
Amma Swingers in West_virginia

Amma Swingers

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Vegas News report on swing clubs/house parties - Must be an election year - Tonight here in Vegas, KVBC did a report about swingers clubs here in Vegas. They snuck in hidden camera and recorded shots of the inside of one of the houses. There are about 4 different 'homes' that hold parties on weekends. These homes are quite large, well over 2500 sq/ft. Each has their own process for gaining admission and different fees. But they are held as private house parties not clubs and the fees are kept to a minumum to just cover operating cost not for profit. They did not mention the businesses here in town that operate for profit. It doesnt help that the prime one they hit with this report is about two blocks from the main Mormon church here in town. Here is a link to the report. http://www.kvbc.com/Global/story.asp?S=4946157

Mormonmomtok - Tiktok mormon swingers - You hit that right on the head!

Looking for an attorney in the lifestyle - Question - I don't honestly think you would need an attorney. Most swingers clubs opperate as just a house that holds parties. Unless you are serving alcohol you shouldn't need license of any kind. at the door, you have donations, not entry fees. The only place i know that did have an operating license was in San Diego, THAD's. The owner had to file suite against the city and county to get the councilman and law enforcement to stop harrasing him. The city finaly gave him a license as a "Sexual Encounters Club" but not allowed to serve alcohol. Anyone that brought alcohol had to put it in a fridge and could take out their own alcohol anytime they wanted, but the helpers couldn't serve the alcohol.

Exotic Dreams Resort and Hotel in Palm Spring - - I know this is not a direct answer, but temptations in cancun was AMAZING. Not a swingers resort per say, But plenty of playing if you want too.

Mardi Gras unzipped in slc - - We've thrown very large Mardi Gras parties and Halloween Parties in the past,and most people showed because we made them pre-pay for tickets, so they had some investment in the party. Most of them turned out good. What cracked us up the most was--the ones who come and seem to act like we owe them some kind of magical fuck-dust or something; I mean if you are dumb, don't work out, and have a rude personality, just going to a party of people in the lifestyle doesn't guarantee you to get laid or be invited to an orgy. Two times we gave a trip to New Orleans and as soon as we rewarded it we started getting attitude that we owed this person more. No feeling of thanks, but more of 'what else can I suck ot of you'. The Last one we gave a prize to New Horizons in Seattle--our favorite swing club. Got the same attitude from the couple, really even condescended to us. It was really a shame. We forgot to get them a car to drive around, our bad. Gave you a 2000 gift, get your own effen car, cheepasses. Well, anyway. My message here is be thankful for those who try and if you win something, show some effen gratitude. Swingers can be such cheep asses. Pay for the show, enjoy what you can and be more thankful, cause if you aren't you may scare off those, like us, who tried. ;) We didn't know of this party but we're always up for a good one. We usually invite a couple with us so no-matter the outcome of the party we'll have a good time. I recommend that to those who attempted to go to this party and bemoan how lame it was...so there I am with FUNNESTCOUPLE81. Life is what you make it.

Sturgis 2014 - The wife and I are wanting to know where the swingers play @ Sturgis - Been to Sturgis three times all three times stayed at the Chip. It was a blast non stop partying. Lots of sexy people and you make of it what you want out of it. The thing we like about the Chip is the concert line up. Big bands included with the cost of the camping for the week. A few restrictions but not many. Don't know if they have concerts at Glenco but we wouldn't mind checking it out some year. Wont make it this year it seems to run with the BBR in Idaho every year. Have fun and hope to ride with a few of you this summer. Dave and Jackie

Who started it? - Who/How/How long? - Before we were in the lifestyle, we went to Hedonism. Nothing happened, but it started an itch that I knew I had to scratch one day if I could convince my wife. Years later at a vanilla party with friends and being drunk, I inadvertently mentioned we went to Hedonism. Our best friends picked up on that and asked if we were swingers. To our astonishment, they told us that they were in the lifestyle and encouraged us to consider it. A few months later, the wife and I went to Sea Mountain in Palm Springs and I told her that I wanted to watch her have sex with another guy. Later that day, she introduced me to a guy and stated that he would be the guy she would have sex with. So, it happened and I loved it. I told my friend who then helped me set up a profile on a swingers website and shortly afterwards, we met another couple from it for our first couples experience. The rest is history. BTW, that initial profile has undergone 1000 revisions as our strict rules were eventually eliminated. Haha!

