
Harrisonburg Swingers in Virginia

Harrisonburg Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Harrisonburg, VA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Harrisonburg looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Harrisonburg, VA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Harrisonburg, Virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Harrisonburg, Virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Harrisonburg Swingers right away!

TALKING TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT THE LIFESTYLE? - - OK, here's something just a bit off the subject - or is it? Let's say you had your kids when you were pretty young, which means you and your spouse are both STILL relatively young. You've been swinging since the kids were mere toddlers - and you're still active swingers. But, as far as you know, the kids have never known about your alternative Lifestyle. Now that the kids are grown and out on their own, one night, you're at a swingers club, a house party or a meet-and-greet - and one of your kids show up with their spouse/signigicant other/date - and they're already friends with several of the people there. What happens from here?

We thought this was educational and should explain a lot about s - keep an open mind. Swingers are spiders. Each to their own unique ways! - Hahahahaha

Labor Day Weekend, August 30 to September 3 Celebration - Swingers Campout Dance and More - Do we need to say more? Come enjoy this holiday weekend with your friends, Friday to Monday, August 31 to September 3!!! This is your chance to get away and enjoy life to the fullest. Come enjoy nature and each other at this 100 acre, totally secluded, clothing-optional campground/lifestyle friendly community just north of Minneapolis/St. Paul, near Sandstone, Minnesota. At Two Creeks, you'll be able to be yourself! Feel free to shed your clothes, along with the stress of life; feel free to express yourself in a very peaceful setting. After all, there are absolutely no kids here. Everyone in attendance is an adult over the age of 21, successful in life, and enjoys the freedom that this soiree has to offer. This weekend you'll have the option to: Attend a dance each night Play Bocce Ball and Croquet Canoe/Boat and/or fish the creek, local lakes and rivers ATV on the local trails Parade around in your golf cart Be naked all day Party all day and all night long (if that's your desire) Lay around and sun all day (if that's your desire) Meet long time friends and make new ones Bring a dish to share at the Potluck on Saturday night Do what swingers do best!!! Who is invited: Swingers Non-swingers The Curious Nudists BDSM Lovers Exhibitionists Couples Single Men and Women Happy People Who Enjoy Life Adults Over The Age of 21 YOU!!! If you can't camp for the weekend, just come up for the dance and socializing on Friday or Saturday. We also rent Travel Trailers (cabins on wheels) all setup with water, sewer, electric, 2 pillows, sheets, blanket, utensils, pots, pan, and air conditioning, all ready for you to use (see the reservation form below for details). To register for this event visit [url=https://attractionusa.com/upcoming-events/laborday/]AttractionUSA.com[/url] or call 320-245-6803.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - That would be amazing!! Yes we would attend 2x a month.

New Yorker Shutting down - - [quote=Back4Good][quote=summerlovin] Whatever. Enjoy your cesspool thread of bitching and moaning about Ross and the New Yorker. [/quote] World famous swingers here gracing us with their lovely words. Flying monkeys. We had several anonymous and fake accounts come after us both on FB and here when we brought up issues at the New Yorker. And heard they are still deleting and removing people for bringing anything up on the group about the article. [img]https://dfzses8qx79cf.cloudfront.net/C4cVIp1PtUVFA7LYirrZMi7MbOY=/780x0/smart/photos%2Fb%2FBACK4GOOD-211370515464e92f97b964c.jpg[/img] [/quote]What a surprise. Fraud exposed who is too scared to reveal who they really are. Everything he says must be true because you know his history (kind of like Ross’s). Everyone now can know the truth and judge for themselves. Bring on more titties!

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - roflmao and by the way happy b-day to mrs.Evil

