
Ripton Swingers in Vermont

Ripton Swingers

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Ripton, Vermont Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ripton, Vermont so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ripton Swingers right away!

Racist Cops In The South - Trooper uses racial slur and threatens to kill a fleeing man. - Umm...I do believe this thread was posted under the "Just Talk" category, instead of any other category that specifically refers to "Lifestyle" chat of any kind. Therefore, one would be led to believe that Swingular does indeed entertain a variety of forum topics that may not be specific to swingers. Hence, the category offered by Swingular: "Just Talk". :) J

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - Oh, to be young again.

Have you ever.... - - Thanks for the awesome stories! Glad to see so many good outcomes.. sad for the few not so wells... there is always a risk in New experiences even with those that deem themselves "swingers". :)

Swingers at work... - - Thanks STRAIGHTUPNOW, but honestly I thought I handled it VERY DISCRETLY, it was a simple small card nothing more, between himself and I. As for the rest I was half way across the country as I stated in the post. So I didn't feel I was in the wrong by approaching him. I feel that alot of people freak out when someone does find out about their little secret, and most don't know how to handle it when they are the ones approached instead of them doing the approaching. And I'm sure also it was 90 % being I was there alone without my sexy lady. But anyway I appreciate your comments, all I can say is you live, you learn. That last trip was about 5 years ago, and recently I have discovered we are returning to do business with them again. I'm really curious what kind of reaction I'll get this time when I walk through those doors and (if) that gentleman is still there. I DO NOT plan on saying or doing anything. I just wonder if he'll take some more vacation again. LOL

Single Males - - [quote=TIFFND] Well said, Mr. Evil! To add to this, we often wonder why most single guys would be into swinging, anyway. I am far from being a Casanova, or Adonis, yet when I found myself alone and back into the single game after 30 some years, naïve as hell, one little post on a dating site brought more than a few ladies willing to just "knock boots". And yes...my profile there made it more than obvious I was not interested in a "forever" relationship. Frankly..listening to many of the single guys here...seems the chances of getting laid are better elsewhere. [/quote] Y'know i can actually think of a reason. Even if most single guys on a swinger site just want to get leid, there are guys who are just as picky about who it's with as most women are. And even if most men are supposedly all about her looks, there are some who are more about attitude and worldview and stuff than they are about looks. And swingers generally have an attitude somehting like "I'm going to do what I think I ought to be doing, not what everyone thinks I'm supposed to do." Which is a VERY attractive attitude to some people, and some guys would much rather be around people with that attitude than around "normal" people. ` Terry

Fun bar to meet people at in slc - - If you're just dropping in to pick-up a woman (or vice versa) to bang and have a few laughs with over the next few months Club 90 is hard to beat. It's not necessarily a swingers club and I wouldn't expect to meet any without some pre-planning. Basically Club 90 is filled with lots of divorced men and women looking to replace the old schmuck with a new schmuck. Again not a swingers specific crowed, but if you want to meet a lot of single and fun people Liquid Joe's on Saturday night can be a blast, especially if their house band The Spazmatics (or Metal Gods, same group, just different music) are playing. The Crowd at Liquid Joe's probably averages 10 to 15 years younger than Club 90. I have seen folks from the LS community at both places. But it's not what most are there for and you'll probably just be knowledged with a nod if they recognize you... anyhoo... hope the helps.

The Hunt Club of Brevard is in the news - And I thought Utah was a news hog - here read this: http://randazza.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/hunt-club-swingers-parties-and-freedom-of-association/ totally cool. Yes?

Where to go, what to do. - Non club activities - We through a Halloween party with vanillas and swingers we used glow stick brackets they are cheep and you can get them almost any place they worked great.

Swingers Kickball Society - - My wife and I are interested

Las Vegas - - [quote=TWONAUGHTYONES] Good to know. The one time we were there the upstairs couples only section was closed. They said it was a light crowd that night so it wasn't necessary. We thought the place was pretty full and the pool was very full. Don't think we'll be back as we enjoyed Couples Oasis so much more, but that's just us. [/quote] As we were looking around at the various swingers clubs in Las Vegas before our trip, the Couples Oasis was one of the ones that we considered, but we felt that $80 ($35 for the activation fee and $45 for the party) was a bit steep for one night (with the other things that we had planned for the weekend, one night was all we set aside for going to a swingers club). Maybe next time we will try something different and go to the Couples Oasis. On a side note, as we were conversing with some of the locals about the various clubs, we were told that the upstairs area at the Red Rooster is generally only open on Fridays and Saturdays, which is what they told us there too, so keep that in mind too.

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