
South Strafford Swingers in Vermont

South Strafford Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in South Strafford, VT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over South Strafford looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of South Strafford, VT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

South Strafford, Vermont Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from South Strafford, Vermont so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with South Strafford Swingers right away!

Swingular's 1st Annual Motorcyle Ride - To benefit a cause of your choice. - [quote=CHECKTHISOUT84101]Some of you know that we are very private about this part of our life and we have a question for those that are planning this very worthy cause/event. Is this event going to be promoted or get attention from the media, police or a bunch of curious on-lookers? We honestly do not mind supporting a worthy cause like this, but showing up for a ride and having the Newspaper or 10pm TV Local News there taking pictures or video of us on our bikes is not something we want to be part of. We have this vision that local news will be starting off the 10pm time slot that day with....."Local Swingers Straddle A Hog To Help Support Breast Cancer". Maybe it's just us, but we would prefer to support this cause quietly and anonymous if this is the case. We are personally very happy to be who we are in private, but we know our family, friends and jobs WILL NOT LIKE WHO WE ARE IN OUR PRIVATE LIVES. Hope someone can answer this question for us. Thank you The Nutterbutter's[/quote] VERY good point! We would not be real comfortable with this, either...however, we do support a lot of different rides sponsered by a lot of different groups we personally are not part of...so guess we could always pass off any questions in that manner..But, it would be nice if it wasn't really advertised as sposered by a swinger group. You're right, I think the media would jump on it..JUST for that reason! Would love to hear Administrations view of this?

Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - Here you go. One of my favorite books: Brenda's Beaver Needs A Barber https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QSHd2rnkRTE

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - So after reading the comments we went in and deleted some picture. Made some changes to the profile. We would change the profile picture but can't do it on the iPad. We were thinking the picture told a little about us. But your opinions are welcome. Simples.

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - that sucks, well i wish you the bes next year...or before...lol another year another fuck!!!

Where are all the MEN - looking for men that arent afraid of furthering the aspect of sex - \"Bi_Mi_cpl\"..I have to agree somwehat...lol While the statement \"all swingers are bi\" doens\'t count me, I do however enjoy my wife with a strap-on. It was something we tried once and we enjoyed it. And the way i figured it, 1 million gay guys can\'t be wrong..lol.

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - It's unfortunate that you've had this happen to you, and apparently twice with the same couple, no less? While unfortunate, it's also par for the course. Perhaps one of the most cliche and over-used phrases we see appear on profiles is "drama free", and we always take that with a grain of salt. The truth is there is no such thing as 100% drama or issue-free couples. Even if they insist on their drama-free status, we also realize that we are all human, and these things are bound to happen from time to time. The key is not to find the ideal couple but to find the couple that deals with life (swinging) ideally. Find couples that are efficient and adept at dealing with issues between themselves, and are not so selfish to let things get as far as the bedroom before unresolved issues they have in regards to swinging arise during play. We've had a few situations like that...and they've always been deal-breakers for us. We simply don't have fun if we have to work that hard at making something happen. However, as a consequence, we've become very successful at filtering and weeding out those couples from the get-go. It's really not that challenging, because there is so much that you can read from people simply by observing them, their body language, how they interact with each other, how they compose themselves while you talk about a potential play dates with you, etc. Even if they're not inclined to be verbally honest up front with you two in a direct fashion, it's typically obvious in their behavior what their true expectations are. Asking direct questions about expectations has been mentioned and is always an excellent idea. We've found little things along the way that we take for granted as being non-issues for us are actually huge issues for other couples. Preferences for foreplay, whether or not kissing is allowed, and if so...kissing with tongue. What about oral, is that acceptable? You see, for us they are acceptable, but we must establish that they are with other couples. We've also found that more drama tends to be centered around the males in couples (sorry fellas). I'm not stereotyping here, but this has been our experience. We've had more than our fair share of guys that are ok with everything from girl on girl play, to my girl on him play, to both girls on him play, but once his gal plays one on one with another male besides him....oh Lord, the drama starts! Swinging has been one of the funnest decisions we've made, cuz we've made it that way, and we elect to avoid the drama at all costs, and that keeps things light and fresh. We know for every couple or bad experience we come across, there are 10 more good ones just around the corner. :) ~J~

