
American Fork Swingers in Utah

American Fork Swingers

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Original humans as swingers? - Provocative theories based on Bonobo sexual behavior - The author of the CNN article has co-written a book "[i]Sex at dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality[/i]" Have not read it yet, but will soon. It is interesting to see that the bonobos engage in sexual practices such as oral sex, anal sex, gay sex, and group sex, as a matter of course. Could this be the way early humans practiced their sexuality? What about pair bonding? If memory serves, from what has been observed in Emperor Penguins, they pair bond for as long as it takes to raise a chick to self-sufficiency. If the egg does not hatch, or the chick dies before then, the bond is dissolved and the two find new mates for the next season, just as when the chick is able to care for itself. Could this be the way early humans pair bonded? Would this explain the "seven year itch"? Or as Dr. Ryan says," An individual male's "parental investment," in other words, tends to be diffuse in societies like those in which we evolved, not directed toward one particular woman -- or harem of women -- and her children, as conventional views of our sexual evolution insist." Could it be that both pair bonding, and communal parenting were practiced? It seems that some societies did in fact practice some form of sexual conflict resolution, while others practiced conflict of arms. Was that an evolutional turning point? Just some questions to ponder.... Myself, I came to the conclusion that the concept of marriage as we have it originated with the agriculture , as at that time it became important to know that your possessions were going to be inherited by your offspring, independent of reading any scholarly works on the subject. So the idea that early humans lived communally and had sex communally doesn't seem too far fetched.

Speed dating swinging style - - So the reason we (KOIGIRL) and I hosted it was we were tired of the meet and greets where everyone had their cliques. Also the parties we went to were not swinger parties. Everyone stood around until someone got drunk and then there was drama. Not all parties are like this, but the one's we went to were. So we decided to hold the party. First, we held it at my place. Second, we screened those who attended. there were young couples and vet swingers. We limited it to 10 couples invited (8 showed). We did have some drinks and refreshments, but once everyone got there people drew a number 1-4. There were two of each number. Based on the number you paired off with the couple with the same number. A timer was set for 20 minutes. Everyone went someplace quiet and just talked. When the timer went off, one group rotated. So those that had 4 went to 1 and so on. After a little over an hour, we went into the family room and had a few drinks and were talking about doing a second round. However, this didn't happen as truth or dare started. Almost everyone was naked. There was a new couple who was shy but even they opened up. If anyone was uncomfortable, there were other rooms. It was made clear that no unwanted advances would be tolerated. There weren't instances of this. People started breaking off and going into separate rooms for fun. If you have questions, let me or KOIGIRL know.

Habits: Vanilla or Not? - How to tell the difference? - [quote=DANDDMONTREAL]We went to Habits last night because multiple people have mentioned that it's a place that Utah lifestylers like to frequent. As we expected, it was generally difficult to tell the difference between lifestylers and vanillas (though we did recognize a few people from various events). We have no interest in offending a vanilla by making undesired advances. Nor are we looking to flip vanillas. That's just not our thing. We're really only interested in meeting stable couples that have experience in the lifestyle. So the obvious question is, what tricks do people have for differentiating lifestylers from vanillas at Habits?[/quote] This has been asked here many times before... here's what it boiled down to: 1) You can't tell by looking. 2) If you really want to know, you'll have to ask them. 3) Despite the fact that maybe 5% to 10% of the people there are swingers on any given weekend, it's not a swinger club, so if you're trying to meet swingers, it's very inefficient. Sorry.. wish there was a better answer.

Orgy Party by Swingers Circle in Las Vegas - - Sorry. Don't mean to be. It's from breathing too many fumes from Stericycle and Holly. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - DP & Airtight...yes. DVP..hell no. Just dont want to touch another guy's dick.

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We never use names just describe situations to illustrate what type of things we do. The only time I could imagine using names is if you went to house party and all concerned know you were all there. Then would use general terms of what mutual experiences we had at the party but no specifics we may have done with the people on a one on one basis. Discretion is paramount.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=DOUBLETHEFUN]Best orgasms I've had are from DP[/quote]Would love to!!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - Don, please stop making so much sense. If you keep this shit up people are going to stop calling you an asshole. Sincerely Yours, Fucktard

Club 90 party - - We have been in the lifestyle for over 10 years together and we usually do not worry about these kind of things, because they are usually in other cities and states. But if you all remember the murder of that young girl in San Diego, Ca and they focused on the parents being swingers and not the dejected nieghbor who killed that poor little girl. Link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/16/national/main509253.shtml Here is a good one for those who want to know what can happen to a club. Link: http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/02.27.03/swingers-0309.html here is another that i found interesting. Link: http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=444851&category=REGION&newsdate=1/29/2006 we are going to make our pic's privatefrom now on(face pic's), not to hide from our family and friends, who already know about our lifestyle, but the people who we work with that will not be as understanding. What I do is sells and if anyone found out in my field that we are swingers, I could have a drop off of my sales quick enough to put me out of business. I already have a hard time selling to certain companies because i am not Morman, now just add to that i am a swinger, i will never sell them anything ever and most of them would let it be known throughout my industry. We hope to meet many more people on this site, but this will make it a lot harder to do so, the screening process just got a little more complicated. Enjoy the party, but i do not think that is where the problem is in this story.

Another perplexing experience - - In reply to wetfem there is nothing wrong with you as a cpl. We have had simular situations everything from "oh no your a yankee" to "your too old" of course they never said this to our face we just could tell from the way those nights went the bottom line is ,you cannot possibly be compatible with everyone you meet and chatting, talking on phone, and e-mails/messages gives you just a slight insight into who you are planning on meeting thats why for us for the most part at least folks local to us we do not spend alot of time chatting etc... we setup a face to face meeting very quickly and see where it leads most 1st meetings are strictly social and then we tell whomever we are meeting with lets make it" more private "next time that normally will lead to a positive response or a polite "we don't feel we are compatible". We have learned to laugh about the ones who choose not to bring it to a sexual level and consider it thier loss not ours . Being in the mid aged range we know that we are more uncompatible with the majority of the swingers who frequent sights like this my wife no where looks 47 People continue to guessed her age in her mid 20's (she drives those fair ages guessers crazy she has won every time lol) and when cpls/singles meet us face to face and we tell them our kids are 28 and 26 you can see the look on thier faces that is very obvious "They did not read our profile very well". With all that said, we approach all face to face meetings with no "sexpectations" if it happens great if it doesn't we say nice to meet you and then say "NEXT" Norm&Sharon

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