
Rockville Swingers in Utah

Rockville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Rockville, UT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Rockville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Rockville, UT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Rockville, Utah Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Rockville, Utah so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Rockville Swingers right away!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I am saying that that logic doesn't justify intolerance. My analogy is logical. The majority say that swinging is wrong. Yet here you are. but thats your opinion ,,you are right & we are wrong then again we are right & you are wrong,, it's funny, its a no win situation,lol Alton aka joe dirt lol

Post up your public flashes :) - - hope you like this one. :D [img]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/210/466090871_45e74ce5bc.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.cafepress.com/SC24FUN]CHECK OUT SWINGERS SYMBOL T-SHIRTS, STICKERS AND STUFF[/url] [url=http://www.zazzle.com/SC24FUN*]OR MORE SWINGERS SYMBOL ON ZAZZLE[/url]:D

Swingers Kickball Society - - Thanks for the interest if you want to join group chat on kik send a message over and will get you added. nicehikeguy

Donte and bre - Hot swingers - [quote=zugzug]The lack of punctuation in that story made my private parts ache.[/quote]There was a ton of ...!

Reject Affair Match - Cheaters are not swingers - Yet another good reason why I use the Firefox browser with Adblock Plus ... I can't even see the ad you're all talking about, which makes me glad! :D

Go turn on Oprah - re:swingers - It is 12:30 here in Utah and I can't find it coming up on any of my Satellite channels. Too bad we were really hoping to catch it.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Sorry but that was hardly a balanced report. We will be the first to admit that we have met the least judgemental people of our lives through our experience in the lifestyle. Things don't always click but that should be expected. To give this woman the soapbox and state that people were pushy and basically force you into something was bullshit. Especially after stating that she was the 5th grader that never got picked for the team. She had a bad marriage period. Trying this out with an unstable relationship makes about as much sense as buying a new house and thinking that will make things better. A house does not make a home.

Are we really as judgmental as vanilla people? - - Yes, many in the lifestyle are as judgmental as those outside. I am 15 pounds overweight but to some I am as broad as a battleship. What's more, after 34 years of marriage, 24 of which were in the lifestyle, my wife died. All of a sudden I was persona non grata at the club we attended because single males were not allowed. I had not changed, only my marital status. I have been pilloried and shunned because of being lumped with the FEW young single guys who don't have a clue. Now I have 3 strikes: I'm old, I'm slightly overweight, and single. I've learned these last 9 years that swingers can be just as cruel, predjudiced and uncaring as other people. What keeps me going is all those swingers who truely accept me as I am.:z

Any Sci-Fi lovers here? - What\'s to describe? Either you like a good sci fi TV series or movie or you don\'t. - Okay, We are going to add our names to the Geek Squad fo Sci Fi Lovin Swingers here on Swingular! (applause please) I (mR.) am a huge Star Trek fan, and NO, there will not be any debate as to the quality of the Captains of the Enterprise! Every Trek fan worth his salt KNOWS that JAMES KIRK is the space pimp who started it all! I mean come on!?!? A green chick, a blue chick, a BLACK chick (that was a network television first!) and every other kind of chick there was. If it was a space chick, he's fucked it people. You cant but that kind of love anywhere! Now I love Picard, Janeway, Riker (of Titan fame now if you are a reader), Sisko, and yes, even Captain Archer, for whom the federation adopted many new rules because he screwed so many things up, is cool with me. I was a huge DS9 fan also, well..the last 3 years anyway when Worf came aboard. I am also a huge Star Wars fan. In fact, I am the OFFICIAL star wars fan. If there is printed material on Star Wars, I own it. For those of you who read, the NJO (new jedi order) was fantastic! And everything before it as well. Just finished the three book Dark Nest trilogy and man am I impatient for more! We both loved X-Files. Nuff said right? There were times that I wanted to bitch slap Scully for being a doubting thomas though. Even after the movie she would say, "I dont believe it." Stupid bitch. LoL. We love SURFACE, STAR GATE SG-1, Atlantis, and my absolute fav right now has got to be GALACTICA!!! Talk about a completely perfect remake of a cult classic with a few twists on the characters! Good television. Since I am gone from home so much, I dont get to watch a lot of cable, but you can bet that when I do make a date with the TIVO I am GLUED to these shows, and nothing, short of my wifes sexy ass smile and devilish little "come and get it" grin, can make me press pause! Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

UNIVERSAL "SWINGER" SIGN - UNIVERSAL "SWINGER" SIGN - We like the rings idea. It would be nice on a bumper sticker. It would be like seeing a rainbow bumper sticker identifying gay and lesbians. The rings would identify swingers.

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