
Kendall Swingers in Wisconsin

Kendall Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kendall, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kendall looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kendall, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kendall, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kendall, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kendall Swingers right away!

The epitome of poor taste - - As Eric and I have always said there is someone for everyone in the lifestyle! That's what makes it so much fun meeting all the different types of people who are in it. Some people think this lifestyle should only be ken and barbie well in fact REAL swingers come in all shapes and sizes, age and races. Just my two cents ;) Angie

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Mouthy prick or not Don, (which is exactly why I luv ya!) it's still a really nasty thing to say. Mother spirit? Hmmm... You have been rather naughty lately.. Maybe I should get out my belt and spank you! All in a "motherly spirit" of course! ;)

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - Are you in PA

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Don We usually keep fairly quiet on the forums but I am bored tonight and actually done with my list of crap to do Good to see ya online as well dont let go of the bottle or that image could be you ....

Invatation to swingers. - open letter against Dr. Phil - At least Dr. Phil only says it's wrong. Dr Laura would call you a slut and a whore and say you were going to hell. They're all a bunch of tight ass, bastards who have no idea what the lifestyle is all about and who spend all there time and make a pile of money telling other people how to run their lives. Fuck them all. ( I bet Dr. Laura gives great head after she's had a drink or two)

Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - Disturbing interpretation and not funny at all.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Maybe in our wildest fantasy. [em]Emo_4[/em]

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - I was looking through the forum subjects and when I came upon this one and looked I wondered why I hadn't commented, since I am a swinger and am poly for quite a few years and I am involved with 2 women as secondary relationships. Someone said "poly is about being monogomous within a plural relationship." The term monogamous doesn't even enter into poly. Poly relationships can be primary, secondary or tertiary. Further people can be added on add-infinitem, so long as everyone involved in particularly primary and soemtimes secondary relationships are consentual about that aspect. In tertiary relationships it is necessary that that they be aware of all other relaionships and OK with that concept. I also belong to a Poly group that is not like Yahoo or AOL groups. It is privately owned and is open to poly and poly friendly people. While I know that a small number of the group does swing, they do not advertise. Poly people generally take issue with swinging as be strictly recreational SEX! and no love where as poly, supposedly, is love based not necessarily any sex....but sex usually is involved at some level. The attitude is that swinging is not a good thing that swinging is diametrically opposed to poly. We definitely do swing and I have 2 secondary relationships. One could be a primary if she could get over the hurt from a failed..abusive marriage of 18 years. We met thru swinging and will continue until I can't walk talk or motovate. My wife while not professing to be poly is in love with that lady as well as I am. We would invite her to join us as a primary relationship and have mentioned that to her... She is afraid to "lay my heart out and have it stomped on again". So while there are some similarities in swinging and poly in that more and more swingers are looking for relationships, i.e., "friends with benefits" ; "Friends in and out of the bedroom". These friendships are based on attraction and sex after the attraction. Poly people take the concept that poly is based on loving someone and if sex happens then OK, but that love is the key and sex is at best secondary. I don't have any problems with poly and swinging. We have met people while swinging and I have fallen in love or they have fallen in love with my wife or me. Swinging and poly are definitely compatable..at least for us.

Mon chalet - Swingers motel - We lived in Denver for many years. When you go back, check out the Scarlett Ranch. It's considered by most to be a much better club

Swingers clubs or parties - - well we can tell you of some in knoxville tenn if that helps you out

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