
South Barre Swingers in Vermont

South Barre Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in South Barre, VT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over South Barre looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of South Barre, VT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

South Barre, Vermont Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from South Barre, Vermont so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with South Barre Swingers right away!

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - [quote=SEAKINGHER]I was raised to believe that morality and the law are the same thing. People, in LDS society anyway, seem to profess that being moral is obeying the law and that is what they teach their children in church. I have always assumed that other religions do the same thing. But what seems to be said here is that swingers feel that the law has little or nothing to do with morality and that we are perfectly willing to break the law for our own pleasure. Is that what we are saying here.[/quote] Depends on what you are considering law. I think even in the LDS tradition there is an understand that God's law is higher than man's or governments law. A large part of the controversy of LDS polygamy comes because it was in disobedience to the law. Where church leaders believed that following their religious conviction was more important then what U.S. law said. But if you are taking some overarching moral law, like Kants categorical imperative then maybe. I think most swingers have the same ends in mind and no is being used as a means for an end. However that being said, I think most swingers seem to follow a more utilitarian guideline that pleasure is good and what promotes pleasure is good.

Do you mix your vanilla and lifestyle friends? - - Good question! Really haven't had this come up much, yet, quite like that, anyway, being relatively new to the lifestyle. But...have already encountered the Ohhh...we know some of the same people sort of thing" Even in the big city..it is amazing how often that happens. For me..I can understand why this would make some swingers nervous...never really knowing what you might say to one of their friends about "your " new friend. When I have learned about common connections such as this....my choice has been to not mention them again...and ESPECIALLY not to the ones that know both of us. I learned a long time ago, that I need to be honest....BUT....I DON'T have to tell everything I know...LOL

Where Should we go? - Have flight vouchers, where is a good swinger spot? - We've been to Hedo in Jamaica, Desire in Cancun, Caliente Caribe (formerly Eden Bay) in the Dominican Republic and the Swingers Cruise - all destinations multiple times. Our experience says it doesn't matter where you go as much as who you go with. Since there is never a large contingency going from Utah, we always try to book when there is a takeover by a group. Every time we have been adopted as soon as we got there just as if we had always been part of their group. We also usually go the week of Halloween. It's always a nasty celebration and it's at the very end of hurricane season. We've come close but have never had trouble with the weather yet. I think Desire in Cancun is the easiest resort to push the rules to the limit. Hedo II in Jamaica would be second. The former Hedo III in Jamaica was a bit more restrictive. Caliente Caribe has recently become lifestyle friendly after Eden Bay was purchased by Caliente Resorts. Before, they were just a nudist resort. The swingers cruises allow nudity on the pool decks but you have to be dressed anywhere else on the boat with the exception of the playroom which is on one of the lower decks. Also, you usually have to remain dressed on the day the boat is port until that evening when the boat sails. Some ports are exceptions when the boat is anchored far enough away and they take you to shore on tenders. If you like to take pictures of you and your partner on vacation, Desire is the most friendly. Hedo really frowns on pictures even if they are of you or someone in your group with their permission. We have managed however, to accumulate thousands of digital shots from all the resorts combined over the last few years. We have had a blast at each resort/cruise and will continue to go back. But, we've found that it's all what you make it.

Joe - Swingers parties - Wish we were in Chicago. We’d help ya out!

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - The problem with waaaaaaa is that in my humble opinion he is a pathetic little man in brain power.Obviously he can't talk about any thing but sex must mean the fat bitch beside him isn't giving him any.Oh look other people can be rude also.Get a life and the sex talk will come but as i said previously do you go out and talk about nothing but sex with everyone that you meet.I guarantee if you met my wife and first thing out of your mouth was sex talk,you'd be in a world of deep shit.We got into this life style to meet people with like attitudes to be friends.Some we have met and became friends with and still have NOT had sex with them.Others we have met and talked a while about this that and the other things and had great sex with them.Now judging by your vocabulary and your picture it appears to me that is all you can do is talk about it.You must figure that if you talk about it enough some one will finally give in and give you some.NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - Hilarious! I'll take Lucy Licatopolous! 😋

