
Buckhannon Swingers in West_virginia

Buckhannon Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Buckhannon, WV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Buckhannon looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Buckhannon, WV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Buckhannon, West_virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Buckhannon, West_virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Buckhannon Swingers right away!

Swingular Mobile Update - Details about our latest release for phones and tablets and other mobile devices. - This morning, we finally launched the long awaited mobile version of Swingular. In this email, we wanted to give you details about the process and why it has taken us so long to get here. We also want to talk about the features and what you can expect going forward. [b][color=#a80003"]HISTORY[/color][/b] As most of you know, Swingular has been around since 2001. It was started in Florida by me and a partner as Playful Swingers and I was the sole architect and coder. Swingular was custom built from the ground up. After a year or so of tremendous success, we didn't see eye to eye and decided to legally split off into two separate entities, Playful Swingers & Swingular. After many years, Playful Swingers went out of business but Swingular continued to grow. Around 2004 and 2007, I rewrote Swingular and gave it new looks. Over the years, we have changed a few things here and there, but most of the underlying code has remained the same. Well, a lot has changed in the world since 2007 and mobile devices have become a bigger source for accessing websites. In 2007, Swingular was great for it's time and for desktop users. In 2016, not so much. In 2012, we decided we needed to make Swingular mobile. After looking at our competition, we noticed they made their existing sites work with mobile but the experience was horrible. Sometimes you were taken to a non-mobile version so you never knew what you were going to get. That wouldn't be good enough for us so we decided that we were going to build our mobile site from the ground up. As we started working on it, technology was constantly changing. Being perfectionists, we kept restarting the project to adopt these new technologies to the point that we could never finish anything. Then we handed Swingular off to another owner and you know what happened there. After getting Swingular back in our hands late last year, we made it our goal to finally get the mobile version built from the ground up and here we are. [b][color=#a80003"]CHALLENGES[/color][/b] We started building this version of the mobile site back in October of last year. The challenges we faced were that we had to convert our technology stack to work with both the old version of the site as well as the new one. This is what took most of our time and what you probably have noticed the last 6 or so months. Once our technology stack was overhauled, we began designing the user interface. Again, this was a challenge because we wanted to support all devices out there, from iPhones, to Androids to Windows Mobile as well as all the tablets. So we had to make sure that everything looked good not only by device, but by screen size. Being that Swingular is custom built, we didn't want to use popular UI frameworks like Bootstrap so that we didn't look like everything else out there. So we had to design our UI to be unique to us. The most important and final challenge was making sure that the mobile site was safe and secure. We didn't want to release a half baked app just to get it out quickly only to find that we had a huge security hole. Your safety and security is our number one priority. After getting through the bulk of issues, we felt it was finally time to release our first beta version of the site with features that would showcase this new look. [b][color=#a80003"]FEATURES[/color][/b] To get a mobile site out in a timely fashion, we decided to use an agile development process which basically means we would create a basic working website, release it, then continually add features as we went along. We sent out a survey to our members to ask what they felt was most important in a mobile site and we took that to decide what was necessary to release our first version. Since we already have a website that is somewhat usable for everybody, we decided based on your feedback that sending and receiving messages, as well as viewing profiles and photos would be the first features to release. Then every two weeks, we would release 1 or more new features. [b][color=#a80003"]WHAT'S NEXT[/color][/b] Now that we finally have this up and running, we will be working on bug fixes as well as introducing features. We will send out bi-weekly updates so you know what's available. We ask that you understand that this is only a beta version of the site and you will most likely experience bugs or issues. However, we have added a Bug Report/Feedback tab so you can report them and we can get them fixed quickly. [b][color=#a80003"]FEEDBACK[/color][/b] The great thing about building this system on an agile development process is that if we need to add, change or remove something, we easily can. So if you have any feedback or suggestions, it is always welcome and we will take it in consideration. Thanks for your patience and we hope that we can provide you with the best mobile experience ever. Enjoy, Robert