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=LAPUA]That's the way it's been for us too. Have given our phone # to a few couples that have said they really want to meet. Haven't heard for them yet but tell ya the couples we have met have been great there's been very few. Still looking for them repeat couples and the one's that are looking for fun in and out of the bedroom. Where the hell are they????[/quote]

How did you get started? - - Oh boy... I get to tell this story a lot but it never gets dull... lol How we came to be.... First you have to understand how we met... I had been a widow for about 8 years, during which I began to get curious about ways to fulfill my own fantasies... being tied up, blindfolded and used by several diferrent people at one time just didn't sound very likely under normal dating circumstances. So, I began to surf the web for subjects relating to my desires and came across a few swinging sites... Instantly I became interested in learning more about swinging. I placed a few ads on web sites and waited to see what would happen. I began getting lots of replies and quickly learned that THIS lifestyle was for me. after a few years I gave up because i was just too nervous to go out and meet these people alone. After a few years I was dating a normal guy and we were invited to a party together. At the party I was introduced to some friends of his (who were swingers, but I was not informed of this). They were very nice people and we became friends right away. The following weekend I threw a small dinner party at my house and invited them. The guy i was dating was not at this party due to his work schedule. The party eventually ended up in the hottub and soon we were all naked. Well, to make a long story short, they hit on me all night long! I kept brushing them off because the man I was dating was NOT into that sort of lifestyle. They took it very well and we remained good friends. A few weeks after my party, there was a party being thrown in the their honor at a local pub and we were invited to attend. We went to the party and had a great time. My date however, had to leave the party fairly early (another conflict with his job) and I decided to stay at the party for a while longer. That's when I noticed a VERY handsome but VERY young looking guy sitting across the room that seemed to be staring at me. He didn't look a day over 20 to me (a 10 year diference in our ages at least) so I began to wonder if my tag was sticking out or if I had frosting on my nose, or what! So I ran to the bathroom quickly to check. When I came back out my friends (the swinger couple) were standing next to my table WITH the handsome guy. I walked up and was quickly informed that this GORGEOUS man who had been staring at me was their son, Ryan. We were introduced and hit it off right away. We sat together all night long talking about everything. To make another long story short, within 2 weeks I had broken up with the guy i was dating and Ryan was moving in with me. 2 weeks after that we were engaged. After several months and a lot of great times we were out on the boat one weekend at a place called passage key. This is a place where 50-100 boats anchor in 3' of water and wander around from boat to boat all day partying. We were sitting in the cockpit eating our lunch when we noticed a couple wandering our way. They came up to the boat and introduced themselves and we began talking and hanging out with them. After several bloody marys we all ended up in our cabin playing! I had never mentioned ever being in the lifestyle to Ryan before because I didn't think he would like it! But that night on the boat went very well! We had a blast! We woke up the next morning and Ryan asked me "What the hell do you call what we just did???" It was so cute. I told him that's what they call swinging and he then told me that he thought his parents were into that... that's when i got to tell him the story about his parents and the spa party i had... we both had quite a laugh!! Since then we began placing ads online and going to a few clubs and have been having a great time... I am soooo glad I found him. Now both our fantasies are quickly becoming reality! ;) --------------------------------------------------V Aint he so cute ladies?

Vegas next weekend - Clubs - Our favorite is Whispers. We've had a lot of fun at Swingers Party Club too! It's just around the corner from Whispers.

The Demise of the Political Forum (PF) - By Jock U. Larity - No free we're tired of all the bullshit fearmongering propaganda from the same wingnut gun-toting (most can't shoot a gun to save their life) morons on the right. The same morons that torture, murder and kill, to including their own sons and daughters to get a fuckin redneck cowboy and his corporate pigs more oil, more power all while trying to jam their fucking bible down everyone's throat and rape the part of the constitution, especially that which disallows this shit and twisting the part that allows them to arm themselves to the teeth should anyone have anything to say about it. No lies there buddy. Do me a favor and keep following your fuckin redneck retard shepherds off the fuckin cliff, sing jesus loves all the children, cept the colored, all you want and I will continue pointing and laughing. As for this forum. This secluded section just proves that like our country enough "Conservative Swingers" (oxymoron) cried about individuality, free progressive thinking and freedoms of expression and speech that we had to be locked away hidden. You conservatives like to ignore anything that challenges your position. You said so yourself in another thread. The truth is, we're all drum banging here and no one wants to hear anyone else's opinion. What's the point?

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