
Alma Center Swingers in Wisconsin

Alma Center Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Alma Center, WI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Alma Center looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Alma Center, WI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Alma Center, Wisconsin Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Alma Center, Wisconsin so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Alma Center Swingers right away!

Lifestyle Vacations - - [b]Tampa - Swingers Resorts[/b] [b]Paradise Lakes Resort:[/b] The same atmosphere as the Hedo & Desire but a [b]WHOLE[/b] lot cheaper on the pocket book. [url=http://www.paradiselakes.com/newsletter_formatt-deb1.html]Click here for Website...[/url] [b]Caliente Resort:[/b] Same theme and basic atmosphere as others and a lot nicer (but more expensive) than Paradise Lakes. [url=http://www.calienteresorts.com/index.html]Click here for Website..[/url] Both are only a few miles apart, you could stay at one and visit the other one. Both places are "un-official" swingers resorts and have been here for many years.

Polyamory - three (or more)-way RELATIONSHIPS - [quote=HALFBAKED]Hi all.... I'm writing this because Mr. Halfbaked and I finally found someone to swing with, and it turned into more...for ALL of us. Well, me and Mr, and the female half of this couple (long story, relationship was on the brink WAY before we got involved, and they broke up shortly after a few encounters). Thing was, I had already become VERY good friends with the female, and they had been a "play alone and together" couple, so we'd had threesomes with just him and just her, so we knew we liked being with just her. And my guy liked her a lot outside the bedroom, too. Anyway, long story short, we were talking and the subject of polyamory came up (not that we knew that word at the time), because he and i had developed feelings for her, and she'd developed feelings for us. So now, we are a love-triangle in a GOOD way. I am in love with him AND with her, and he is in love with her AND with me, and she is in love with me AND him. We're all in love with each other. So we just kind of made up these rules for our relationship...we have all-together time, and each couple within the triangle also has equal time with just the two. It's been almost a year now, and it's still going strong...We all live apart due to life/economic concerns, but we're thinking about combining households as we plan for this to be a permanent thing. We even want to have a "commitment ceremony" with the three of us, after Mr. Halfbaked and I legally tie the knot (he and she share the same last name, so after he and I get married, we'd all have it). The thing is, we have not found very many places to meet other people like ourselves, though we know they exist...We figured that maybe someone on HERE had some knowledge, either first- or second-hand, that they'd be willing to share. We realize that we're taking a chance outing ourselves on here....from the few people in the lifestyle we have told (we finally found a local club), that OUR lifestyle isn't necessarily welcomed. We figured it was worth it to put ourselves out there, since there are *very* few couples on here even close to local, so we wouldn't really be losing out on much. That said, if you're cool with sharing here on the forum, great. If not, and we totally understand, you could PM us...We're really just looking for other people like us....especially if they are swingers, because we still want to swing, too. Mr. and Misses Halfbaked...or maybe that's 3/4 now, lol ;-)[/quote] We have a relationship like this. We have all been together for over 5 years. She was in and out depending on what was going on in her life. Which is fine by us too. She is also my best friend too. I met her a few months before we both met Josh. He is amazing he has to deal with us lol. We dont usually find couples like us. What we find is can I play with your girls in which we ask them to bring a friend. Cause she can find a guy in 2 second just like I can. Its not hard just shake it like a salt shaker lol Anyways we all just somehow get along well and rarely fight or argue. Being poly just means you are able to cope with many people in the same family. This is also the best types of familys. As everyone works together to get the job done. Now if Morgan ever mets someone she wants more with a build a life with then we are cheering her on and we will always love each other and loving someone new is how poly love is done(= We as a couple just seem to get each other and that helps everything else just click. Hope all goes well with you all in the future and hope you find other like you as well. We are like you and thats just one more person. (=

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - Sorry, some people are just ill-mannered. The good news is there's a possibility that he's just new to it and hasn't learned how to act properly yet. I've seen the behavior before lol we all know how all you men have to be trained <<<<ducking>>>>

