
Rowlett Swingers in Texas

Rowlett Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Rowlett, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Rowlett looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Rowlett, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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Friend collectors or swingers - - We don't fuck people we don't consider friends. But you don't HAVE to fuck us to be our friend. Our friend list, right now, has maybe a dozen couples on it...only one of which we are currently (and infrequently, I might add) playing with. Personally, we're not looking for more people to play with until this whole COVID thing is a LOT more under control. Like SweettAndH, we prune the garden quite frequently and usually delete "friends" if there is no movement to get to know one another better in some way within several weeks at most. *shrug*

Alternate Semi Swinging Site? - FInding the right connections - [quote=SIMONEMARKS]Do any of you know of alternative sites for partial swingers. We have struggled to find couples who like to enjoy their own partner while allowing the ladies to play. It seems, here, that it offends when I, the lady, don’t share my guy. It works for us, but oddly is offsetting to many others. For me, if a woman doesn’t want to share her man but wants to play girl on girl…I’m perfectly happy with that. It’s her man, her limits. I’ve been told that means not everyone gets to play? I don’t understand that since everyone is playing. It’s a partial swap. Please let me know if you know of somewhere to find that.[/quote] Unfortunately website can be quite anti-semitic, they do not like semis here. Try the not-so-naughty sister site: wwww.semiswingular.com.

What about the lifestyle didn't meet your expectations? - Preconceptions and disappointment. - SRO said: "Evil: always good topics you bring to the table. So you think because people like sex they should be good at it? I know a lot of people who love food but suck at cooking. haha. Maybe having too many options on the table can also make people lazy. I don't have to try hard if I know tomorrow is another partner. To some it's the quantity and not the quality. But I can see why the expectation would be there." While I agree with your premise in principle, I would argue that by sheer repetition alone swingers would eventually have to get at least a LITTLE better at sex...or succumb to swinger Darwinism and 'de-select' themselves from the lifestyle. LOL

exspense of taking husband and boyfriend to party - - you know what i was originally think when i started this was that, iam masculine in my relationship with both guys, they both have more feminie than masculine qualities, then i read posts on here about homophobic guys who dont dp because they dont want to touch penises, its like wtf, then iam wondering where bi sexual men fit into this swingers community who are supposidly open mined, i would think that if this community were so open mined they would see a person as a masculine or femmine spirit, what if my bf like feminine guys, will there be any at a lifestyle party? what if a guy likes masculine women how many will be there? the closed minded nature of these parties sets the whole thing back to before the sixties, they might as well only allow straight wife swapping and no bisexual men allowed

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Dear Mr. Juan, While you certainly have every right in the world to express your misguided opinion on people, you might try to exercise some tact. I see that you are a single male.... Hmmm Go figure. It is our opinion that freedom (like the one you are exercising), was paid for with the lives of those people in uniform like those you are asking to pucker up and kiss your ass. Additionally the freedom that you are so lavishly using to spew your opinions is also protected by the Police, Fire and other emergency personnel. As far as your Tax money is concerned... How much of your, Mr. Quixote's, tax money is actually spent on these services??? Maybe $10 a year??? What's your fucking address? I'll send you a check. You fat, no good, leg humping, pogue, puke piece of shit. Sit on your ass like the slug you are and make your comments, but remember these people asshole. http://www.militarycity.com/valor/honor.html These Americans, that would go in your fucking stead to lay down their lives, so that you can eat cheetos and masturbate on your couch! Why don't you do us all a favor and gargle on broken glass. Sincerely, SGT and SPC Cole P.S. Tell one of their mothers you'd like your dumb ass kissed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Juan Wrote: hey, Dickwad, Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this country called the U.S. You see, here, the cops work for the civilians, so you don't tell us what to do; rather it's the other way around. Ditto the military. We are your bosses, so if there's any ass-kissing to be done, pucker up.

ARE THEY REAL? - - I really don't understand why we have little luck with COUPLES. We are a REAL couple, who really swing, and really want to meet people. So thinking on it I have come up with a couple of reasons why. Maybe its because we are NOT interested in single fems? I have noticed that the majority of females on here are BI, and I am not, so I think that could have an impact on our success with having couples want to meet us. I think the MAJOR problem we have had is with Geography, we are down in in No-swingers land and to make the drive to SLC to meet someone who "doesn't play on the first date" or "wants to be friends first" is just not going to happen. Not sluts, but then again, yes we are! We are in this for the Sex I'm not gonna lie to ya! We don't want to make 2 trips to SLC on a maybe. I'm not going to tell you we have never met anyone on this site, just that we don't really EXPECT to anymore, haven't given up yet, but we are feeling like its kind of a lost cause sometimes. I think the forum is fun enough to keep up on, great pics and stories, I don't have any swinger friends so I love the interaction of it. I will probably always be here couple times a week, raising hell! ~K~

