
Brian Head Swingers in Utah

Brian Head Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Brian Head, UT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Brian Head looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Brian Head, UT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Brian Head, Utah Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Brian Head, Utah so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Brian Head Swingers right away!

Single Male Market - Need feedback on a feature idea. - So maybe the couples and females who use this Male Market, need to register as do the males, and put out a new pic every 3 months too..... Not sure about that aspect of the proposal as I do know a lot of people in my area and do not really want my face out there for anyone who signs up to see. Perhaps that Idea of allowing us to manage the photos like we do now to reveal to specific people. Wait, register males, couples and females, to register or be a member of the male market, control pictures as to who sees them, Hey that sounds like what swingular already is..... It is called membership..... or subscription. There are way too many who rather than allow or accommodate single males, that are REAL and participate and mind the rules of etiquette, set by the couples, who are doing everything to exclude them. I am a great guy, and I know several others here from meet and greets, who really fit well with couples or single ladies. I have had some great and regular fun with members of this site. I admit there are several really jackass guys on here looking for God who knows what, but there has to be a better way, than to segregate the "single guys" from the rest of the heard. Some casual meetups I have had on here, were kind of sketchy. Going in, I had some of the same concerns about the couple that many of you say you have about the single males on here. Turned out it was great fun for all involved. I have had some really rotten couples here who play the same games that are complained about on single men. We are all adults on here (supposedly) and should be able to be aware and savvy on here that we don't have to have mother or father always looking to protect us from every little peanut, fall or stumble by writing really hard software, then get all kinds of complaints about their work that does not match each and every special member. This lifestyle is not an exclusive right for the "Elite talk a lot, do nothing Swingers" who seem to make all the rules. There seems to at times to be a lack of civility. This site has served me well for a lot of years. I just don't know about the reason for all of this new proposal, what is really behind it, and why now. Don't even reply with dumb, sarcastic reply's, it is my opinion, and I don't want to hear from the crackpot regulars, as much as from those who have positive responses to the problem...

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - She is a Taurus and He is a Gemini,,,weg

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - We know one girl who would go for the "triple" dare always. Right *S*? We like your suggestions 333 ... specially the "guinea pigs" tempting one... wink wink.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - It's funny how you keep babbling yet you take no stance. You are a self proclaimed hero, let's hear you feats? You are an idiot that feints depth of character, education and culture. You speak as though you are the intellectual, yet you say nothing of substance. You are all smoke & mirrors. You are a false front to a steaming pile of bullshit with an explosive sewer of hot air for replies. Let it go you single, no pussy gettin, pathetic coward. Look at our pics. Then look at yours... Wait you don't have one. FURTHER PROOF YOU ARE A FUCKING COWARD GETTIN NO ACTION! Then see who is hurting socially and who isn't. You are a fuckin joke. The very fact that I still got you buzzin around my thread shows me your drawn to drama like a woman to a soap opera. You are a weak-minded hypocrite. You are a gutless and witless turd. So keep the stupidity comin'. I want this to be on the frontpage for a good while so people can see you for who you are. A pathetic small-dicked loser with delusions of grandeur and a chip on his/her shoulder. How much you gettin lately Mr. Quixote? Do tell. I wanna know how much attention you been gettin from whatever species your attracted to. It can't be a human female, given your status with the ladies and the fact that you are a social retard. It's funny how facts work. It shows how talk is just that.... Talk. You can keep talking all you want, but I'll always be the victor. I have everyone on swingular, save one pathetic douche bag, siding with my ideals. You are still alone on your couch, eating cheetos and knuckling your piss pump. Have fun with that. Pshhh yeah. D&T P.S. Damn that had to hurt.

KISSING YES OR NO? - PEOPLE THAT WON'T KISS - I got this one. What most people don't know is that the VAST majority of swingers (yes, men too) used to be prostitutes before they went WAY off the deep end and became swingers. And everybody knows that prostitutes, by law, are not allowed to kiss on the mouth. If you have any further questions please rewatch Pretty Woman. You're welcome. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/87/91/01/8791018deaa33f532adb469ad7f92ad7.gif[/img]

