
Wilsondale Swingers in West_virginia

Wilsondale Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Wilsondale, WV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Wilsondale looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Wilsondale, WV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Wilsondale, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Wilsondale, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Wilsondale Swingers right away!

Any swingers advise for Spain? - Swing clubs in Madrid - Advice? Yes. Stay away from anyone using those castanet things when your naughty bits are hanging out. Looks like a painful accident just waiting to happen. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - hmm. being that he is 32 and i am 23, we find ourselves looking at a pretty broad age range. but honestly, and sorry to say (dont want to be a bitch and all :) ), I usually prefer OLDER people. now, you must keep in mind, that most people are older than me :) but for the most part i usually prefer to surround myself with people at least in their thirties. that being said, it is not the actual age, but mental age, that is the true factor........

We thought this was educational and should explain a lot about s - keep an open mind. Swingers are spiders. Each to their own unique ways! - he he he he funny stuff :D

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - it is an amazing feeling [quote=KITTYCAT27]DP is my fantasy and the reason why I signed up for a swing site.[/quote]

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - Always a great time!

Are there any real players on this site? - - [quote=Willplay]I guess I don't mean "players" so much as "people who like to play". I am always courteous, polite and I think friendly, but wondered why so many people join these sites if they're really not interested in interacting with others with similar interests. Perhaps it's just a bunch of men posting pics of their wives or girlfriends in the hope of others doing the same. Anyway for those of you who are real, a friendly response to a "hello" or "friend request" even if it is "no thank-you" is much appreciated. AT least we'd know there are real people out there! [/quote] There are plenty of people here who like to play. WHO, exactly, they like to play with is the overriding question. As some have pointed out, geography is somewhat against you here as well as the fact that you're a single male and, for some, don't bring as much to the table (i.e. a partner). But there are plenty of people who play with single males. It's just that with single males it's DEF a buyers market and those who play with them can be, and often are, very choosey. Simple supply and demand. And I know it's hard for some guys (not saying you're in this category) to not think that all swingers are DTF anyone, any time, anywhere. Market yourself wisely. Find your target audience (Read profiles METICULOUSLY to make sure you know someone is looking for someone like you.) and, most of all, be patient and you will eventually find people to play with.

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

BDSM and Swingers? - Where does BDSM fit in the swingers' world... your thoughts and experiences? - Our experience (almost 30 years in the lifestyle) is that the kink community and the swinging community don't mesh all that well. Sure there are some swingers who are into BDSM but by far most people who practice BDSM aren't swingers and more than a few actually look down on swingers (funny, if you think about it) for having consensual sex with multiple partners (with or without whips and chains). We've dabbled in very light BDSM a time or two and found that it DEFINITELY isn't our thing and other than maybe a little spank on the ass during doggy style sex it isn't the thing for about 99.9% of the swingers we've met. But look around a bit and you'll find a few swingers who like to play act BDSM on occasion and perhaps even a few who actually practice it as a lifestyle along with their swinging.

