
Winifrede Swingers in West_virginia

Winifrede Swingers

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What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - We just moved from Utah to Florida, hopefully we will meet and make some new friends here! We sure made alot of good friends there and do really miss all of you, I dont know if I will be able to convince the other half to go back for visits or not . Any way Utah does have alot of fun,nasty, exciting couples. We hope to find that fun here as well . D and J

Swingers gone bad?? - - Still agree what was done is a wrong but I was just thinking of an old movie, "The Summer of '42" and can't remember any public outcry about a movie showing some young boy being mentally scared by an older lady. (Great movie BTW - nominated for over a dozen awards and winning two. It also allowed for a great standing joke as a teen saying "I'm bringing the marshmallows - what are you bringing? See the movie for the answer - good training for swingers) Maybe I'm wrong but I wonder who needed the drinks to do this more - the teens or the adults. I'm too long from 16 to know for sure but can't say with any level of certainty if I would have turned down a older women wanting to teach me. Guys - would you have run from an offer like this as a teenager? Still wrong and I know for sure I have a major double standard because I wouldn't feel the same if this was a 15 year old girl. Could be because I'm a guy and have daughters. I find it hard to understand the "why" of doing it with the risk. I also doubt any young teen would have that much to offer (I do remember a bit from those days and can say for sure my best performance did not occur in the back seat of my parents car!) Max

Friend collectors or swingers - - Perhaps this has already been mentioned but many friendship request are so people can perv your pics...hoping for something more. The locked pics require granting a friend request. This probably is why people get so many blind friend request. The best part is when you get a blind friend request from someone with no pics...hmmmm I wonder what they are thinking. We ignore most blind friend request, we block single male (no offense, we are not interested) and we always write before a friend request.

Is it a “preference” or is it “ discrimination” - - Discrimination can be against non-physical attributes as well (Political and religious are the two most obvious nowadays.) But I would call almost everything else a preference, at least as far as swinging is concerned. One of the biggest hurdles we found when we first entered the lifestyle was people who were upset that, for whatever reason, we didn't want to fuck them. Their mindset was, "We're swingers and you're swingers so what's the problem? Let's fuck!" We did, eventually, come to the realization that in some instances our first impression, based on looks or whatever, could be overcome, in time, by getting to know people better and eventually finding a different kind of attractiveness that trumped simple physical attraction. YMMV

Mixed Lifestyle Parties - - [quote=Cpl4Fwb][quote=WEWNT2PLAY]Although for those that would be concerned about being outed in the LS, what is the overall concern? I mean if I'm considering this type of party it's not like the bishop or pastor is going to be there, and the likelihood of being seen elsewhere would be slim to none. None the less they are valid concerns and now I have to decide what to do.[/quote] We are only speaking for ourselves here ... Discretion - we would prefer to choose to whom we reveal our lifestyle actives with. Even on lifestyle sites and other social media sites, we enjoy a level of anonymity. We control what and to whom we reveal more identifying information (face pictures, names, contact info, etc). Yes, there is a risk in going to lifestyle events and parties. However, most people in the lifestyle believe in mutual assured destruction. If someone tells their vanilla friends, "Hey, I saw Dave & Danna at a swinger party.", their vanilla friends would probably ask, "What were you doing at a swinger party?" In our time in the lifestyle, we have run into three co-workers, two high school classmates, the mother of a child on our child's athletic team, and a woman who we shared a daily commute with on public transportation. So yes, there is a good chance people may run into others from their vanilla lives in the lifefstyle at some time or another.[/quote] We agree with most of these comments. Vanilla people have absolutely no reason to keep LS peoples secrets, and I think they’re more likely to gossip about something relatively foreign to them (like a LS party they attended). I’ve had two vanilla coworkers in my office talk about going to The NYer to people watch swingers, and that just made me cringe. I would not trust a vanilla person to keep our secret, and even less if we saw them at a “mixed” type of party where any conclusions could be made. We would rather keep our vanilla friends and our LS friends completely separate for privacy’s sake. No matter how hard vanillas try, most of them cannot wrap their heads around our LS, and just avoiding vanillas while pursuing our LS hobbies is our safest bet. Being fully open to the world about being a swinger is absolutely not something we want in a couples friendship either. We would avoid that as much as we would avoid any chance of vanillas finding out about us. Guilt by association could be just as harmful to our personal and professional lives. As was said above though… your party, your friends. Just make sure all your LS friends are aware of what you’re doing. Some may not care, some could absolutely care if vanillas were there.

Game for Swingers - Has anyone heard of a new game for lifestyle couples called Titillation? - www.greatsexgames.com Jungle Gym

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - scorpoi here add another for me

INCEST - Is it sooooooo wrong? - First of all I\'m not going to be the one running and hiding if I run into someone in my family.. I\'m not a native NCarolinian either... This is one of the Hot beds of swinging right now with some 15 clubs in the state and more opening all the time. As for incest.. that\'s been one of the bible belt\'s most prolific sports. Drunks, drugs and incest... None of which is condoned in the right winged religious groups.. These are groups where it is bad to drink dance lay with your brother if you\'re a man but as you look at the reality.... Ministers getting their perrisheners pregnant, having sex with their yungins, drinking till you cain\'t stand up and or usin drugs to keep the smell of the hogs outchur nose. We\'ve got ABC here ... Alcohol Beverage Control in NC.. Which controls what you can buy how much you pay but doesn\'t address drunks buying liquor. Incest is the least of anyones worries here... Beard, I know of sisters and brothers in the lifestyle... they don\'t play with each other but belong to the same club. Sisters who play with each others husbands...Not sure how close that is and if\'n ya evha waches the Jayree Springa show yo\'ll see plenty of that stuff, incest, girl doing brother and sister doing sister and mother doing daughter etc.. and they aren\'t even swingers.... So have fun with the concept not with the deed... It\'s not going to change and nothing we or anyone can do about it... So I just have to laugh and keep my eyes open and check ID\'s. Life\'s too short to worry too much about any single thing.. If you were given a month to live what would you worry about for that month??? I would hope nothing and be too busy just living.

Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - yes, we might also be interested next season please add us to the contact list xoxo kk

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=EDANY0178]DVP? [/quote] I'll take either opening that I'm allowed in. [img]http://www.swingular.com/photos/h/HARD_STONE%7B19832287654f28ccd1ec598%7D.jpg[/img]

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