Utah Soft Swappers meet and great - Button up 134 Pierpont, Salt Lake City - [quote=Smartflirts]Recon knows what’s up. They have been around a while and they are trolling you. LOL. Our profile talks a little about softswap and how some fullswap couples can be douchebags to those who don’t full swap. Some of those douchebags WISH they had been more open and cool to us when we first started. The truth is the LS is and should be just fun. No matter your level of play or even no play and just social fun...social fun, flirting, and being open and dressing sexy is our favorite thing. Swapping, at any level, is great as is any sexual experience with the RIGHT people. It’s all the other fun stuff that surrounds those experiences that really makes it fun.[/quote] Fwiw, We know RECON. We've actually met once or twice IRL and know his (her?) sense of humor. In fact, we even know the origin of their screen name. It's, like, short for 'recondition' or 'reconstruction' or 'recontour' or something like that. Anyway, I just thought I would use his/her acerbic comment as a teaching moment to help anyone new to the scene with some of the jargon or slang, if you will, that swingers use so that they'll know which tab (usually A) goes into which slot (usually B)...and when. Nobody ever told us this valuable insider info when we were noobs and we made a LOT of swinger faux pas. We were taking off our clothes at wholly inappropriate times (and places), tabs were going into the wrong slots (often even into the wrong genders!), dogs and cats were sleeping together...it was MAYHEM. It took us many years to figure it all out on our own and by the time we actually did figure it out we were old and decrepit and nobody wanted to swap (soft OR hard) with us anymore. Now all we're left with is ULTRA soft swap which usually involves using sock puppets, pantomiming sex, while we watch another couple...also using their own sock puppets. It's quite sad and pathetic. [img]https://www.askideas.com/media/25/They-Love-To-Get-Fisted-Funny-Sock-Puppets.jpg[/img]

What about the lifestyle didn't meet your expectations? - Preconceptions and disappointment. - I thought it might be interesting to see what preconceived ideas people had about swinging that were completely different than what they actually found in the lifestyle. As an example, this isn't one of OUR preconceptions but we've run into SO many people (yes, usually guys...single AND coupled) who have the idea that basically anyone will fuck anyone in the lifestyle. We've encountered a large number of swingers over the years who seem to believe that the ONLY commonalities necessary for a swinging connection is the simple fact that we're all swingers. Any other factors are, apparently, moot. What things did YOU find in the lifestyle that didn't mesh with what you thought the lifestyle was all about? Did you think it would all be one big wild orgy? Or did you imagine that there were myriad unicorns ready, willing, and able to fuck you at the drop of a hat? [em]Emo_49[/em]

The males of couples I need your help!! - I am trying to understand my husband and male pride.But been that I am not a male this is hard.So please help. - First: We were childhood sweethearts. (At the age of 12.) We are best friends. We have been together for 10 years,been married for 8 years.For the ten years we have only be with each other.Before we were togrther I had been with 5 men (I do mean men.When I was a teen,I went out with men : 18 to 23.) Before we were togrther he had been with 7 girls.I was with one woman and Chris was there but we had to stop before we got started.(she only when down on me and Chris was watshing but then I told him to go down on her,so he did.Then we had to stop because someone was try to come in the room.We were at a house party.This is why we are here. Second: We are in the same place regarding swinging.I only want to be with another woman.I do not want to be with another man.(We both are not ready to have another man with us.)I just thought it would be easyer to fine a couple to do what we want.Then to find a single female.Because every where I go everyone is saying the samething " There are not as many single females looking for coupls as there is couples looking for single females."Please reread the post.It saids that We want to be with a single bi-female..... I only want the women to play and the men to watch...... Third: Nothing can get in the way of our marraige.We would never leave each other.We have been through too much together.At 18 we got back together and we had our frist miscarrage.At 19 we had our frist son and our son and I almost die and we had our second miscarrage and was told by a DR. that I could not have any more children.For 4 year we had sex maybe once a month because it hart to have sex.(When we had sex it was over real fast because he did not want to hurt me.)He never steped out on me.He never thought to step out on me.at 23 we had our second son.What ever was wrong with me was gone because it did not hart to have sex any more.At 25 we had our daughter and I almost die having her.For the past 2 years we have wild sex almost every night.After having kids we finely got our sex life back.Now if only I can get my body back. LOL <(That is a joke Chris loves my body) Chris is the best man out there for me.I should know because I have been looking for a husband since I was 16.All the men I went out with only cared about themselves and what they could get.Chis cares about me and trys to give me everything I want.THAT IS WHY WE ARE HERE.Because he is trying to give me what I want.He is the type of person that would give you the would if he could. Just so you know we as a couple have researched the swingers lifstyle for a year before we as a couple decieded to join the swingers lifestyle. We wrote this together.I just typed it . Candy & Chris

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Age...hmmm. I (Mr.) have a pretty wide range in age. I usually gravitate towards older rather than younger (yes, I'm attracted to older women rather than younger.) As for Mrs. I know some of her fantasies, but I won't pretend to answer for her. On a couples perspective, I have seen that couples tend to gravitate towards their own age range. Why? I don't know. -K_T

Posting Utah Events - A bit of help? - Educate me... How do I go about getting a couples-only event approved and posted to the site? I am interested in inviting Utah Swingers to a Moulin Masquerade Meet-and-Greet Burlesque Show to be held on February 14th in Salt Lake City. Any help spreading the word would be appreciated! Jennifer

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