
Drennen Swingers in West_virginia

Drennen Swingers

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People Who Try Too Hard - - Whoever could you mean??? LOL http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/forum http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/conversationalist If there is an ongoing debate in the forum (it's usually called a discussion... The very point of a forum), then wouldn't you agree that the likelihood of someone involved in a conversation, posting more than one time, is pretty damn good? Ask yourselves, how many one sentence or one statement conversations have you had in life? People who enjoy or seek this in forums are called "conversationalists". It's not wrong to get to know others. That is, after all, the reason we are all here. The poster puts their view out and the reader can decide whether they agree, disagree or desire to further discuss or elaborate on their side. It's like a dance of the minds. Some like the waltz, some like salsa, while others like a Mosh Pit. Just because you don't mosh doesn't mean that you should attempt to deny others of enjoying it. Tolerance is what I am getting at. I am a self-proclaimed asshole, but I still have the right to express myself. I have differing views from lots of people here. That's what I find to be beautiful about people. We are all unique in some form or another. It's uncovering those uniquities, I find to be the "buried treasures" among the vast diversity of people that post here. It's a small window into their being. You don't always like what you see, but it's still there no matter how much you complain. It's like those who had DJQ kicked off of here. I hated his views and all for which he stood, but in the end all he was guilty of was written expression of his view. Many wanted his head to roll and had him removed. Why? Because he didn't agree. Hell, he attacked my very service to this country. I hated his views. However, I still think he had the right to speak his heart. Admittedly, The forum became slightly less exciting after he left. The majority who read the forum remember what a prick he was, but they do remember him. He contributed to the conversation, no matter how skewed we felt his leftist position to be. I'll close my post with this... We are swingers... Don't you think people would disagree with our lifestyle choices, our views on marriage and the morale implications (if you are religious)? Furthermore, doesn't it all come down to personal choice. Just like you have the choice not to read this very post. :-) Just my thoughts, nothing more. Respectfully, -Mr TR- P.S. I whole-heartedly invite you to tell me to fuck off for my differing view. :-)

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=NAUGHTYGIRL101]This is one aspect that is easier to fulfill if you allow single males....i had 5 for my birthday party and omg they drained me dry! Can't wait for another "surprise birthday party" wink wink ;)[/quote] nice! I want to be drained dry!

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - I think we are what we wish to be so I had better explain this. Swingers are strictly defined as a couple that trade partners in sex. Couples that invite singles into their play are not swinging by a normal

Profiles (Fake or Real) Hmmmm - - People aren't just fake on swingers sites... been a thing since the beginning of the internet! I'd bet at least 1/2 the pictures of folks on FB are fake... The way I see it.. what's the point? Is messing with people really that much fun? I prefer to be me all the time... plus if I was to lie, I'd never remember it later...

Cum One Cum All!!! - - i hope they make a bracelet for nazi swingers...red and black with a cute little swastika. comes with matching lil mustache and inherent hatred for anyone not aryan. and just a couple pages back i read something about sending the "wets" back to where they came from? i guess when you are racist you dont notice when other people are being racist. there is a guy who just started at my work. he is from Venezuela. doesnt speak a lot of english. i know enough spanish to direct him but it frustrates me. ive worked with people from vera cruz, mexico who refuse to learn english or speak it. ive worked with bosnians who dont speak very much english...tibetans..muslims arabs...israelis and palestinians...and a turkish guy who GREW UP HERE and still doesnt speak much english. i do agree that they should put some effort into learning the language of the country they are living in...just like if i went to their country i would be required to learn their language...they aint gonna change for me...although i do make an effort to learn a couple phrases in their language for fun. thats pretty much all that bugs me about immigrants in this country...the language barrier. gives you a reason to get to know them...maybe if you heard their stories you would understand why they are here. one of the bosnians i worked with was royalty in her country...maids..their equivalent of millions of dollars...but in the war, their houses were demolished or used for army personnel. so they came to our country and now work as maids and cooks in hospitals. in their country they dont work...the guys work, and the women cook and clean..so coming here is hell for them..but they are here..they have no choice. you want to send them back to their country? their bullet ridden houses and swimming pools full of corpses..? i couldnt live with myself sending someone back to that hell.

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - Shit I had to read thru that whole thing like almost twice. Okay fine, I skimmed it almost twice. Why am I (or we) still in swinging (it will be thirty years in the not too distant future!)? For us it's about the great friendships. Sex is great. It's fun to explore that not only with each other but with other people occasionally. But it's totally secondary for us. With swingers, more than any other group of people we've found, we can be ourselves, say pretty much what we want, and not have to filter anything. With most vanillas, especially here in Utah, we really have to tread lightly and watch what we say and do. With swingers we can laugh our asses off, totally make fun of the world and even flirt without anyone getting too bent out of shape. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what would happen if you did that with most of your vanilla friends. So yeah, friendships are why we stay. Any sex that happens is just the frosting on the Pop-Tart for us. As for when we're "70+...who will be taking care of you"...I would hope I can pretty much take care of myself, still control my bowels and bladder and occasionally still climb in the saddle and give Ms. Evil a jolly good geriatric rodgering. If I can't I would hope one of my good swinger friends will put me out of my misery by locking me in a room with an insatiable 22 year old redhead for a few hours and then scattering my ashes over the beach at Hedo II. ;-) Seriously, 70 AIN'T that old! I know a guy who still runs marathons (admittedly not very fast) in his 90's!

The Black Ring - How to spot a swinger - LOL We've been doing this for a LONG time and it cracks us the fuck up to see these frequent "ways to tell if someone is a swinger". We've heard everything from a white rock in their front yard to an upside down pineapple in their grocery cart. Even stuff like wearing an ankle bracelet on a particular ankle or a single earring in a particular ear. Bottom line is, in this world of almost instantaneous and pervasive communication even if there WAS a ubiquitous symbol of swinging acceptance almost nobody would display it as they would quickly be outed to people they might not want to know about their little hobby. We've gone to conventions and hotel takeovers many times in the past and it usually took about a day for any vanillas nearby to learn what the wristbands mean and start gawking (or even trying to sneak in) and for the swingers to start hiding them under watches and bracelets or removing them entirely so as not to be identified. Another swingsite we're on even started a new smartphone app using GPS that alerts you if there is another swinger nearby. Almost nobody uses it in fear of somehow being ID'd as a swinger.

Christain Swingers? - - From an earlier post on the same subject... I work in a church and know that most members here would frown upon the lifestyle. let me add that most of them are retired while I am in my late 20's. But a young minister that we had here, who left to head up another chruch, and I had a number of discussions about sex and whatnot. His opnion was that he didn't think God honestly cared what we did with our sex lives, that there were more important things to be concerned with. (as long as it doesn't negatively effect others) I'm not sure if it's a generation thing? My wife was rasied in a baptist church which seemed to be a "not talk about sex" kinda congregation, yet she and her family are very open in their discussions, some might say (me) a little too discriptive in their talks (like grandma and her new husband) but open none the less. My basic theology is that Jesus doesn't want you to live a life of repentance or guilt but rather that you enjoy all that life has to offer, and most importantly be decent and caring towards others, not necessarily in a sexual way but in a friendship helping way. The bottom line is that we all screw up from time to time, but don't dwell on it, learn from your mistakes, ask for forgivenness and move on to help others. With all that said I'll step down from my soapbox now

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - Single swingers rock.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - THANK YOU, HOTTIEHOGANS....there are some single guys out there who are NOT ASSHOLES. Sadly though, we get clumped into the bunch who are. Nice to see someone knows the difference!

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