
Groton Swingers in Vermont

Groton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Groton, VT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Groton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Groton, VT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Groton, Vermont Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Groton, Vermont so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Groton Swingers right away!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - GUZZICPL, I disagree. We all try to present things about ourselves on our profiles that attract others. There is nothing wrong with drawing attention to your best features. Your statement just shot 3/4 of the members of this site out of the water. I cannot even count how many cornball sexual names I've found on this site.

TPAFUNLUVNCPL2, You can apply your (and the others you spoke of) logic to racism. Just because there are a lot of Mexicans crossing the border illegally, committing crime and working illegally, it's understandable why people hate Mexicans. It's called stereotyping and it's wrong. I didn't miss the point at all. I read you Lima Charlie. Just because some single men do foolish shit that is considered socially retarded, doesn't mean all of them do. There is no justification for being intolerant of any group for what a mere portion of it's members do. You wrote: "I stated that alot of people have fetish's but I do not know alot of white couples that are interested in black men, not every woman like a cock over 8" either, there are some but we have not met very many and it seems to be a very select group and type of swinger." So? I know quite a few ladies that like black men. It maybe your locale. LOL! Also consider that many women won't openly admit to their husbands that they have a fantasy about a black or brown man. Everyone has insecurities in some form or another. I would also challenge many of you to do a search. There are quite a few individuals seeking single males. I was actually educated by other members regarding that issue. If we would just all step outside our own little worlds once in awhile, we may just be able to see the forest through all those trees. -D-

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - I will see if I can take off from work but we do need a vacation, to let loose.....

Just looking for other couples happy with super soft and no swap - There must be more of us out there? - Im getting so confused. Seems there are so many rules and borders. I was in a room w a soft swap couple and the attitude was rude and didnt even want anyone watching and had the doors closed alone, now Im sorry but why would you go to a swingers club to have sex in a room alone and doors closed, how stupid. Been turned off to "soft swap" ever since. I respect everyone's bag but if you dont respect others, you'r not gonna get it back . Im very glad Im in the vegas swingers scene and not utah anymore.....and BTW any old couples I used to swing w....Mike will be in Vegas soon! lol

Partners with hall Passes - - Bummer you haven't found single guys worthwhile. (This is the Mrs. by the way.) I guess we have just been lucky in that department. So many people bash single guys and I just don't understand why. We play separate more and more often. We have a harder time finding single women or women with hall passes. Maybe because I am the picky one :) I mean if I am going to share my incredibly sexy and amazing man she better be worth my night alone watching the kids! So ladies, please let me know if you're game to play. All you need to do is read our profile to see what "worth it" would mean to us. I also find it amusing how so many swingers claim to be open minded then are incredibly judgmental of people who choose to play separate. What is up with that? It isn't always easy finding couples where all sides are attracted and ready to get naked.

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - WOW!! some people just have no manners... I wouldn't write off the whole club just because of a few bad apples though.. Just our 2 cents

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - My previous comment was in no way intended to say that soldiers are immoral. We need them and they provide a courageous service for all of us. Just to say that those who seem extreme (the gang banger) may be acting in a way we can understand and possibly relate to.

Log in Issue - I am not a robot - Damned quizzes are getting harder and harder. They're really stressin' me out! Do you have to get 100% right to be able to log in or is Swingular grading on the curve at all? I guess if nothing else it keeps all us nasty swingers from drunk logging in and drunk thread posting and/or booty calling. [em]Emo_84[/em] On second thought maybe this is some sort of subtle IQ test to keep any complete morons from hooking up. [em]Emo_12[/em]

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - LOL someone really did it! haha lol that was funny MR

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Wish I was there in Utah. Would love to join in for a few rounds. When I lived in Phx. I had a pal who was had a open relationship. Winner got the wife after the round. She loved the exhibition trophy sex.

Polyamory - three (or more)-way RELATIONSHIPS - Hi, I've been closely associating with poly individuals for about seven years now. Find your local poly group(s) http://ohiovalleypoly.150m.com/ Make it a point to attend as many meetings and functions as you can. Keep in mind that some poly people (some) turn their nose up at the idea of swinging, just as many swinging people turn their nose up at poly. Also don't be deterred if you start attending poly meetings and don't see the kind of people you normally hang out with, your tribe, so to speak. The benefit isn't finding your people as it is in meeting people with lots of experience with poly-relationships. You can learn from anyone who has been where you are heading. Making up your own rules is great, so long as they work for you and your family. Here in Utah there are circulating groups. We have swingers, poly, kinky, burners and in each group there are the core members (hardcore) and then there are those of us that circulate among them all. So, when attending meetings be aware that one day their might be four people, the next 40. Also that the opinions of the core members may not be representative of the life you three have created for yourselves and don't let anyone sway you from what you know works for you. Congratulations, don't ever let small minded people make you feel bad. I wish you all the best.

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