How is it to be in the lifestyle and have small kids. - We are new to the lifestyle. - we have been tog for 13 years , and we have always been in the life style . and our kids are aware of us being in the life style . we dont invite anyone to our house that we dont know well . and only the ones that are family ok . i would not let anyone come to my house or be around my kids that i didnt feel safe about having them around . and i dont care where i met them at .or who i knew them through . i have been a stay at home mom for almost 12 years . so i know it is hard to have your own time . but mykids will only be little once . so i enjoy it to the fullest and then when we have time we go out . and we only let family watch them so we have to go around their free time . which can be very hard trying to make plans with people . sometimes poeple take it the wrong way thinking we dont want to meet them . but we try to explain how things are from the get go so we dont hurt anyones feelings . once we have gotten to know the people then we will hang out at the house or at their house or meet and do family things tog . out and about . that makes it alot easier . meeting places in bewteen play times . is a lot of fun . and a huge tease . we dont play when are kids around . and they dont know the details about our play time with our friends . or any of that stuff . but they do know that we live a open life style . when they have questions we answer them honestly and openly but in general talking . nothing about someone or the what when and how stuff . but just in general talking . we dont share any more then we would as if we were talking about our reg husband and wife relationship ... but someone said that they dont mix playmates with family time cause of something that happen . well to me that can happen to anyone with anyone . we are very busy during the week and we dont like to always have to find a sitter to hang out with our friends . and we like to hang out with alot of people . so we try to fit people in when we do things and when we have time . i prefer to hang out with swingers or people that are in the life style or that have a open mind about what we choose to do . iam a swinger 24 7 not just at the clubs on the weekends . i dont have time for people that arent ok with who i really am . everybody that knows us , knows about us . we are very open and honest . i dont want them to waste my time or theirs and i cant pretend to be normal to hang out with people that cant handle it . anyways . i would never lie to someone . . about something that might upset them. my kids mean the world to me and we do alot with them . so we try to find friends that want to hang out and do fun things like that . so we can all hang out . and we save playing for when we can get a sitter and go out to a club or house party .i would like to find someone that we can trust to watch them so we can get out more once in awhile . i find it also helpful to keep in touch with people on the computer . u can always chat with friends here and there to help make new ones or get to know others one . u can learn alot about someone chatting . and it also gives u someone to talk to since u cant get out much .. i believe kids should be first . and we choose to do alot with them . but it is also best for everybody if mommy and daddy are happy as well . so u need to figure out ways to make time for yall and your friends . just cause we are swingers doesnt mean we cant have cook outs and stuff like that . that way everybody is still tog andhangingout but no need to try to find a sitter .in a few years the kids will have lifes of thier own and i want it to be where everybody still hangs out but it will allow us a bit more time to us .i want my kids to be hanging out with their friends always here at the house or at a house of an adult that i trust . so we try to make friends with people that want the same things . we mix our time with family time with the kids so we can always watch them .but we know everybody doesnt click with family time or with everybody else or all the time . people will always disagree and there is always going to be friendships that end . for alot of differnt reasons . we try to not worry about those we just find other friends to hang out with . we want to enjoy life with our kids and good friends . and have ablast tog. naughty dreams freaky kitty

Any Sci-Fi lovers here? - What\'s to describe? Either you like a good sci fi TV series or movie or you don\'t. - Okay, We are going to add our names to the Geek Squad fo Sci Fi Lovin Swingers here on Swingular! (applause please) I (mR.) am a huge Star Trek fan, and NO, there will not be any debate as to the quality of the Captains of the Enterprise! Every Trek fan worth his salt KNOWS that JAMES KIRK is the space pimp who started it all! I mean come on!?!? A green chick, a blue chick, a BLACK chick (that was a network television first!) and every other kind of chick there was. If it was a space chick, he's fucked it people. You cant but that kind of love anywhere! Now I love Picard, Janeway, Riker (of Titan fame now if you are a reader), Sisko, and yes, even Captain Archer, for whom the federation adopted many new rules because he screwed so many things up, is cool with me. I was a huge DS9 fan also, well..the last 3 years anyway when Worf came aboard. I am also a huge Star Wars fan. In fact, I am the OFFICIAL star wars fan. If there is printed material on Star Wars, I own it. For those of you who read, the NJO (new jedi order) was fantastic! And everything before it as well. Just finished the three book Dark Nest trilogy and man am I impatient for more! We both loved X-Files. Nuff said right? There were times that I wanted to bitch slap Scully for being a doubting thomas though. Even after the movie she would say, "I dont believe it." Stupid bitch. LoL. We love SURFACE, STAR GATE SG-1, Atlantis, and my absolute fav right now has got to be GALACTICA!!! Talk about a completely perfect remake of a cult classic with a few twists on the characters! Good television. Since I am gone from home so much, I dont get to watch a lot of cable, but you can bet that when I do make a date with the TIVO I am GLUED to these shows, and nothing, short of my wifes sexy ass smile and devilish little "come and get it" grin, can make me press pause! Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

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