
Dutton Swingers in Virginia

Dutton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Dutton, VA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Dutton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Dutton, VA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Dutton, Virginia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Dutton, Virginia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Dutton Swingers right away!

The lifestyle: A single mans perspective - - Well said, brother...This lifestyle is what you make of it, and some make more than others. While we are all grownups on this site (obviously, you have to be 18 or over to sign on), you'd think there would be less of a high-school mentatlity than in, say....high school? yet, we get some of the DORKIEST , misspelled emails I've ever seen. Couple that with the responses we've gotten to some posts (like the one critisizing us for getting our vip status), and we wonder how some have remembered to breathe long enough to pass high school. So, here are some very basic tips on enjoying this lifestyle: (not that I'm an expert, but obviously some need etiquette lessons) 1) The first email / chat with someone, DON"T ask idiotic questions. And don't get TOO personal. Remember, this is like dating. If a woman at a bar showed some interest, would the next thing out of your mouth be 'What size is your bra?', or 'Do you like it in the ass?'. it's no wonder some of you are in this lifestyle, you'd never get laid otherwise. 2) Keep SOCIAL meetings SOCIAL. No one cares how long you've been a proctologist, or how much money your kids have stole from you. That's YOUR business. Polite conversation is one thing, but there's nothing worse than hearing a 3 hour lecture on YOUR life experiences, followed by 'So, would you guys like to play with us?' Yeah, as if 3) There ARE other things besides sex to chat about. In person or on the computer. That's right, SWINGERS HAVE BRAINS. and we're very able to carry on converstaion (well, some of us anyway) We were at a party once, and my other half said 'I've heard sex mentioned until I'm not turned on at the thought anymore' ...it happens, just a tip 4) Unless you're planning a very long trip, or own your own private jet, don't add someone to your friend's list here OR on yahoo that lives 3,000 miles away. Let's face it, we'll never meet. Hell, we'll probably never even talk. so what's the point? Air sex? gimme a break. 5) And probably the most important. From the first meeting, to every visit you have (if someone's lucky enough to invite you back, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE!. Just because we have a wild orgy at the pool of a local motel with wild monkeys and lots of cool whip, it DOES NOT MEAN TO GROPE US EVERYTIME YOU SEE US. We're in couples for a reason, to be in a couple. And just because we're turned on by you, or have sex, doesn't mean you own our bodies afterward. That's what your spouse/gf/bf is for. And most of us aren't here for love. NEWSFLASH...WE'RE HERE FOR SEX! These are just off the top of my head, after recieving some horrible emails, and experiencing some terrible meetings. Oh, yeah, and in response to the post, most single guys DO get a hard time in the lifestyle. But good, they should. This is about the couples, single guys are VERY easy to come by. And those who have treated us with RESPECT have been treated EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Bravo on a great post, and good luck to you sir! Him p.s. anything I missed? list it below!

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - Here is a scenario for you....................Your out of town, on vacation, you meet that elusive "unicorn" the single bi-female, shes HOT, she willing, and shes on her way out of town. You only have one shot at it, do you turn to this rare find, that is ready to fulfill all those single fem fantasies, and say "Sorry hunny, but we gotta be friends first"? Or do you throw your caution to the wind and go ahead and fuck on the first date? Its not hard to find a reason to break a rule, and if there are reasons to break them, why have them? Why not let the moment dictate? Or is this just an excuse that people use instead of being honest about not wanting to have sex with someone? Or is it an excuse you tell yourselves to not have to go thru with being real swingers? Just a couple more questions I had.

Lifestyle in news - - Can you believe one guy in the article compared swingers to pedophiles?!

To Bi or not to Bi. - - Society has imposed a morality code on most of us at one time or another be it through religion or laws. Lets admit it we are animals and although we may not act that way often, sex is one of the most basic animal instincts. Acting on those urges if you are a swinger means you can have sex with others and not fall into the societal guilt and jealousy others may feel. When we meet new swingers this seems to be one of the most difficult things to overcome. We do not judge those who are bi no matter whether they are male or female. We are just not into it. She will kiss and fondle breast but its for show not enjoyment. He does mind if men touch because of proximity but he has no desire to be with another man sexually. We do not judge others who do and we have play friends where both male and female are bi and it does not scare us. One last comment about labels. If someone is bi it does not mean they are gay or homosexual or lesbian unless they choose to be. Everyone should be able to choose their own label for their sexuality and who fucking cares what someone else says.

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - Wow...serious topic here...I think I have to agree with what most have said though...especially Kitty...kisses...Naugh-Ty

Cosplay ? - - [quote=HOTFIRELOVERS]Dressing up goes with the territory of swingers. Guess it's time for a cosplay party!!!! [/quote] That's a good idea. Let's plan something in conjunction with Comic Con. We'll all dress up in slutty cosplay outfits, wander around the Salt Palace flirting and stuff and then go to a hotel suite and have nasty fantasy/sci-fi sex. [em]Emo_12[/em]

Mormonmomtok - Tiktok mormon swingers - Man, I'll bet she is making a fortune with it and will keep going. I hate that attention and drama

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Fidelio.

Vegas next week - Not this week (11/3) but next week (11/9) - The Adult Indusry show in Vegas is on Jan 8th, 9th, and 10th. The three clubs that are having swingers during that weekend are Cathouse, MIX, and ASIA. IF you want to get in with the in crowd of local swingers get with PerfectLV. Think they have a website. J&L

Playing with \"swingers\" vs \"nonswingers\" - - Okay this probably doesnt make alot of sense, but here goes. We went to the bar the other night and met some new folks, regular guys that aren\'t in the lifestyle- that is they are just regular single young guys. I love to flirt so I had picked out a particular nice guy and we were playing pool etc. Well I happened to mention that hubby and I were swingers etc.... Now my question is, do you only play with someone else who\'s into the lifestyle? This guy really wanted to get in on some action with me and now thinking about it, I just feel nervous. It has brought back old anxieties about when I was single and all the single assholes out there that were looking to just get laid and kick you to the curb. At least in this lifestyle, you get to know people and there is a certain kind of understanding about sex and you usually know that the person you will be fucking cares about you in some respect. I am trying to make a decision about whether to let this guy in or not for some play. I just can\'t decide how I feel about it. Any input would be appreciated!!! XOXOXO Jen

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