
White Deer Swingers in Texas

White Deer Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in White Deer, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over White Deer looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of White Deer, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - Just went on amazon and found the set available :D! https://www.amazon.com/Reach-Around-Books-Season-One-Collectors/dp/1946178055/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=1337006711850982&hvadid=83562991723720&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocint=190&hvlocphy=80155&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-83563283253286%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=15937_10815777&keywords=reach+around+books&qid=1658342369&sr=8-1

swingers parties - - Okay, I was teasing you earlier, but it is very difficult for the single males to infiltrate the swinger's clubs here. You can join the playpalace in Fort Myers and you can go to the meet & greets at the club, but not allowed to the after parties without a single female or couple. They have a website, you can check it out, theres also theotheroz in Cape Coral (not sure what Tina's policy on single males is there these days) The local meet & greet group in Port Charlotte doesn't allow single males at all, sorry, hang in there!

STD/STI Testing - - [quote=TOKI_WARTOOTH][quote=MAYBEMOR]This is the attitude we find so prevalent!!! Play on to your hearts content. [/quote] We can be tested regularly and play safe without being a paranoid little jackwagon. Maybe the attitude you have is why your postings got deleted off other sites.[/quote] No, Toki, you are the Jackwagon! The way you responded to this thread is an obvious display of your lack of intelligence about this issue. Maybemor and others are just attempting to make this lifestyle a little safer for all involved. Not sure if you read much but there was a situation recently in Kansas City where a man and his wife were HIV Positive and managed to put a number of people at risk of contracting HIV, and these are supposedly "swingers" who know better. I've been to parties for over 4 years!! Not everyone uses condoms. Maybe you do! But even a condom isn't going to protect you against Herpes!! You always use latex with oral sex Toki.. hmm... probably not.. and guess what, you are putting yourself at risk for Herpes! Even if you get tested for Herpes you still are at risk. You could have contracted it on the weekend, go in on Monday get tested, the whole gamut of tests, get negatives on everything. Then two to three weeks later you come down with itchy bumps that turn into sores, oh shit, guess what.. yep.. you just were infected and are now positive for Herpes.. Why.. because you don't get it!!! The reason we need more people to talk about this is people are getting STD's on this site and others like it. I applaud Rob and his willingness to do what some of you may think is not needed. Toki is a prime example of why you don't play with just anyone! Sure you can't stop everything all the time, and frankly anytime you have sex with multiple partners it's a risk. But let's not be stupid folks, let's be careful. You only have this life to live, why fuck it up for yourself and the one you love because you are stupid? PS.. I wrote a long post a few months ago about our own experience with the STD issue. I received a number of posts about others who carry HSV2. Interesting thing is some of these people who have HSV2, DO NOT always tell their potential partners they have the disease. Why? PURE IGNORANCE or just they don't give a shit (which is worse). I want to make sure everyone knows, this is MR ABC who is writing this post.

Ideas on Swingers Car Rally..... - Ideas on Swingers Car Rally..... - Hey guys. yes we will all ride together 2 and 4 wheel. then hit Tastebuds Park all the cars up front and the Bikes under the overhang so they can all be looked after and jugdged. Hang at the pool just like the BBQ Pool Party then Hit the Club at 8:00 Chris Donna we already have the Bikers and Babes Party planned start posting to it and get your car people in also. We need to talk about a route Oct 14th not far off.You will start to see the Bikers posting so lets see the car folks also. This will be a fun day and night. After we ride I will have my Rum Punch pool side for all to enjoy. :) Call us. Traci and Pat

Vaccine - Do you take vaccine status into account when deciding who to play with. - [quote=Farkeltwins]Wow, we were under the impression that swingers were smart progressive people but this thread has educated us. It appears that some swingers are racists, knuckle draggers, selfish and just plain stupid. Please keep posting comments as it has been very helpful to us on what we want and don't want![/quote] Your comment clearly shows your own level of “progressive” intelligence, and lack of it. Still happy with your boy Biden running out of Afghanistan and leaving thousands of American civilians and Soldiers there as sitting duck targets? Not sure he could have fucked it up any more !

Hello summer - Swingers couple party - Nailed it. Furthermore if a single male is trolling the LS the chances are there is a reason they are and therefore need to be screened based upon that fact alone. The simple answer is for every single female in the lifestyle I’ll find you a thousand single males who wish they where there for non committal sexual intercourse which tends to be more often than not an intrinsic male desire and much less a female desire. Can I be anymore direct. Youporn, pornhub and tinder are you single males domain.

Sturgis 2009 - - When and where is the Testy Festy... have heard about it but not too sure what it is, but have heard swingers have a way of letting others know they swing. We will also be heading back through Helene on our way home....

Explain why you like being a swinger - - [quote=JANDY275]We don't like being swingers....we are really kleptomaniacs. But what better way to see what kind of cool things other people have. :)[/quote] and you could potentially add "spouses" to the list of things you theive? :p

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - It is a very site by site thing. Iowa looks like they have a lot of swingers to if you go by Swingvillage. and of course that is where the site it at... St Louis area, same thing based on that site. Hey Florida, you guys look like a rockin bunch, we might have to grab our group and head down....

Why do they run? - Why do most couples run when you suggest a real full swap? - I am certain that insecurity has no bearing on the decisions that we make in regard to the lifestyle. What you are suggesting simply isnt for us. We take so much from being in close proximity to each other during our encounters that it would render the experience...perhaps ackward or fruitless, for lack of a better term. There is a reason that so many couples run from the possibility of what you call \"full swap\". Many years ago when we were first introduced to the lifestyle, \"full swap\" entailed having sexual intercourse with another couple. \"Soft swap\" meant oral play or touching only, no intercourse. Perhaps the deffinition has changed over the years... I am certain that what you are describing is closer to what traditional polyamory is all about. In fact, there is a reason why the couples that you approach about this subject \"run like the wind\" as you call it. More times than not, it has proven to be destructive to the relationships in question. Best intentions or not, we are all human. Shit happens. Most seasoned swingers know this, and avoid this situation at all costs. Most of the relationships that we have seen over the years that were as you describe ended in ruin. Most of the people that we have known to consider this method were (coincidentally) new swingers, who had not yet developed a sense of direction or an identity in the lifestyle. There are some mistakes that you can make in the lifestlye without jeopadizing your standing with your mate. There are some that you simply can not. What you are suggesting to other couples, while it may seem like something that would be fun and cool, has proven to be atleast problematic to many other people. Just our .02 cents. Best of luck to you both. Luvbugs! (mR.) :D

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