
Puyallup Swingers in Washington

Puyallup Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Puyallup, WA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Puyallup looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Puyallup, WA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Puyallup, Washington Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Puyallup, Washington so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Puyallup Swingers right away!

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - Posted By: XPLORR94248 Reply posted on: Nov 10, 2007 - 12:11 pm Poly people generally take issue with swinging as be strictly recreational SEX! and no love where as poly, supposedly, is love based not necessarily any sex....but sex usually is involved at some level. The attitude is that swinging is not a good thing that swinging is diametrically opposed to poly. So while there are some similarities in swinging and poly in that more and more swingers are looking for relationships, i.e., "friends with benefits" ; "Friends in and out of the bedroom". These friendships are based on attraction and sex after the attraction. Poly people take the concept that poly is based on loving someone and if sex happens then OK, but that love is the key and sex is at best secondary. I would say that swinging (full swap, soft swap) IS recreational sex. It ISN'T about falling in love with someone. That poly people would think swinging is bad because it is diametrically opposed to poly doesn't surprise me one bit. Kinda like me being a Grand Dragon of the KKK thinking that people who even can think of having a relationship with a black person are sick in the head. To a poly person, the only difference between them and a "normal" person is that they have more than one person with whom they have love in the relationship. "Normal" people also think spouse swapping is a bad idea too. Again, no surprise. I would say that swinging and poly have only one similarity and that is that they are having sex with somebody that they are not legally married to and the spouse is fine with it. Beyond that, I don't see the similarities.

Western Caribbean Cruises in Feburary (anyone going) - Feb. 21st Carnival freedom - Mar. 1st RCCL Independence - Just want to know if any one is going and wants to meet up on these two cruises in Feburary, The first is on Carnival Cruise Line's the Carnival Freedom leaving Ft Lauderdale on Sunday Feburary 21st to the Western Caribbean for 6 days, The Next one we are taking while we are already there on Mar. 1st is on RCCL Independence of the Seas also to the Western Caribbean for 6 more days, We would love to meet up with other swingers while on these cruises for a more exciting cruise, What better way than this to make great friends for 6 day's. Also any couples in the Ft Lauderdale or around the Cruise Port that might want to meet for a afternoon or night out of the 28th, Maybe go to a club or dinner and or just stay at the hotel order in and have fun, We are between ships and staying at the Embassy Suites on 17th street. E-mail us we would love to meet some fellow swingers.

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - fun survey. can't wait for the results...

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Hey Virgin not really meant to bust your chops.You are right i can understand your few misspelled words a lot easier than waaaaaa's every misspelled word.As i said we can all use a spell check now and then as we all hit the wrong key every now and then.i was just trying to keep it at the ball busting level that waaaaaa's vocabulary is so small that he can only talk about sex.on a lighter side is it sexual to tell some one to fuck off or call them a cocksucker?the aforementioned not intended to any particular person or thing just getting some sex into the thread. Phil

Party Games - - We\'ve played around with a computer game called 4 play, from rwb productions, its kinda of like a monopoly style game but for swingers. Haven\'t ahd a chance to see what it might be like in a party situation but might be worth checking out...... Tandvplay

Mormonmomtok - Tiktok mormon swingers - This is old news. Not in the lifestyle really. It's just drama for money.

network swingers - - hmmm, may have to set the drv to record this one

real members? - - I have to disagree with you on your valadation process.. the ONLY thing that your photo or cam session proves is that it is a real person NOT a real swinger. In order for someone to prove that they are a REAL swinger.... There has to be some kind of reference referral from other swingers. Holding up a sign does NOT provide if they are swingers or not!!! BTW.... the couple that started this forum topic are REAL!!! We have never played with them but we have seen them at several parties. They are as real as they come. :) Carrie

hosting parties - would love to hear from everyone - [quote=SLCWANDERLUST]I have to echo Sara. People don't know how to RSVP. Put that in your invite. If it is a small house party RSVPing is mandatory. If you plan to fill your house to the rafters with drunken swingers a few couples more or less isn't a problem. One way to force RSVP's is to not give out address until you get an RSVP. There is a book called "Loving More" I don't know if it is available any more. It is a little dated. tells you how to find couples through personal ads! but the info on throwing a party is good. [/quote] Good points....We had planned on using the address thing to help solidify the rsvps...We have room for quite a few...as long as they all play nice..LOL But not sure we want to fill the place to the rafters...LOL Knowing at least approximately how many are coming is pretty vital info..we think. Sorta reminds me of that old song.."Four and Twenty Virgins"...LOL

Mormon Swingers - - [quote=ContagiousLust69]Shen, LDS religion doesn't practice confessions. Source: was raised LDS for 16 years. You would maybe tell God during a prayer , but unless you're so conflicted with yourself of what you have done and feel the need to confess to your bishop, no regular LDS member practices confessions.[/quote] Let's see, you just said that people confess to their bisbop. How is that any different from what I said? I remember being in college and the bisbop called me in, supposedly a girl I had messed around with concessed to her bishop, that bisbop made her tell him my name, and he turned around and told my bisbop. So that confess and tell name part is somewhat true/sarcasm...the rest is pure sarcasm that me and my other mormon friends would just laugh at... I'm no longer active, and I have no hate for the church, but mormon myths are just funny whether active or nonactive... SARCASM, CAN I GET A AMEN

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