
Thrall Swingers in Texas

Thrall Swingers

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Public display/playing - Playing in public places - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=JIMBOUT]I really enjoy playing in public places. A lot of people talk about it, but do they actually do it?[/quote] By "playing" I assume you mean fucking? Have ya tried Temple Square? DEF a bucket list item for swingers who like to live dangerously! [em]Emo_49[/em] [/quote] I live right by temple square, and have unlocked this achievement!

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - I will DRIVE down there and fuck the TESTIMONY out of her. Just sayin'...[em]Emo_62[/em] Ok, maybe I'll fly. Too hot to drive.

ha just horny...How bout you? - yep horny still haha - i think we are all always horny maybe that is why we are swingers. plus i love loads on my boobs

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - I'll jump in on this one as well. This is on my bucket list, so I'll volunteer myself as a second for the right couple. Afraid I'm not as humongous as Hard_Stone, though, lol.

Hall pass - - InvestigatingKink, it looks like we have been in the LS (lifestyle) about the same time, less than a year. Everyone has different needs and weaknesses in their marriage, and I certainly don't judge what other people do, at least not ethically. We were at a party just last night and talking to several couples who have been in the LS for a lot of years. We were discussing this very subject. They all had stories of people who started playing separately and most of those couples are now divorced. Their belief is that it is often very difficult on marriages and definitely not for the majority of swingers. Now all of you hall pass and open marriage people, don't get freaky on me. This is just speculation on my part and opinion of those I talk to. There are many I'm sure it works great for. I believe the LS can be seriously hard on your marriage if you are not in prime shape. We ourselves have had struggles just doing what we do (as I think everyone has had at some point) so to add more uncertainty to the situation would be tough. Also, to us (again, not judging) this is about a journey we are taking together. I like to watch her interact with people and be flirted with and she enjoys the same. If we were not together it feels as if we have moved on to something different. But we are probably rare. Our name alone, SameRoomOnly, should give you and idea of our ideals. I know this is going to sound crazy, but we aren't in the LS just to fuck a bunch of people. We truly enjoy the fun people, making friends and experiencing new things together. An analogy could be made to travel. We both love to travel. But if we started taking separate vacations all of the time, it wouldn't be as enjoyable. Hawaii is wonderful if I am there alone, but if she is with me, it makes the experience so much better. I want her to share in my experiences. Last thing is that we communicate together, almost always. It isn't that we are jealous of what a person says to either on of us, but we like to know what is being said, as a team. It keeps us honest and open and prevents us from having to recap any conversations. We trust each other completely, but we also realize that anyone can mess up and by putting yourself in a situation that could potentiate cheating or dishonesty doesn't seem wise to us. I'm sure some of you will want to interject and say "well, you two must not trust each other. We never worry about things like that. We love each other too much." Maybe so. But our opinion is that when you start to spend alone time with another person, talking freely about whatever the subject may be and are fucking that person, well...it seems dangerous. It's just like when I am at work. If a girl flirts with me or gets too close, I make sure to tell my wife and keep her updated and I also try to distance myself from that person. Not that I plan on cheating, but we are all human and have weaknesses. And by always being honest and open it helps to keep our marriage strong. So, maybe the truth is that we are just not secure enough in our relationship to do something like hall passes or an open marriage, or maybe the truth is that everyone who tries it will fail miserably and end up divorced. It probably is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, as most things are. Few things are black or white. But we wouldn't entertain the idea of a consistent hall pass. Maybe once, or twice, just to experience it, but an ongoing thing, no way. Good luck with whatever you decide. Mr. SameRoomOnly

What were you for Halloween? - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Halloween seems to be high holy days for swingers at least around here. Did you dress up and go to a lifestyle party? We didn't know if we would for sure be in town so we had to come up with some quick last minute costumes. Ms. Evil was Ines Sainz...super tight, lowcut top, tight jeans, overstuffed bra, ubiquitous sunglasses on top of her head, press credentials and her microphone complete with TV Azteca logo. I was a NY Jets player, Jets jersey, eye black, towel wrapped around my waist with one of Ms. Evil's strap-ons poking out under the towel. The only Jets jersey I could find was Mark Sanchez so after more than a few drinks when clueless people kept asking who/what I was supposed to be I smeared some chocolate on my upper lip and told them I was a "dirty Sanchez". ;-) Evil[/quote] Very creative...last year I was a bumble bee and D dressed in his 3-D camo and put condoms all over...by the end of the night we were so tired of explaining that he was a rubber tree plant I just told everyone he was a vending machine for condoms lol

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - The net is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Lifestyle, Try sites like this, yahoo and AOL groups are a great place too.

whatkind of pron is most people interested in? - Speak your mind... - To start a business I would say all amatuer and swingers parties.Personally if I am watching a porn(amatuer) and there was a 3some I want to know who the husband/wife is, it just add more to it. Other then that it's very hard today to compete with pro content they push all the boundries, i've even seen some movies where the woman wants to be slapped not many but.

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - The Mrs. doesn't golf, so if anyone needs someone to make a foresome, or a threesome, I'm available

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - WAAAA babies is that all u whiners are bunch of panty waste if i have ever seen, all talk u all talk freedom of speech now that some is standing up to u panty waste u all rebel and do not like it ummm very funnylol, lol, lol

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