Thank you Lifestyle. - A commentary about our journey - Thanksgiving just passed us by and Xmas and the New Year are quickly approaching. I thought I would take a long moment of my time, and your time if you are reading this, to tell this massive entity, called the "Lifestyle" how it has changed me this year. We have been in the Lifestyle for a little over a year and a half. We don't even like the name lifestyle. We prefer "kinky" or "adventurous" or even just "fun as hell", but it seems the term will be around for awhile longer. The wife and I often ponder what exactly the Lifestyle is. Is it a certain set of rules and guidelines that we all live in? Is it the same for us as it is for everyone else? How often does it hurt marriage or relationships and how often does it help? Do we regret our decision to enter into it? When we first tip-toed into the waters we were intimidated, in awe and totally unprepared for what we would experience. It all seemed magical and sometimes scary. We have and had a great marriage and thought we wanted a new, kinky adventure together. We planned to go slow and we would be fine, we were certain. But we were nervous. We were so sloshed at our first Sinful party that we irritated a few people there, no doubt, and probably made asses of ourselves. We still do that sometimes, but now we do it conscientiously. But we grew and learned quickly and have morphed into what we are today (huge asses). Interestingly enough, a few years before we entered the LS, we thought swingers were all gross, dirty, sexually infected people ( I am still not ruling some of you out). We had met a couple that harassed us at every opportunity and were the "creepy" type. Now we know people may think of us the same way if they found out, which is sad, because we like to be honest and open with all of our friends. So, like many of you, it is a secret we keep. It is a trade off for doing what we do. So what have I learned? How have I changed? I have always been a non-judgmental person by most standards, but still I had strong opinions about certain things. One spouse, one partner; that is how it should be done. So what changed? First off, our communication started to blossom about all sorts of things once my wife left her religion. I won't mention names, but it begins with an L and ends in DS. We talked and talked and talked and the more we talked the more we realized that we both had kinky minds and that maybe we should "experiment". So, we made some rules, actually a LOT of rules, and entered the ring. Still thinking one spouse, one partner, but maybe, just maybe we could play in the same room as other people. How kinky is that? Hence our name...sameroomonly. Well, as some of you know, the lifestyle is a monstrous, living, breathing beast and can quickly drag you to places you never thought possible. We made some mistakes, had some great times and just fumbled our way through for a few months trying to figure out where our lines were and what we should or shouldn't do. Then we got smart. We learned to communicate again, like we used to do privately, only now we could do it with other people around. And it was refreshing. No more secret code words (well, sometimes) and no more wondering if what one of us was doing was not condoned by the other. So that is the first thing I think the LS has helped us with. Communication. We communicate like mother fuckers. Better than all of our non-lifestyle friends, for the most part. Are we always amazing and never have bumps? Of course not. Anyone who says they never have drama are either liars or delusional. So thank you lifestyle for our ability to exchange ideas and to be more honest with each other, always. The next thing we found was that we were making friends at a very fast pace. We made a kik group and had our first party with about 40 people up in Park City only 5 or so months after joining the website. It was a blast. We still host parties and invite new people all the time. We enjoy introducing new friends with old friends. Wait, did I say friends or fuck buddies? Don't we sleep with all of our friends? Isn't that the expectation? Not for us. We have made friends that we know will be around until we are all old and gray. We have lost friends because we wouldn't fuck. There are whole discussions on these forums about how some just want to meet and fuck, because this is a swinging site, not a friend site. And to each their own. We don't judge, but for us the rewards of our friendships have far outweighed the 10 or 20 seconds of amazing sex. We have friends around the world that we never would have met without the LS. So to the lifestyle, I say thank you for all of the wonderful friends we have made. Love you all, some more than others ( you know who I am talking about). :) The LS has also taught me to be less judgmental and to avoid using words like "never" or "always". Life is full of gray areas and has lost much of its black and white features. Oh sure, I still judge, have preferences and prejudices, but we all do. I just really believe in walking in another's shoes before I make any decisions about someone's life. So lifestyle, thank you for making me more understanding of other people. Last of all, I just want to say that the sexual journey has been amazing. We have shared many hot, sexy and intimate times with some of you and we have come to realize how similar we all are. We all like sex, we all have a kinky side, or else we wouldn't be here. I have done things that I never imagined would ever happen, with some of the sexiest, most beautiful people I have ever met. I have shared intimate moments with people I care deeply about and others that were just passing through. All have their high points. I have experienced more than most people would even dream about, as have most of you. We are the select who choose to follow our dreams and fantasies. I think we are fortunate. So lifestyle, thank you for all the amazing sex. In the end the lifestyle is different for everyone. It is a whole sub universe in the middle of a "normal" society. Sometimes we have to walk among the shadows to keep our secret, but totally worth it. I would never trade the LS for my wonderful marriage and think I am the luckiest man alive to be married to my beautiful, amazing wife who has shared this journey with me. Love you, Babe. As with everything in life, there will be people who read this and like it, some who don't care and some who disagree or will want to pick it to pieces. That is what makes this amazing. There are so many wonderful, different people and the lifestyle is a perfect diving board to jump into the sea of waiting bodies and personalities. So if you are new, jump in, explore and learn. If you are old school, help others to weather the bumps and keep exploring. Long live the lifestyle. That is a little about my journey, how about you? I encourage anyone to add what they think or feel the LS has done for them, even negative things. Merry xmas to everyone and hope to meet some of you new people. And to my friends, I care about each and every one of you. The Mr.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We are new to Utah so we are really hoping it's not dying out or that people are only looking for Barbie and Ken....I'd rather not move again ;) Mrs crazyfun Xoxox

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Ok, This is going to insult an awful lot of people. You

N by N Campout - Thanks for a Great time! - This was our first time coming to the campout. We had an amazing time and cant wait till next year. Thanks to our hosts and all the people who showed up and made it a great experience. "this one time, at swingers camp" haha!

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