
Portland Swingers in Texas

Portland Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Portland, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Portland looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Portland, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Portland, Texas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Portland, Texas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Portland Swingers right away!

Kink Community and Fetlife.com - What do you guys think? - It's a whole different world! We haven't found a whole lot of swingers in the BDSM community but have met some very awesome and open people. We found the "play parties" to be a bit awkward but enjoyed fetish night at area 51 and have also enjoyed some of the educational classes and munches. Overall we found its less about the sex and partying and more about community and education.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - As a couple we have played with single gentlemen many many times over the years. The only time that I can consider upleasent feelings or hate ever came up with any single is when I was told by him to please leave the room while he made it with my wife. We show that we do not play alone ( I do not mind watching her have fun at all ), and will often just watch. As couples the single gents must realize it may not be hate but protectiveness of our loved ones. It does only take one bad apple to ruin it for many. If the couple does not want to have contact with a single, they should just block them is all. Or just make it clear that both parties will always be present. No way do I mean to offend any single guy out there or single lady, both have the right to pursue their desires and pleasures.

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - I laughed the whole way through......thanks for sharing!!!!! Are you a squirter? Lmao

Joe - Swingers parties - Nope

Age differences - How do you handle it - We2, I can understand what you are saying. My first wife was 16 years older then I and my current wife is 6 years younger. First wife helped me to mature early and quickly and current wife keeps me young and on my toes. Seems like most everyone feels similar to us. Maybe the people having the conversation we were involved in should have said the younger swingers that were at the party they were referring to were not as mature instead of saying they are more into flirting and dirty dancing rather then playing.

Great Article About Swinging! - Great Article About Swinging! - [quote=KARMICSUNRISE][url=http://www.5280.com/magazine/2010/11/sin-city?page=0,1] Swingers Article...[/url][/quote] There ya go Mav.

Secret facebook group for SLC? - - I actually started one: Northern Utah / Southwest Wyoming Swingers It isn't jumping yet, but would like to see more people added. Search for Nathan H., I live in Mtn View. I posted this in case you are interested in joining. I figured that if we were able to get a group going we could communicate in ways other than on here. The choice is yours, there is no pressure

Gym - - See, we even get swingers all the way from Fort Huachuca Arizona at Bountiful Gold's. It's one big fuckin' orgy! :-P

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Maybe in our wildest fantasy. [em]Emo_4[/em]

Are there any real players on this site? - - [quote=Willplay]I guess I don't mean "players" so much as "people who like to play". I am always courteous, polite and I think friendly, but wondered why so many people join these sites if they're really not interested in interacting with others with similar interests. Perhaps it's just a bunch of men posting pics of their wives or girlfriends in the hope of others doing the same. Anyway for those of you who are real, a friendly response to a "hello" or "friend request" even if it is "no thank-you" is much appreciated. AT least we'd know there are real people out there! [/quote] There are plenty of people here who like to play. WHO, exactly, they like to play with is the overriding question. As some have pointed out, geography is somewhat against you here as well as the fact that you're a single male and, for some, don't bring as much to the table (i.e. a partner). But there are plenty of people who play with single males. It's just that with single males it's DEF a buyers market and those who play with them can be, and often are, very choosey. Simple supply and demand. And I know it's hard for some guys (not saying you're in this category) to not think that all swingers are DTF anyone, any time, anywhere. Market yourself wisely. Find your target audience (Read profiles METICULOUSLY to make sure you know someone is looking for someone like you.) and, most of all, be patient and you will eventually find people to play with.

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