
Davenport Swingers in Virginia

Davenport Swingers

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Why are people not answering? - - I agree totally. The most aggravating are those who send an email expressing interest, you reply courteously and never hear from them again. Might as well reply to their email with " Take a long walk on a short pier", or "Kiss my ass" for all the good it does. And those who do it know who they are...even more disgusting are those who do answer emails, schedule a meet and then disappear, never to be seen or heard from again....or they do schedule a meeting and never show up....(how many cups of coffee is a realistic amount of time to wait? ) then you realize you have been "had again". Seems to me there is an inordinate number of voyeurs vs. swingers. Jim

Soft swap - Soft swap vs Full swap - Top definition according to our Unabashed Urban Dictionary via google search and everything is according to google, right? SOFT SWAP: To share spouses/mates with another to the point of digital and/or oral copulation only. This term comes from the home of Stephen, SuperGenius, who invented it spontaneously while referring to timid wanna-be swingers unwilling to take the PLUNGE ------ HARD SWAP: When you trade sexual partners...as opposed to soft swap where you just watch, or be watched, the other couple having sex. Sometimes soft swap does entail the trading of oral sex between the different couples. ------ No Seriously, everyone most likely has their own definition of these "soft swap", "hard swap" terms. So rather than leave it up to each individual's own version or opinion...wouldn't it be a good idea to simply discuss with all what each is comfortable doing and what the boundaries may be on a particular night and/or with a particular couple or play partner? We believe communication is the key and everyone should feel comfortable and that there should be no pressure and no expectations.

The Vent part II - Secrecy - Small towns are a real pain in the posterior. We were asked if I was at the hospital when we came in at about 4am. We told tham that we were at a party that lasted a bit longer than we had expected. People here talk about other people on the other side of town... I think they can tell what you ate last night, and will tell everyone they comeincontact with about it. A for this specific case... I think I would just tell them that you have plans that do not involve them but maybe another time when things are not planned. Being good friends with "vanilla" people who are so hanggie oners can be a real drag if you are in the lifestyle. As for telling most people that you swing... well to say the least..... DOn't... I wouldn't tell my right winged brother that we swing... He would probably have a conniption. If friends ask if you swing, they alreasy have the notion and they are still there so if you think it's prudent... OK. Never just tell anyone just so that you are honest with you and in a small town.... you will probably be ostrisized. We have contacted people in this town who are on other sites and they usually will not answer a note. Afraid that people will find out who they are. We have met people on the streets that we know from clubs and generally just say hi or exchange pleasantries.... Happened yesterday at a local restaurant...met a guy with his daughter and we said hi and were very warm but the daughter looked very confused by it all... His wife wasn't there so we figured that his daughter was taking Dad out for FathersDay. Have met people we have played with and just said hi and little more and moved on... I haven't aclue why anyone would duck out of a club if they see some one they know, even a relative. They are there for the same reason as you and might be just as imbarrassed but your secrete is safe with them. One of my girlfriends and my wife and I were at a club social and she ran into her husbands boss... Nothing ever came of it and they didn't even ask why he wasn't there or who we were. We swingers are a very descreet lot, for the most part.. and seeing someone you know, at a club, generally results in nothing but another friend. We go to socials/dances/parties just about every week but in towns not too far away... If we meet people we know we are most likely to talk to them and say hi and talk about how great the music is that night or even hook up.... So one never knows ... Life is a joke within a joke sometimes.... and one need to learn how to laugh at what it brings to the table.

Hollywood Swingers? - - Discretion is the name of the game. You could go through my trash for last 20 years and never find one scrap of paper showing my wife and I were swingers. My computer would be a different story. I guess a dedicated "hacker" could get into my computer but which one would he choose? Anyway, I say that if the Hollywood types want to play it is none of my business, unless of course for some reason they want to play with me.

Birds of a Feather - Finding couples that share similar interests - Speaking of the Bible belt and swingers... We are in NC (by choice not birth) We are not Baptists but we know a considerable amount of swingers who are very much Baptists but play on a regular basis.... The question has been asked at after party bull sessions about religion and swinging and on several other swinging sites.... The interesting thing is that most find no conflict in swinging and their religion. So if you're lookin for Baptists in the Bible belt... Come to NC where the Baptists rule, swingers' clubs abound and baptist's never recognize their fellow baptists in the ABC store or at the club socials...

Club 90 party - - > Posted By: ADMINISTRATOR Reply posted on: > Mar 24, 2006 - 3:42 pm > Thanks HelloKitty... for those of you who did not know, > we never gave KSL permission to come to the party. > They inquired and we felt we should get feedback from > the Spice Party guests before making any decisions. > After hearing the feedback, we declined to allow them to film at the event. So how did they find out about the party and get in touch with you in the first place? To find you it would seem to me that some reporter or research people are doing allot of research. It seems too that allot of people are putting more weight on the fact that the media would be at the party rather then the fallout in the aftermath of of this. As others have said, KSL will not show faces or names, they can't under federal broadcasting laws. But I'm sure they will show screenshots of a computer with various swingers websites on it. Guaranteed there will be many Utahn's signing-up for free memberships to browse these sites for friends, neighbors, and members of their Ward. This is the real issue. Not the press itself on that night, but the publicity it will bring to the lifestyle.

dancing - - According to the rumor mill, Habits is where the swingers go to go clubbing. My wife and I usually go social ballroom or swing though, when we go out dancing.

Has anyone else had or still have this problem? - Mixed emotions when it's your turn to play - [quote=UCANTOUCHMYMONKY]Sugarandspice said "most swingers are down on single men. So many males are here for their own pleasure period. It is the God

Straight women FEW and far - - Just shows you where a simple question goes to bashing I love it swingers are suppose to be mor open minded and more layed back then vanillas but a simple thread like this shows you how down hill swinging has went !!!!! Some people take moron to a whole new level !!!!! Heres a saying if you don't have anything nice to say then keep your mouth shut ....... Just sayin Badboy

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - [quote=BMSHELL]It's a numbers game... Less than a tenth of 100th of a percent of the population of Utah is into swinging..... You may wear it for YEARS before someone notices.. (Just like the odds of running into a swinger at the grocery store are ridiculously slim). Odds go up significantly if you wear them to places where swingers are likely to be (Habits on a Friday night, for example). [/quote] We run into other swingers ALL the time at the grocery store, the liquor store, and the gym. In fact it's kind of a running joke with some of the swingers in our neck of the woods. [em]Emo_12[/em]

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