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote=jv666playful]sorry Evildoers but stupid people get my goat [/quote] Look, I hear where you're coming from. But I sort of know this guy. Never actually met him, but there was some, I guess you could say, interaction through emails. And he sort of screwed something up, kind of embarrassed me with someone else, and pissed me off. For a minute. And the reason it was only for a minute (the fact that she thought it wasn't a big thing helped, I'll admit) was that he'd made an honest, but sort of clueless, mistake. And that he really wasn't aware that not doing what you say you're going to, and not letting anyone know until the very last minute when you could have let them know a lot sooner, is a much bigger thing here than it is in the vanilla world. But now he does know, and I'd be amazed if he ever did anything like that again. And my read on him is that he isn't stupid, just ignorant, a basically nice guy trying to figure out how to navigate in an unknown territory. And yeah, this is a topic that keeps coming up. But you know what? I suspect that the guys that bring it up are actually serious about the lifestyle, and that the ones who try it and find out it wasn't the "all the girls want to fuck" scene they thought it would be just shrug their shoulders and go back to the bars. I I suspect that a lot of swingers didn't get into it until they were a couple. And I also suspect that they might not realize what it's like for a single guy, if he's one that isn't just trying to find a quick and easy way to get laid. Believe it or not, not all of them are. Me, it's a case of been there, done that. Back when "free love" was all the rage, before Herpes, AIDS, or any other really serious STD, when any guy who couldn't go out on just about any Friday night and end up in bed with some girl had to be either the Hunchback of Notre Dame or a complete and total asshole,I was a single male in the lifestyle. I sure as Hell wasn't trying to find an easy way to get laid, in those days it didn't take much of an effort at all. And you'd think swinging was easier then, with sex being such a casual, no big deal, thing. But it was actually even harder and more complicated. As Evil said, it was called wife swapping, and it was a seriously bad thing as far as society was concerned. Swinger functions, like Sinful Saturdays, Risquee Soiree stuff, Meet n Greets? No way, Jose. There were only private, invite only, parties. There wasn't any internet, if someone was silly enough to try to set something like that up and advertise in the papers (the only avenue available then), no paper was going to take the ad. Everything was word of mouth, and that word pretty much only went to couples. It was actually dangerous. There were cases (not a lot, thankfully, but some) of the local police somehow finding out about a wife swapping party, raiding it, and hitting everyone there with morals charges. Which could even cost people their jobs. That was in the '70s, it did start to sort of loosen up in the '80s, which is when I left the country and the scene, but it was still more complicated than it is today, with no internet and everything word of mouth and single men by invitation only. So why did I bother, when sex was so damned easy to find everywhere? I LIKED these people, that's why. They were ignoring what everyone thought they should or shouldn't do, and were doing what they thought was right for them. Which is how I've believed, since I was maybe 15, that everyone should be. Point being, not all single males are JUST trying to get laid. So if someone comes along who takes the time and effort to ask how he can navigate what are some pretty treacherous waters, I think he deserves to be treated as if he's serious, just a little clueless, and not be ridiculed for it. Hell, even Evil, who's quicker than anyone I know to jump on utter stupidity with both feet, and ridicule the Hell out of it, gave the guy a break and some good, if blatant and not sugar coated, advice.

Age quesiton - Do swingers of the same age group swing together? - We try to meet everyone, we have met alot of people that are close to our age, some are awesome and we clicked with on more than one level and others not at all. When we first signed up we put noone over the age of 30, then it changed to 35, then 40, and now we have no preference. We have found though that most people older than us are more mature and settled. Not everyone of course and I'm not trying to be rude but that's just what we have noticed. We do not always play with everyone we meet just those that we all connect in some way and as long as it's what everyone wants. Some of the people we have met on here we have never played with but they are some of our best friends now and at the same time some people we have played with we havent spoken to since we played. Just depends with everyone I guess. Hope this novel helped lol, it's just what has worked for us. Good luck!! Mrs.

Swingers of Color - - Trust me... we're here... just too busy to take pics of the action....LOL

Habits + Candi - Missed connection with couple at Habits months back - Checked out Habits on a whim and met Candi. I found out later it was a swingers place and this led me to check out swingular. If you remember a tall, young, dark hair, and handsome guy dancing with you on the dance floor hit me up. I would like to reconnect. You were wearing a short skirt and enjoyed flashing everyone.

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