least give people something to go by . naughty dreams freaky kitty

Simpsons: Is Marge going to be a Swinger? - - Who knows, but Bob & Linda of Bob's Burgers have been invited to swing and Linda's parents are swingers.

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