
Seneca Rocks Swingers in West_virginia

Seneca Rocks Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Seneca Rocks, WV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Seneca Rocks looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Seneca Rocks, WV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Seneca Rocks, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Seneca Rocks, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Seneca Rocks Swingers right away!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Love the pic..

"Black Ring" or other Lifestyle insignia? - - [code] Q: Do I have to wear my black ring all the time? A: No. Only when you want other swingers to recognize you. [/code] I wouldn't wear this 24/7, only in settings where I wasn't at an obvious lifestyle hangout, but am open to being approached by people (thinking regular bars/clubs, not company parties, etc.)

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - think i will get my walker and hobble down to the drug store and get my viagra filled and get momma some fixodent,come to think of it,to hell with the fixodent. yall yungun`s have fun,when you reach the end of your age bracket then what are you going to do

Key West - Lifestyle Friendly Places in Key West - [quote=TONYIRINA]The best thing to do is hook up with some local nudist/swingers that have a boat and talk them into taking you out to the sandbar so you can get naked and drink till your completely pickled!! :)[/quote] So, Ginger and I are planning on going down to Key West either this October or next... Do you guys have a boat?

Who’s had luck with single guys? - - [quote=Athleticeuropean]No worries, I will not participate in such forums anymore. Not use to be judged by people who has never met. Have a great weekend.[/quote] It’s Utah get used to it! Don’t worry about some of them, they can’t even show up to their own meet ups. But seriously put some pictures and info on your profile. This is a swingers site. If you want to join them you have to establish trust before they are going to take time to meet let alone fuck you. Most cheater singles are the ones with no pictures. We have met some great singles men on here. One or two will be long time friends.

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - I found this thread timely, as I just had my first "scare" with being found out by my snooping sister. Instead of typing in Myspace.com she decided to go to the history of our computer and came across Swingular. Curiousity won and she went there, where the opening page shouts "Swingers". She promptly came into the family room where the rest of the family was engaged in prebirthday celebrating and said "anything new?" staring right at me. I of course had NO clue what she meant, to which she proceeded to ask if we were swingers. The only thing that made everyone else in the room tune out is that she started ranting about how 'ever since she's moved she's out of the loop and all hell's broken loose... I sell sex toys, my brother drinks, my sister's stopped going to church (can I call her a self righteous bitch?) Probably good to note here that we all grew up Mormon and now four of the five kids have shaken off the brainwashing in adulthood... thankfully we all just ignored her and I made up some line about my girlfriend having me look up some guy she was dating and dropped it. I spent the rest of the day with my insides in a knot wondering just how much she saw... the saved usernames, did she enter the site and look around? Needless to say that night we removed our public photos and I was in a panic. By morning my panic had turned to rage. Why did I feel the need to run and hide, why should I need to defend myself?! My hubby and I have been married for going on 16 years, 7 of which have been spent in the lifestyle. We are the happiest we've ever been. Our vanilla friends, who have no clue that we practice sex as a team sport, all ask us what our secret to such a happy marriage is. They can see that we have something special. Needless to say, I put the pics back up on the profile the next day. Let 'em look for us. I love my life, I love the sex that is a big part of it, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm still not standing up at family parties to announce my choices, but I wouldn't stand up and talk about my marital bed anyway. What I do naked is my business and my husbands, that's what counts. I'm proud to be in such a committed and honest relationship. They should all try it! Maybe they'd use less prozac and smile more often! Tricia btw, I feel grateful that I have 2 friends outside of the lifestyle that know what we do. They are valuable to me and prove that they are true friends leaving the rest as just 'people we know' Besides, having a wingman now and then is helpful! Thanks for sharing in my babble...

Ldscouple74 - Are there any active LDS couples here - [quote=EVILDOERS]No more so than Catholic swingers, or Baptist swingers, or Jehovah's Witness swingers or Muslim swingers (I could go on.). All of which we've met over the years. You can certainly question how someone might rationalize fucking other people recreationally with belief in any given religion, most of which I'm certain wouldn't condone swinging. But it's not really all that different from how most people in the vanilla world view sexual fidelity even when religion isn't in play.[/quote] Agreed ... just as the definition of HYPOCRITE as posted above is non-denominational.... just sayin

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Age is not a factor for us but in our experiences it seems people tend to migrate with the same age group, mostly because of commonalities like music, movies and events of the times.

feedback - - I'm with RIPIN22 on this one. We came to this website to meet people who are as open minded as we are. We live by the phrase "To each his own" Not always do we agree to someones opinion or preferrence but we respect their freewill to have that opinion or preferrence. We are not "hard" swingers and can be at times particular who we'll jump into bed with, but at least we reserve the right to tell someone that they are just not for us. Isn't that what this lifestyle is all about in the first place. I realize not alot of couples are into single guys, but should they be punished for that? We have brought our longtime 'friend' to the meet and greets and have been thanked for introducing him and for the insight that he has brought to the group as a single guy. In return he was met by the "Jealous husbands club" and has since backed off from the sight because of poor feed back from the people who have yet to meet him. It's amazing what you can miss out on if your mouth opens before your eyes do. I thought that NO judgements is what this was all about. I know that is what we were looking for when we signed up :::sigh:: I guess it's the same all over ... and here I thought it was just a Utah thing lol Rubs and kisses Mare

Friend collectors or swingers - - [quote=KRFunCouple]A lot of people have hidden faces or no photo. We do accept or ask for friend requests from people that we think are interesting. We don’t always ‘unfriend’ if we lose contact or there isn’t mutual interest. I guess we never though about the need to? But I understand. We are super picky, and really in no rush.[/quote] We are also super picky and refuse to jump into an immediate sexually relationship with someone we haven’t truly meet. That may be some of the cause of this issue as well.

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