
Victor Swingers in West_virginia

Victor Swingers

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Victor, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Victor, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Victor Swingers right away!

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - We're going to be there for a few days, overlapping the with the group from the previous week. We love HEDO!!!

Damn Utah couples! :) - - SWINGING8869, I agree some mormon peeps are cool. I just don't like the Church's agenda. In order for it to be carried out, it requires people. So, there are plenty of shithead zealots out there. LOL! On the swing side of the house, It doesn't even apply, because you can't be both a swinger and a active member of the church. I was only referring to those that are actual members of the church and actively seek to make all people comply with their dogma through unconstitutional legislation. Like the people that water down beer, disallow gambling penetration porn and stem cell research etc. I wasn't referring to any the swingers here. :-) Kinbaku, I am sure there were some horny bastards before the Greeks LOL. -D-

Valentines Spice Party Entertainment Vote - Place your vote for your choice of live entertainment for the Spice Party - Hell go for the gusto. Hire the live band. You can have the hip hop playing loud and long in between sets. Let's dance nasty to some rock and blues with the HH?? After all, variety is the spice of life right? Swingers should know this.

Looking for an attorney in the lifestyle - Question - I don't honestly think you would need an attorney. Most swingers clubs opperate as just a house that holds parties. Unless you are serving alcohol you shouldn't need license of any kind. at the door, you have donations, not entry fees. The only place i know that did have an operating license was in San Diego, THAD's. The owner had to file suite against the city and county to get the councilman and law enforcement to stop harrasing him. The city finaly gave him a license as a "Sexual Encounters Club" but not allowed to serve alcohol. Anyone that brought alcohol had to put it in a fridge and could take out their own alcohol anytime they wanted, but the helpers couldn't serve the alcohol.

Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - Just wear a T-Shirt that says WANNA FUCK ME..? That would work. It

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - The wristband would be very cool for big parties and swing clubs. Diane has a necklace with an apple that has a bite out of it from [url=http://www.nasca.com/]NASCA[/url] (was "North American Swing Clubs Association" but now just "NASCA" because they're international ). For those that know it the symbol says it all and for those that don't know it could be just some Mac fan or teacher thing. She did get called out on it once in a very strange way. She was at at GYN appointment with a specialist and he asked what the "Apple" was. She said it was her NASCA Apple and he came back with he had heard about it and "always wanted to try swing dancing . . . but somehow didn't think it was about that type of dance" with a smile on his face. She said if it was not for the position she was in she might have had a good come back but it was all to strange at the time. Both him and the nurse seemed very comfortable with the topic . . . we had heard there was a GYN doctor in the area that was active in the lifestyle so it could have been him. The real trick of having something that both shows your lifestyle and at the same time being innocent is being ready to go one way or the other when asked. Our family sees our boat's name (Swingtide) as just a nautical thing about the change in tides and how it matched a change in our life too. Those that know us online and we cross paths on the water spot us without a problem for something more than the change in sea level. It is too bad that we, as the gay community put it, can't come out of the closet. We have no international "rainbow flag" that we can fly and no "Swinger's Day" at Disney World. Lots of places and people come out with something to sell to identify but hide our lifestyle. The problem with that is it's always changing so there is no way to know. In most towns asking about a Swing Club would be hard because there are not that many and lots swingers don't go the club route. We remain a hidden community connected in groups here and there be it online places like this or clubs or just local groups of friends - we miss out on a lot of new friends because we have no clue who is who most of the time. They need to add a wrist band for couples willing to play with single guys (or not willing). I guess it could get a bit complex - Bi female of full swap/same room/couple sometimes willing to play with single female or a single guy . . . how many wrist bands would that be? New sales pitch at a swingers club "Programs! Programs! Get your programs here! You can't tell the swingers without the program!"

Meet swingers in Tooele - Where do the swingers hang out in Tooele? - We Live in Tooele and so far nothing for swingers that I have heard of?

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=CPL4SOFT]Because every time the female half gets on all she gets is here's a pic of my cock, want to fuck? [/quote] At the risk of further pizzing off a few of the single dudes around here... That's because a fair number of guys assume that since you're swingers (i.e. you "allow" your partner to fuck other men) you must by default be a cuckold. It's bullshit and it unfairly affects the single guys who DON'T assume that married male swingers are all cucks (or won't openly admit it-lol). To be fair, we've run into more than a few married guys who feel this way too. They're easy to pick out because they say up front their lady doesn't fuck other guys or they try to bait and switch you after you meet. Exactly... Bty EvilDoers, you guys are awesome! We laughed so hard reading your profile! Xoxo!

YAHOO SCREEN NAMES - ADD UR SCREEN NAME TO BE CONTACTED - rlf1234us is our swingers email.

Hosting a swingers Party - - Why not preceed the lifestyle party with a lingerie party or a toy party. Adam & Eve have an operation with local reps who go out and have house parties. Also several lingerie companies have similar set up where they come out with lingerie. Make sure the rep knows it's a lifestyle event and that if they are in the lifestyle they can bring their SO for after the presentation. Most people now accept parties in the neighborhood like Pampered Chef or Tupperware or lingerie parties...and if a close neighborhood friend finds out and wants to be included all you have to say is that it's a club thing and you are not the hostess... But a party like that is also an ice breaker.. have coffee and softdrinks some cake and or cookies and depending on the group hot wings(which could make for an interesting night....for some lucky souls..We try to keep alcohol to a bare min for several reasons.... People have to drive home... The presentation starts during the afternoon so the swinging starts early... Alcohol also dulls the sex drive... and alcohol can be a reason for the local constabulary to break into the event. If no alcohol is present and noone goes outside then there is very little that the law can do... A way to get a party started and a fun evening for all. make sure that condoms are available... Next time one of the other couples can hold the party.. One couple had a party like this in a 14' X 65 foot single wide with plenty of room for 8 couples... Notmal house should be absolutely great. Ray

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