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]Gasp! Tens of thousands of swingers here in Utah. I believe Utah now has a slightly higher-than-average divorce rate. The national divorce rate is 3.4% with Utah slightly higher at 3.6%. The percent of divorced residents in Utah is reported as 9.3% which is the 18th lowest in the nation. Don't ask me how those numbers reconcile. It has something to do with immigration into the state I am guessing. New Jersey reports that 8.5% of it's residents are divorced and that is the lowest in the nation. Well what do you think? Did more than 3.6% of all the swinger couples, that you have met end up getting a divorce? Was it over swinging? Are more than 9.3% of the swingers population divorced? This would include all the singles now swinging that were once married. One woman telling the media how swinging ended her marriage is anecdotal at best. Do I believe she is telling the truth? Yes I do. Do I personally believe swinging ads an extra element of jeopardy to a marriage? Yes I do. Do I believe there are quite a few people that would be happier staying away from the swinging lifestyle? Yes I do. Never-the-less, most of the couples, we have personally met, that are swingers seem to enjoy swinging and frankly enjoy doing it together. Do I believe there are quite a few couples who will enjoy swinging? Yes I do, we certainly have enjoyed the lifestyle experience as do a lot of swinging couples we have met. In the end if you are a married couple you have to make the decision based on the two of you, as to whether or not swinging is a good thing in your lives individually and as a couple. As for statistical models as to the divorce rate within the community of swingers well there aren't any. This isn't really a news story it's sensationalist journalism designed to attract viewers. Anyway, the divorce rate has been going down since the 1980s and swinging has been on the rise since the 1980s so you could make an analogy that swinging is saving marriage. Yes it would be a bunch of anecdotal bull shit just like this story. [/quote] Right. And swinging doesn't end a marriage anymore than cheating or lying or alcohol abuse or drugs, etc; people end marriages. Any relationship is an invention solely created by those people involved and only they have power over its progress forward. Will swinging or discussions about it lead to problems between people in relationships? Potentially. But any attempt by the anonymous lady in the story to blame swinging for anything is an attempt on her part to avoid accountability. You can't blame the alcohol itself for the drunk. PS, NJ may have a lower divorce rate b/c it's one of the few states that still grants annulment instead of divorce in certain cases.

Young Swingers Night - - Looking forward to meeting you guys. You can't miss amber, she's kinda tall! ;) We are looking forward to a fun night!

SouthJordanCouple - Fun Trails for ATV’s - [quote=SouthJordanCouple]Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone can suggest any fun, scenic, not so rocky ATV trails somewhere in the Utah area? My girlfriend and I have 4-wheelers that we like to take out and ride on the weekends. Also, are there any lifestyle friendly people that meet every now and then that go riding?[/quote] Your going to have to be more specific, which lifestyle? Because off roading lifestyle people are just as adamant that it's a lifestyle as swingers are. And don't even get me started on Jeep folk.. But those that have utv's, side by sides, and even Jeep owners are just messing around, you want hardcore? Find yourselves some Samurai owners!

Are you more or less tolerant? - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]We think that in regards to your own appearance that you just cannot take the negativity that will be thrown your way too seriously. When we first formed this profile there was a group that threw parties that had a strict "undressed code" as to how you should look naked. A lot of people understandably got offended and there was a lot of banter and unfriendliness in the forums. We actually got several invitations, from some members of that group to join. We declined the invitations but we were surprised we were invited. For all the banter back and forth we would not have been welcome due to our age and or some sort of flaw in the body. Perhaps the exclusivity was the sell point and the members were more average than you would expect. Not that there is anything wrong with average. What the hell is average appearance anyway? Acceptance meant you were a notch above the rest in the eyes of the members as in the only true swingers. Does feeling sexy about yourself have to come at the expense of others? I do not know if that group still exist anymore. The founder fell in love and went monogamous last I knew. Well about that same time we submitted application as it were to join an older longer established group that puts together parties because we thought the parties looked like fun. About 60 days after our submission to join the group was sent we got back an e-mail declining our participation. We could get upset and lose time and joy wondering if we just were not sexy enough to be considered among the elite or we could just move on and know we were still going to find new and exciting people and adventures anyway. The real reasons for denial are only found within the person or persons that said no and if they have their reasons those same reasons do not make them bad people. I like to think that way at least. Mrs. Delicious just told me, as she was walking out the door to an appointment, that if they don't like her there must be something wrong with them. We can imagine until the cows come home and we will probably never guess right and it really does not matter anyway. I like to think the group, that told us no, is fun and is having fun but will just not know us. You cannot be part of everything anyway. The tendency for us to imagine that any group that might reject us is full of miserable losers that would not know sexy if it bit them is not good for us and the no was probably delivered with a lot less intolerance than we are imagining. I think we should concentrate on discovering more joy by fully focusing on the doors that are open to us. We are all going to get rejected from time to time and it might hurt but don't dwell on it. Opportunities to connect and to live and love surround us all. [/quote] Well written my friend and as a single male in this lifestyle this is something that needs to be preached and practiced

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