
Elroy Swingers in Wisconsin

Elroy Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Elroy, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Elroy looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Elroy, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Elroy, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Elroy, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Elroy Swingers right away!

Wow What a Party - Black Light party success - [quote=UTFUNPAIR]we had a nice time too but so many peeps and to many little groups so hard to mingle Kathy and Lyle[/quote] You get that everywhere ya go...hard to not have it happen...just got to be brave and wander from table to table..find someone you know and go from there...or come say hi to us anytime....but at least at 48 you know that everyone there on that side of the bar was there for the party...no guessing if they are swingers like at other venue's....I love that part about club 48...NO GUESSING!!...hehe....kisses

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - "I think, therefore I fuck!" I need some hatred, maybe I'll change our screen name to: "WhiteCockParty". Then, Kristy Lynn will hate me. ULUV, don't worry about it bro. They don't hate the "who" you are as much as the "what" you are. Not that it will add comfort. Most couples see single males as vultures looking to get laid at the expense of someone's husband. Some couples however, us included (rarely) invite a single male in the mix for some voyeuristic fantasy of watching your wife get the lights fucked out of her. I think the negative stigma though, is when you go to a party with your wife to meet a couple, and some rude, leechy guy, who can't see a signal if it hit him in the face, won't back off. Just because you are at a party as a swinger, doesn't mean you are walking in the door with a sign on your wife's vagina that says "Please, someone, anyone, stick your dick in here". We look for quality and fun. We are not out for purely sexual reasons. The fun, the connection, the right people, and the enigma of all the newness really create fabulous sex!! A single guy looking to cum on your wife's eyebrows, well, not always hot and romantic. Bottom line. Single guys have a place in the swing scene. But, if I could give you any advice. Post your profile..... and wait for an invite! If someone wants to fuck you, they will let you know. If they aren't contacting you, they aren't salivating for your cock. So, stand by, keep your dick ready, and wait for the green light. You won't be disappointed, and you will have more positive experiences.. We don't hate you, we just don't need you, until we're ready! Mr. X

We Need Our Members Opinions!! - Please read and reply.... - We were referred by some friends. We were never swingers before. We always talked about fantasies but, didn't know how to bring them into reallity. Our first experience was at a party we were invited to from this site. We love the things we have expetienced and the friends we have met (some of whom we have not played with but, have developed great friendships with.) I agree that things are a little slower. But, my only question is how do you become a featured member? It seems like every time you log on, it's the same couples. We would like to be featured members. What do we need to do to earn our place on the main page? This is a great site and we are gtreatful to you for offering such a great medium for networking with like minded people at such a great price.

Where on Earth are all the hot Virginia Swingers? - Show us what you have to offer VA!!! - Checking in with the "roll call"... Chesterfield County here...

Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - [quote=Stokedtopoke]Castle valley! Did you hit the whole enchilada? We love to ride down there...bikes and each other ;)[/quote] We rode whole enchilada starting at Kokopelli, Mag 7, and Klondike.

Swinging on the increase. - - I think they are everywhere!! LoL...especially down in the Draper, Sandy area...I threw a rock to see how many swingers houses I could hit in any direction and I averaged two out of every three houses were swingers...the odds went down the further south I went tho...lol..people just started getting mad at me and/or invited me to church.. Evildoers you guys probably don't have to look very far I'm sure...we always enjoy reading your funny posts, and some of your pics are hilarious! Love the mini Tabasco bottle...lol...the Mr was goin to do one with a chapstick but it was too close in size ;) ;) ;) ;) .... Back to the topic...we think swinging IS on the rise too. The link is a pretty good article, similar to others we've read. I hope more n more people join the club (as long as they're ready for it) ...its been a good thing for us and we have had some amazing experiences and met some great people.

UK Swingers sought - - Hiya!! We are a genuine lifestyles couple (please see our profile) that would like to make contact with other UK swingers through here but, so far, have had no luck.... Are there any out there want to chat and exchange info/experiences?? Please get in touch... XXX Dave and Andrea XXX www.frenzswingers.com [email protected] Picture is from our last couples party before Xmas

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Maybe the more appropriate question is "Why so much hate for single males in the swinger's world". One of the issues could be that they are seen as diners who bring nothing to the table. Yes, you might say there is something for the lady so all is good. However, the issue is "What do they bring to the table that the host wants?". If the husband is being left out, do you think he is going to be happy? Once or twice, maybe. If many times he will not be happy and she will not be either. Yes, some couples are looking for single males only because of some reason or other. Many are wanting it to be an all way experience. For us, the risk of the baggage outweighs the potential gains. Why? Because the few times we tried it, we had a bad time. So, what is our incentive to go ahead and try again and again? Well, you could say that there might be a bunch of good single guys just around the corner if we just tried again. Fair enough. However, since we both are not really interested in single men or single women, the gains would be slight, if any. For a couple that is not interested in a single male, what is their benefit? Probably little, if any. So, how would you go about enticing them? Probably going to be a hard sell. Little to gain and the potential for a problem. Add that to the fact that they see the single guy who is in abundance, brings nothing they care for and you have the nuisance factor. Now, with us, a couple could also be problems. However, we are more tempted to risk it because of the rewards it could bring. more importantly, the rewards it could bring THAT WE WANT. With the single male, the rewards would be something we don't really care for so the risk of a problem is a negative. I don't care for a BMW. I'm a Mercedes man. You might say that both are made in Germany and quality vehicles, etc, etc. However, I might be willing to pay $40K for a Mercedes while a BMW of the same value might be worth only $30K to me. Or if my dad had nothing but trouble with BMWs and when I was young, so did I, it might be worth $5K to me.

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - I have to agree. Unfortunately it is guys like that that make even just dating almost impossible for us "nice guys". It ruins it for men like me. Guys like that think they are such a gift. Far from it! Didn't your parents teach you clowns some Manners? On a lighter note, there are still some good classy people out there, not just for the "lifestyle", but in general socially. Keep the faith folks, you will find those good ones and want to keep them as long time friends and associates. Take care all and have a wonderful Independance Day!

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - [quote=SHEPASKI]It's already sold out that week right?[/quote] oh yeah been for a while.

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