
Greenville Swingers in West_virginia

Greenville Swingers

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Greenville, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Greenville, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Greenville Swingers right away!

Finding a balance - Swinging and Religion - - [quote=ABCMAN]http://www.libchrist.com/swing/happysafestudies.html someone asked about Christian swinging groups...we'll here ya go. I think the animosity in Utah about religion comes from one direct source in most cases (LDS Church).. but of course some of the Christian (fundamentalist...bible beating) crazies can drive one crazy as well. The reality is that I have not seen a man made religion yet that isn't focused on control of it's flock. My question is how much did Christ push the idea of a church and how much of it was his disciples and Paul later on in the bible. Cliffnotes, I actually think you make a good point...context is so important in reading ancient documents, and the bible would classify as one. To use 21st century definitions or perceptions is useless in understanding 60 AD Jerusalem. I do think that you make a good point regarding David and Solomon, but of course the counter to that is that the Lord gave them their wives and concubines (,,,,Joseph Smith and the Mormons think this way...) Personally I don't see why a GOD would only give a King many wives and not the common bloke out in the wheat field, and frankly I wouldn't put much stock in some Old Testament tale or atleast the justification for them having many wives. I'm sure God really didn't give them anymore then anyone else. As for swinging, my personal feeling is that if your intent is not to harm, be in physical, be it emotional, then go for it. But that can cover a wide range of possible situations. I think there are ethical issues that always need to be addressed if your going to last long in the lifestyle. #1 Don't break rules you and your significant other set up between one another, and always communicate. #2 If it isn't a gift to one another, then maybe you need to reevaluate why your doing it. #3 If your looking at it as an escape, then you maybe doing harm to your partner or another persons marriage. #4 If your single and looking for a long term mate, then don't covet some other persons spouse, no matter what they may say or do. If he/she is falling for you, then do the ethically thing and break it off. It just causes harm to everyone involved in those situations, and don't think for a minute that you won't suffer long term ramifications from that type of situation. I'd let the couple work it out or they leave on another before I'd get involved again with that person. #5 Safe Sex, not only for you but your partner and others as well. (Golden Rule) if these sound patronizing then I apologize, but personally this is the approach I've taken, and my wife as well. So far it's worked out well. [/quote] Good post! By Groups I am talking about the groups that will soon be available on this site. In another site there was a group called Christian Swingers, it was very interesting and educational. I seem to remember a LDS swingers group also. But that is a good website you posted.

The let down. - - Well POET_RAYL maybe the reason you have problems is most of your pics are from 2001! And you had one from 2006. You have been on here since 2005 and in 6 years no comments. Makes you think huh? And on your profile you demand couple have a pic on thier public profile. Ever thought maybe some people didn't want to post thier face pics for the world to see? We have jobs and don't want just lookers seeing our pics. If your swingers like us that's one thing I can't speak for everyone but we just didn't want anyone to see our faces on a swingers site. Anyone thats been on this site for more then 2 years without a comment gives us a red flag. As for answering the question why do so many couples flake? It's because with most couples it's just the man posting and his wife has no clue he is posting her pics.

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - dayummmm

Politics / Religion and the LS - - [quote=EVILDOERS]When you think about it, with all the major, minor, overt or unspoken, and even subconscious qualifiers and disqualifiers that people in the lifestyle use to determine who is 'fuck-worthy', it's amazing that ANYONE is having any kind of naughty swinger sex! HaHa We've often said (And yes, we've been guilty of this as well.) that many swingers often spend more time looking for reasons NOT to fuck rather than looking FOR reasons to fuck. That seems kinda like the antithesis of swinging when you really think about it. Judging by the tone and rhetoric (And, again, I have been just as guilty.) of recent threads, those in positions of power and influence who would seek to divide us for their personal gain have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. [em]Emo_79[/em] [/quote]So agree on this! We personally don’t discuss politics or religion (yes it’s in our username so you know our background) but avoid the topics. Let’s be honest it’s not sexy and fun to discuss. We have found out don’t judge the book by the cover (pictures) many a times! Where do people get those filters 😂?