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -

E'one, The Don

This guy doesn't want to reason. He just wants to bitch to hear himself bitch. I am just going to continue talking about what I want and they can deal with it. Their crying didn't stop any of us. I say leave him to cry by himself in this pathetic thread.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

2007 Tribute to the Troops - Post your media here :-) - TR was just trying to make a tribute to our troops, something posistive. Whether ppl agree or disagree with them being there, I am with Don.....THEY ARE THERE either way!!! I do believe that this site isn't the place to be debating that point. In either case, there are fellow swingers on this site that are military couples/ppl so what is so wrong with showing some tribute and thanks to them. Why turn it into a negative battle........Thanks TR for starting a thread and showing some thanks and appreciation for those serving our country. Ignore those that turn it into negativity. I am sure those in the military do appreciate your intent. I did enjoy the links....

Swingers Kickball Society - - Our first kickball game will be this coming Thursday on June 3rd send a message if you want to join the group. Looking for couples.

Now a single male looking for a rebound play - - Yeah, swinging can cause huge pressure on a marriage and totally screw it up. I'm sure that's why most swingers, myself included, would never recommend swinging as a way to "spice-up" a marriage that is having some difficulty. You definitely have to be on the same page as your partner in order to give swinging a go -- and then be pretty damn quick on your feet and adaptable as things get going -- perhaps in a direction that you didn't expect. I don't get though, why the OP is back here if he's not interested in swinging for the long term or looking for a woman who is interested in it? Seems this OP is more suited for a singles-type site. And Evil, yes I'd like to see your listing 'cause I'm guessing that at least one of the items involves a douche-canoe going over a large peefall before crashing into a turd log. Or other such silliness, much funnier than what I've just described! ;) Yes ... I know your personality here!

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=WOWMAMA69]If you're adventurous there's always The Green Door or the Red Rooster.[/quote]If you mean by adventurous you’ll have PTSD trying to get the images out of your head 😂, then yes by all means go! If you like to watch extremely sexy couples and women have sex and potentially participate, go to flirtslv or playhouselv.

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - mmmmmm yeah it could be cool. point do i really care i say what I want ill run on and on and on dont like it dont read it

Were young but give us a chance!!! - - I notice that you two signed up just about two weeks ago? I would say first off to give it time. Trust and friendships within the swinging community often takes time and cultivating. It is a large and close-knit community...which means that the more people that you meet, you will meet their friends and get more peeps in your "swinging network". Only being on this site for 2 weeks means that your exposure to the social side of the community has been VERY limited. To compound that, you're legally underage for the types of activities (drinking) and venues that many of these activities occur. Be patient, and look for the other ways to meet people on here. The chat room is always a good start, there is a good variety of swingers from all age groups and social statuses that are there. Being active (in a POSITIVE, not argumentative way...we all know who we are) on the Forum threads is another way to get yourselves better known. What I would NOT do, however...is whine that you're not getting any chances given to you. That arguement is certainly not unique to the younger crowd here, as many of the older people can complain that they're not given a chance either due to their age, gray hair...whatever. Trust me...you don't want a reputation for being a complainer. Time & patience.... ~J~

Just looking for other couples happy with super soft and no swap - There must be more of us out there? - Im getting so confused. Seems there are so many rules and borders. I was in a room w a soft swap couple and the attitude was rude and didnt even want anyone watching and had the doors closed alone, now Im sorry but why would you go to a swingers club to have sex in a room alone and doors closed, how stupid. Been turned off to "soft swap" ever since. I respect everyone's bag but if you dont respect others, you'r not gonna get it back . Im very glad Im in the vegas swingers scene and not utah anymore.....and BTW any old couples I used to swing w....Mike will be in Vegas soon! lol

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - We don't think single males OR females are swingers... if they are considered "swingers", then EVERY single person on this planet is a swinger. ;)

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