Sturgis 2009 - - OK the knuckle saloon in sturgis, august 3rd at 7pm; so how do we know the swingers from the regular sturgis crowd?

Polyamory - three (or more)-way RELATIONSHIPS - [quote=TOMNTAMMY]Getting in to a relationship like that can be fun but dangerous too we have done this before it was fun but short lived if you spent time with one then the other wanted the same amount of time it go crazy good luck and have fun TomnTammy[/quote] We did have some issues with that in the beginning, but we were able to iron them out. We do kinda have a guideline that we try to keep everything as equal as POSSIBLE, given the circumstances (ie he's living out of town right now, while the women live in the same city). Basically, we have as much time as we want all together, but we try to keep the couple time even. So last weekend, Ms HB2 went to visit Mr. HB. So Mr. HB and and Ms. HB1 planned a weekend for the end of the month that had to be rescheduled because of work issues. He had planned to come down for St. Patrick's day anyway, so now he is just coming a day early so Ms. HB1 can have a night alone with him...which to be perfectly honest, is a better move for me (Ms. HB1), financially speaking, because my car is so crappy that I was going to rent for the drive up to his place, lol. This plan has worked out very well once we got the kinks worked out (no pun intended). The two Ms. HBs do have lunch together most Fridays, since we both get off work early, although that is just girl-hangout-time. We usually go to the mall and window shop and stuff. BUT that time doesn't count as our "alone" time. We also get that just as often as each of us gets time alone with the Mr. We are an equilateral triangle in every sense of the word. When Mr. Halfbaked and I get married, we are also marrying her. In fact, Ms. HB2 would be perfectly willing to marry me instead, and I'd be happy with that, and so would Mr. HB, but we all like Ohio, and want to stay here, where same-sex marriage/domestic partnership/whatever you want to call it is not legal. Ms. HB2 has children from a previous relationship (BEFORE the guy she was with when we met), and they have met us both; we are both planning to have children with Mr. HB, and we will raise them together, though we haven't worked out how we're going to function in public (schools and such). We are actually looking for houses right now. We are kinda flying by the seats of our collective pants, which is why we decided to post on here, looking for advice if anyone had it. We figured out early on that to handle the jealousy that was bound to come up (as it did, because we're only human), we had to make this as equal as possible. Mr. HB and Ms. HB1 have been together for six years, and Ms. HB2 is less than a year into the relationship...so she had some jealousy issues with how well we knew each other, and such. Ms. HB1 had some jealousy issues with the NRE that was going on with the other two, and Mr. HB was *quite* afraid that the two Misses would decide he wasn't worth the effort and dump him all together. Also, we figured that if we wanted this to last forever (and we do, not that MOST people don't start relationships where marriage is an assumed future with the same goals), we had to recognize that there were FOUR relationships that deserved and required equal attention and care: Mr. and Ms. HB1; Mr. and Ms. HB2, Ms. HB1 and Ms. HB2; and all three of us. I guess what we're looking for is either someone who has a long-term example of success to show us, so we could ask them how they did/do it (as a lot of newlyweds want to know from long-married couples), OR a place where we could find such people like we found this lovely community of swingers. P.S. I (Ms. HB1, the one in the pictures) do 99.999% of the posting on here, so when the pronouns switch from "we/us" to "I/me", it is a safe bet that you are hearing from me. If either of the others post, they will identify themselves, too. :)

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - I would have to agree with TR, you arent poking your nose into their private life and they need to stay out of yours. Then again we havent been busted. mtman

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