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - You don't need 2 guys - just 2 girls and a quality strap-on. ;) And yeah - it's pretty fun.

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote]Hey, bucko. Polaroid cameras didn't grow on trees ya know. And our P.O. box was like 10 bucks a month! Then there was the HUGE cost of depilatory creams, gaudy gold jewelry and Nehru jackets. [/quote] Well, that was the ONLY advantage to being a single male in the lifestyle back then. NOBODY was going to ever answer any ad you put in the mag, so there wasn't any point in spending the big bucks on a Polaroid, and they didn't come out with cheaper ones that most people could afford until what, late '70s I think it was? (I wonder how many people on the site ever even saw one of those) Anyway,no need for a camera or a PO box for replies, there wouldn't ever be any replies. That "advantage" was offset big time by the fact that the only way you ever even knew about any gatherings, let alone got into them, was if someone knew you and asked you. Which hardly ever happened even if you knew a couple dozen swingers, like I did, because it WAS essentially wife swapping back then. Or if not full swapping, a sort of swapping with everyone in the same room So if you didn't have a lady with you, you had nothing to offer. I was incredibly lucky 'cause I was really good friends with a few couples, friends to the point that I once in a great while got to got with the mrs. to a party. If it weren't for that I doubt I'd have ever gotten into anything. I'm not certain, because it was something that never came up with me personally, but as far as I knew, back then single guys weren't even welcome if a couple brought them. It was all one guy and one girl, or forget about it. I don't really know what went on through the few mags, because, knowing it'd be a waste of time, I never bothered. And I never had to buy disco clothes, I grew up with Hippie rock and folk, and always hated disco as what destroyed rock and roll as well as folk. Hell, the only difference in my clothes now is that the jeans aren't flares or bells and the shirts aren't either flowered of psychedelic 'cause nobody makes them anymore. But I do still have Frye harness boots, same as in the '70s.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: TPAFUNLUVNCPL2 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 6:10 am I would like to point out one thing, when you are a single male you and you are straight and you want a couple then you bring nothing to table. You have nothing to offer the husband of the couple aside from a show but you are asking the man of the couple to share his wife with you with nothing more then a thank you in exchange, in most cases single men have a gf or wife but simply do not want to risk sharing them because they are afraid of losing them, having them leave or know thats what you want to start doing or will be trying to do or they do not want to take the effort and risk and time to get their partner involved. Maybe that is it. They are seen as takers but not givers. Also the acts of some of their kind is seen as rude and pushy. Say "No Single Males" in the profile but yet they cannot understand that. Maybe that is why they are all lumped into a bad group. No positives, for most people and a few negatives and you have a bad listing. I don't think so. People have talked about the "risk" factor time and time again. However, what is to say that the partner won't run even if you don't "risk" them?

Swingers Next Door! - ABC news story on Swinging! - There is a REAL reality show about swingers! Or as close as you can get. Completely unscripted, completely real! They only ask to restart a scene if they missed audio or need additional video (they are trying to tell a story, so it only makes sense that they do this)... The show represents the lifestyle in a sexy and accurate way. We've participated in the show two different seasons (on 5 episodes total) and will continue to do so as long as they let us. They do it with integrity and we are both incredibly proud to say that we are a part of such a great show. It's on Playboy TV, it's called SWING! Nothing like the drama filled, scripted, and utterly unrealistic show on A&E. We highly recommend checking it out! We're going to try and have a party as each episode releases for the upcoming season with our lifestyle friends (everyone should!). Oh, and the other bonus, it's on Playboy TV, so there's plenty of nudity and sex!!!!! Need I say more?

Want a Spice Party in your area? - Looking to expand to other states! - Tampa, Florida! Great weather, a few beautiful nudist resorts as well as lots of swingers in this area! We\'ll definitely be there if you have a party here. Michael & Cheryl [email protected]

Christain Swingers? - - We got up and looked back at this thread today and we have to say we agree that this is a great group of people here. Man, with everyone expressing thier thoughts on this (Including our minority opinion) and not having a flame war or having things get personal is a very cool thing. We are impressed !! We still will not touch the politics though! Art and Dawn:D

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