We're Back!!! - Hi there! - [quote=Starlights]Makes me wonder how many viable, sincere hits you two get with such a specific search criteria. You don’t consider yourselves “swingers”, but you’re on a swinger site looking for an exclusive relationship… from my own personal experience and from what I’ve seen with others, this type of relationship with another couple burns short but bright. I always caution couples we know when they come across other couples that change their minds from a sexy fun friendship to trying to back them into a serious “exclusive” relationship… excluding all other friends they’ve made in this LS along the way. It can be a drama filled and painful road. I’m sure of the 6 couples you’ve dated over the years you can attest to that if you’re being 💯 honest to yourselves. This type of relationship should be (imo) found organically and mutually if that’s what it ends up being… Saying you want to be exclusive with a potential swinger couple from the start, while upfront and honest, can sound forced and rigid. Some of the stories of possessiveness between couples just sound absurd to us given the LS they’ve chosen. In any case, good luck with your search.[/quote] 👍 I get that. If I'm understanding Candyrocks criteria, I can empathize with them though. We feel similarly challenged in that we haven't much interest in couples whose focus is bouncing from couple to couple. At the same time, I realize that the relationship we hope to find is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Adding to that challenge is our location, and, more these days, the time. Our search might be narrow enough that we're dooming ourselves of any adult fun with others. But, if we settle for something that doesn't closely fit what we're hoping to find, it would seem we were not being true to ourselves, or the other couple.

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - [quote=KIDSATPLAY]Why would any industry sponsor shows about the positive side of Swinging? I doubt there is any big money in promoting the swing lifestyle any more than there is profit to singing the praises of plural marriage. The vice industry might even suffer financially should swinging really catch on. This is a lifestyle that must eat the crumbs that fall from the gay lesbian table to acquire any "me to" acceptance. It seems like social and financial suicide for the deep pockets.[/quote] Why would they? They probably wouldn't. I strongly suspect it will show only really fit, conventionally sexy, couples on some kind of a bedroom merry-go-round. Along with, if they find it, some couple or couples whose relationship gets screwed up by swinging. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they created a situation like that for the show if they didn't just find one. But a REAL reality show about swinging, showing people from 18 through their 60s or 70s, with the biggest single group in their 40s, with bodies ranging from incredibly skinny through obese? People who are, except for having rejected society's "you only have sex with your significant other" commandment, are absolutely and completely normal people? No, THAT show they'd never sponsor. I expect that this show, if it has any effect at all on society's view of swinging, will have a negative one, reinforcing the idea that swingers will jump into bed with anyone, and leading to even more people "signing up" in the expectation of getting laid whenever they feel like it.

So should this forum stay a part of Swingular?? - - I happen to like this Swingular forum, primarily for discussion other than the obvious topic of sex/swinging. Why? Because I enjoy discussing politics and other social issues. This forum provides the opportunity to do so with fellow swingers and, if I choose, use as much profanity as I

Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - That’s awesome!!

Is anyone interested in a "Lifestyle only" bike ride? - - We would love to go on that ride, there is a group in MD called SOB, swingers on bikes. Would enjoy combining the two things we enjoy.... we hope to find a few lifestylers on our trip to sturgis this year.

Handling aging and lifestyles - How do you handle getting older? - [quote=HYM4CYN]Something none of us can control at present is growing older. For most of us, getting older means physical and some mental changes. These changes have a tendency to make us less desirable especially to the younger crowds, yet the minds of the maturing swingers still feel the need for participation along with the attraction for others. So, the questions are: How do you handle getting older and finding yourself less attractive to others and less involved. And, what are your age boundaries, if any. The youngest you will participate with and the oldest you will friend and why. We have our own opinions, we will express later, but we would like to see what others think.[/quote] We have no age boundaries, when we were in our 20's we would play with people up to their 60's. Now that we are in our 40's, we play with couples in their 20's occasionally. We had played with couples younger than our youngest kid lol. Our secret? If a couple does not like us there may be a million reasons for us to worry about it. We had been turned down by older and way less attractive couples than us. We just move on to the next one, stay positive and don't overthink shit.

Professionals - - FL4FUN, I'm just stating the socio-political realities of OUR area. It's a bizarre place. My point is that nobody really cares what working class folks do around here. But 90% of folks do seem to care what you do in your spare time if you have some sort of prominence in the community professionally speaking. I don't make the rules. I just have to live by them. A lot of swingers are looking for people they actually share non-sexual interests with as well. I see nothing wrong with talking about hobbies, taste in recreational activities, etc. in a profile. It just puts more meat on the bones...helps you get a bit better idea of who a couple is. As club owners, we are keenly aware of the fact that there are a LOT of different types of folks coming at the lifestyle from a LOT of different angles and hoping to find a LOT of different things. And it's all OK so long as nobody is getting hurt. I just recalled one profile I saw from a couple out of New Port Richey, FL, I believe. They talk quite a bit about the fact that he is a professional fishing charter captain. I found their profile very interesting. It was pretty detailed, well constructed, and enticing. You see, we travel to that area about once/year on vacation and I love to fish. I figured he and I might have some things in common. Another couple talks about the fact that he is a sky-diving instructor and she is an avid sport shooter. My wife wants to jump out of an airplane BADLY and we love sport shooting. So we have set up a meeting with them as well. The more detailed a profile is, the more we appreciate them.

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