
Deep Water Swingers in West_virginia

Deep Water Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Deep Water, WV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Deep Water looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Deep Water, WV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Deep Water, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Deep Water, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Deep Water Swingers right away!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - [quote=HANDSHOESNZ]Our daughter figuered it because of the handle. Turns out she and her husband are in the lifestyle. We have been to a party with them. A little odd but funny. The other two kids proably know but don't say anything they just accept the fact we are who we are. [/quote] Hahaha...yes we can attest to the little bit of awkwardness at first with both the parents and the child with their spouse in attendance at our party...but it actually ended up being fun and pretty comical... Now our kids (girl 11 1/2 and 2 boys 13 1/2 and 16 1/2) are pretty smart...they know we chat online, my daughter even caught me with my top off...I told her I was showing someone my piercings...they know we have friends over so they have to go for a sleep over or that we have parties that they CAN NOT be around...my daughter asked me one day what "swingular" was cuz she saw the banner across my open lap top...I told her it was just a chat site we belong to and explained that's where we have met many of our new friends...I know she isn't stupid and will soon put 2 and 2 together but I also know if she has questions she will ask...we have tried to raise our children with a very open and accepting attitude...as far as the boys go...I think they might know but choose to not bring it up...I know they will one day when their ready, and we will answer all their questions honestly...we will give them the same honesty and respect that we expect from them....kisses...Naugh-Ty (and Lucky B)

Birds of a Feather - Finding couples that share similar interests - Speaking of the Bible belt and swingers... We are in NC (by choice not birth) We are not Baptists but we know a considerable amount of swingers who are very much Baptists but play on a regular basis.... The question has been asked at after party bull sessions about religion and swinging and on several other swinging sites.... The interesting thing is that most find no conflict in swinging and their religion. So if you're lookin for Baptists in the Bible belt... Come to NC where the Baptists rule, swingers' clubs abound and baptist's never recognize their fellow baptists in the ABC store or at the club socials...

pROFILE pICTURES - Male Parts - From: FLATLANDER Subject: No subject Date: February 21, 2008 (9:28 PM) No Photo go to my space or some other site if you want a chat line. my god,it says swingers not your good buddy network. _________________________________________________________________________________ He didnt have the balls to post this for everybody to see, so I thought I would help him out.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Well my opinion on this subject is simple . We don't hate you and you can fuck me whenever you would like. xoxoXXX

We thought this was educational and should explain a lot about s - keep an open mind. Swingers are spiders. Each to their own unique ways! - You can learn a lot of about swinging from Monkey's as well. If they get it...then we have no problems at all. Be the animal within!!! haha

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - This is brilliant and totally hilarious!!!!! LOVE IT! LMAO!

am back - spliting up sucks - We would not play with either of the couple if they were divorced. We became swingers so we can play as a couple with another couple. We don't entertain single male or female for the reason we do not want one of us to be playing while the other watches. We would still be "vanilla" with both if they are still in the lifestyle but would treat them like all other singles in the lifestyle when it comes to playtime.

Adult Vacation Recomendations - We need some help what to do or where to go! - [quote=BMSHELL]We just did one of the swingers takeover cruises and can't say enough good about the value for the money we spent... (3,800 swingers on one ship... it was the funnest week of our lives). Be cautious of the cruises that are "partial swingers" cruises (meaning, a group of swingers got together and decided to go on a vanilla cruise). You can only "play" in your tiny stateroom, there are going to be tons of kids, and all of the activities are "family friend". On a real swingers cruise, you can be completely naked as much as you want, and all of the activities and themes are *EXTREMELY* adult oriented. [/quote] We like this idea a lot...we'd love to spend a vacation doing what is most fun! Send details our way!

How has swinging made your marriage better? - - [quote=EVILDOERS]First marriage. Successful swingers (not sure exactly what you mean by successful-lol) for over 25 years! :-)[/quote] OK, that's 2 of us... 23 years here..

Bi - - Well, Utah does has one of the highest if not the highest population of gays per capita. So we know there are a lot of bi-men here. But this is still a very conservative state and they like to keep things under wraps. We've found in most religious societies there are large groups who push away or break away from what is socially acceptable in that area. In rural Utah there are some towns that are 100% Mormon, yet in Salt Lake City the numbers are less. I thinks its 65% non Mormon to 35% Mormon. Our profile name is bi-couple, but I (male) am not attracted to men, but to the Transgender. I am more attracted to Feminine energy that the Transgender carries not the Masculine energy of men. We believe that there are three sexes, male, female, transgender. Yes that means that a person could be Tri-sexual. We are a very,very open couple and consider ourselves to be more Polyamorous, than swingers. But we respect all sexualities and lifestyle choices.

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