
West Point Swingers in Texas

West Point Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in West Point, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over West Point looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of West Point, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

West Point, Texas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from West Point, Texas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with West Point Swingers right away!

Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I personally don't think you're too young. However, you have to ask yourselves this. Are there couples here that you would consider too old? I have a son your age. I am 39 this year. Sexually speaking, I don't think any age above 18 is off-limits. However, not everyone is in the lifestyle just for sex alone. Many want friends etc. Age [u]usually[/u] dictates one's maturity level. Not always. Most older swingers will shy away or be leery of young swingers because, 1) Swinger parties have alcohol. 2) Maturity or lack thereof. 3) Insecurity about their aging faces/bodies compared to yours. Let's face it, everyone has something that they're turned on or off by. You just have to roll with it. I personally think you two deserve a fair shake. ;) Don't let others' choices get your down. Remember, everyone turning you down is in turn getting turned down by someone else. I don't care how hot they seem. Don

Crickets! - - [quote=Tdaddy106]I’m brand new here and haven’t been able to correspond with anyone yet! Any pointers?![/quote]Don't join a swingers site during a lockdown and join one that is more prevalent in your area. This one is mostly Utah.

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - We use the net, as clubs are not an option for us at this point in time. We have met some great people, but would love to meet more! Sue

Pineapples and black rings and flamingos, oh my! - - [quote=BIBILOVE11]Is it true about the pineapple, flamingo, black ring thing? Or is it a joke?[/quote] From what we have learned the pineapple is a sign of welcoming. If you turn it upside down its means swingers. We first started seeing upside down pineapples at Naughty in Nawlins a few years ago and certainly seems to be catching on. Not sure where black rings come from but we wear them as our wedding bands on the wrong hand.

Hey all you "totally secure couples" - Just in case you got it wrong you have methods to recover your loss. - that was entertaining, but notice the host's conception of swingers. anyways... "I'll sue your ass!"

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - QUEENOFCRUNKXXX, Your mistake was that you assumed that everyone was at the same level as you. That's not a stab, but an observation. One of the first mistakes we all make is assuming that because we are all "swingers", we are all seasoned veterans of the lifestyle and have ironed out all the wrinkles in our relationships as swingers. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to be on the same page, all the time. I agree with you in that we should all strive to be open and communicate everything we can, to our significant other and the other couple, so that everyone knows where everyone stands with regard to swinger interaction. Does this always happen? No. My advice is don't be discouraged. All you can do is try again or move on. Everyone is guilty of "DRAMA", including you and me, for that matter. More often than not, those that say "Drama Free" are those that are the biggest perpetrators and perpetuators of it. Just my opinion of course. Better luck next time. -D-

Daybreak - Is the Daybreak area a hot spot for people in the LS? - Redemption Tuesday Comedy night also has a good number of swingers that attend and preform...

people close to home - - Hey! Let's not forget SW Georgia! ........ SW Where? I believe we are just about the only ones. But I do agree with Lizzie, there are a freakin' lot of swingers in North and South Carolina. Maybe we all ought to move?

Cum One Cum All!!! - - WOW, As said by others earlier, this is a great way to thin out drama later on in meeting people. and who would be people we would not get along with later on. The whole issue of illegal immigration is a tough one, Our culture has created a need for cheap labor, and the x/y generation is a bunch of Lazy bastards(speaking from experience from try to hire from the Labor pool of our generation) The gesture of helping another HUMAN in need is a great one, and the people that are knocking that shame on you...shame on you... Our Culture, and society has created the Illegal immigration "problem" Our kids and WE will not pick Cucumbers for 2$ an hour, or clean a hotel room for minimum wage... WTF America, quit listening to Glen Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Orielly, Olbermann and Maddow, and get a real educated point of view on the reality of where we are at in America today. Roque has probably contributed more to the American System than most of the American citizens his age have. We and our kids will not pick vegetables for $2 an hour, nor clean rooms for min wage......or construction for $8 an hour......so the reality of the situation is....We have created a NEED for CHEAP labor...and ILLEGAL immigration is the answer we have been using... But the Roque situation is something different...and something that happens everyday..Really people we are on a SWINGERS WEBSITE.....WTF...get off your self rightous stands, cause if you are on a SWINGERS website, most of the people that would agree with you, as soon as they learned you were swingers (soft or Full) would throw you under the bus so fast your head would spin....So really, a fellow human being is in need, if you do not want to help...DON'T... and if you do...GREAT.... But dont get on your high horse and think that if all your Glen Beck Friends found out that you were members of a Swingers Web Site...Well you know, you would be out on the street.... Really, Stand back....think about it....Someone mentioned that a Fellow human being needs help.....a productive member of society...more so that any of the Jerry springer 2009 season had to contribute...... Really People...Dont think your Bishop approves of this lifestyle....

ARE THE LIFESTYLE SWING COUPLES MORE SPIRITUALLY INCLINED - - Thank for your other responses to my other aquestion. Now we pose the ? are swingers more spiritually inclined than str8 couples. What do you think and why?

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