
Lost Creek Swingers in West_virginia

Lost Creek Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lost Creek, WV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lost Creek looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lost Creek, WV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lost Creek, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lost Creek, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lost Creek Swingers right away!

Finding a balance - Swinging and Religion - - This has always been a tough controversy. Religion, swinging. I am agnostic and my GF was LDS. Her family is hardcore LDS still and pushed the faith on their daughter (my GF) and her kids even. They preach that they want their whole family in the religion cuz they need to know "right from wrong". I asked the kids (8 & 6 yrs old) what they learn in church.. seems to me all they learn about is how great their "savior" is, how he loves us, and we can look to him, and family is a "unit".. they dont seem to learn anythign about right and wrong. Yet.. her parents try to preach to me that their religion teaches them right from wrong and that their "right & wrong" is the correct one. They are also very controlling, judgemental, pushy, 2-faced, and negative in every aspect... OMG! is this what u learn in church and how family is supposed to be?? They found out we swing, and told me its adultry and we're cheating and its immoral.. OK, umm.. we;re not married and what we do is 100% consentual... funny, but seems like the more LDS we meet, the more seem to be JACK mormons. so why are LDS swinging or why are swingers in religions that condem it? is it just for the prestige and status of being in the church and to shut the family up?? Ok, #1, I hate ppl who follow a faith and feel theirs is the correct one so much that they push it on everyone and judge other beliefs as the wrong ones rather then understanding tolerance and the fact that there is no such thing as right or wrong... only opinion and difference... what works for you may not work for me. #2, I hate hypocrates. ppl who preach about how much they follow their religion, go to church and lie in front of everyone there about how much they follow the rules and how the church has saved them.. Then, behind closed doors, they go against everything they believe in. Then they preach about how much they follow their churches rules and its "right & wrong" is the ultimate. Those ppl are called liars and 2-facers.. #3, Kids should be taught "Right & Wrong" from their parents, not a group of ppl that i described in examples #1 & #2. WTF do they know?? Kids should also be introduced to church by their own choice and when they are old enuf to understand it. [b]In my opinion, If you wanna swing, then it doesnt seem like u really believe in ur church's beliefs... why are u in it? If u believe ur church's teachings above all.. then why are you swinging?[/b] [b]I have nuthing against either, but I think its best to pick a side. Thats why I dont follow any religion.. I dont believe in any of them... too many hypocrates, liars, 2-facers, judgemental, stuck-ups... people who are willing to bend and cheat their own rules, morals and beliefs behind closed doors and especially when its to their benefit...[/b]

Anyone have advice for event planning? - - Look up Lifestyle Lounge. It's the top Swingers site in CA, especially SoCal. Mr. Sexperimentors

Mormons - -


Before you do what a lot of individuals do on this site and make presumptuous comments, get to know the history of the website a little. The site was called something else when it started in FL. Rob, the founder of "Swingular" seperated from the co-founder of the original site. He moved to Utah and began marketing it here. That is why it is more prevelant in the two states. Polygamy in the local history has nothing to do with the amount of swingers on this site. It has everything to do with localized marketing efforts. The only people involved in polygamy in Utah are now mainly extreme minority offshoots of the LDS religion, like the FLDS or "Fundementalist Latter Day Saints" Church. They are shunned by the mainstream LDS church. They are the very reason many people today, still attach the word "polygamy" with mormons. I too, once presumed such things about them. After living amongst the mainstream members, I was quickly educated. I wasn't slamming you, it's just that we have a lot of individuals here that would rather presume or assume than take the time to research. It's kinda like people thinking most Texans are ignorant racist rednecks. While there will always be those that are true to the stereotype, it hardly means we should make such presumptions about the majority, when visiting. Hell they still hold KKK rallies in the south. There are lots of pitchforks and torches on swingular LOL!

Black rings. Does anybody even wear them? - - [quote=Gunthercouple]Is the black ring well known in LS groups, we are new to LS and have not heard or noticed.[/quote] Not as frequently as you might think. You probably see it on swingers that have been active for awhile. You see a couple with black rings on the right hand and they probably have some good stories to tell.

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Are there any other options to be able to access these clubs for people without a Facebook account?

Karaoke lovers we want you!!!! - Hey its time to get this fun going. who else is a karaoke lover? - [quote=WDD]There are tons of places that host practically every night! [/quote] That is true but to have a group of swingers would be nice to aNY BAR ATMOSPHERE

feedback - - I'm with RIPIN22 on this one. We came to this website to meet people who are as open minded as we are. We live by the phrase "To each his own" Not always do we agree to someones opinion or preferrence but we respect their freewill to have that opinion or preferrence. We are not "hard" swingers and can be at times particular who we'll jump into bed with, but at least we reserve the right to tell someone that they are just not for us. Isn't that what this lifestyle is all about in the first place. I realize not alot of couples are into single guys, but should they be punished for that? We have brought our longtime 'friend' to the meet and greets and have been thanked for introducing him and for the insight that he has brought to the group as a single guy. In return he was met by the "Jealous husbands club" and has since backed off from the sight because of poor feed back from the people who have yet to meet him. It's amazing what you can miss out on if your mouth opens before your eyes do. I thought that NO judgements is what this was all about. I know that is what we were looking for when we signed up :::sigh:: I guess it's the same all over ... and here I thought it was just a Utah thing lol Rubs and kisses Mare

Small Town - Speak Out - We live in a small town in Texas. We have (according to the profiles on several swing sites) about 35 swinging couples within 20 miles of us. We are business owners in our town and have somewhat clear face shots on our profile. None of the other couples have pics at all. Since putting our face pics up our business has had an increase in the past 2 years . Our biggest problem is we send emails to those couple that are nearby and never get a response. Heck our next door neighbor has parties about once a month and we are sure they are swingers but we are never invited. We understand about people losing their jobs in some cases, but heck WE live in the middle of the \"BIBLE BELT in Texas.\" We have a commissioner that lives about 2 miles away that is trying to shut down the G-RATED strip clubs in our county. (Stripping down to panties and pasties) and he fights stores that have EASYRIDER magazine on their shelves. The most hilarious thing is he is one of our customers and comes to our annual customer BBQ\'s........lmao

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - [quote=charlykirk]The backside of our RV[/quote]Does this mean you lean towards swinging 😀?

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We are also interested been looking for couples that might take us under their wing. Show us the ropes so to say

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