
Plantersville Swingers in Texas

Plantersville Swingers

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YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - We have to agree with NJBLONDE if you won the cruise you should owe a round of drinks lol. We are really looking forward to meeting a lot of you on the cruise. We are coming from Northern California. We will have some friends with us and this is there first time on a cruise and there first swingers event. We are definitely looking forward to this trip.

Moab lifestyle - looking for what lies under the covers in Moab - Sadly Evildoers is right, at least in our experience. Sure, plenty of swingers travel to Moab, but if there is a notable population of local swingers interested in meeting outsiders, they keep themselves incredibly well-hidden. In fact, you'd be very hard-pressed to even find a single-male to join you, and that's even if you completely toss out any expectations and standards. The reality is that the bulk of Utah's population is on the sexually conservative end of the spectrum.

Vegas News report on swing clubs/house parties - Must be an election year - Tonight here in Vegas, KVBC did a report about swingers clubs here in Vegas. They snuck in hidden camera and recorded shots of the inside of one of the houses. There are about 4 different 'homes' that hold parties on weekends. These homes are quite large, well over 2500 sq/ft. Each has their own process for gaining admission and different fees. But they are held as private house parties not clubs and the fees are kept to a minumum to just cover operating cost not for profit. They did not mention the businesses here in town that operate for profit. It doesnt help that the prime one they hit with this report is about two blocks from the main Mormon church here in town. Here is a link to the report. http://www.kvbc.com/Global/story.asp?S=4946157

Partners with hall Passes - - Bummer you haven't found single guys worthwhile. (This is the Mrs. by the way.) I guess we have just been lucky in that department. So many people bash single guys and I just don't understand why. We play separate more and more often. We have a harder time finding single women or women with hall passes. Maybe because I am the picky one :) I mean if I am going to share my incredibly sexy and amazing man she better be worth my night alone watching the kids! So ladies, please let me know if you're game to play. All you need to do is read our profile to see what "worth it" would mean to us. I also find it amusing how so many swingers claim to be open minded then are incredibly judgmental of people who choose to play separate. What is up with that? It isn't always easy finding couples where all sides are attracted and ready to get naked.

another club under fire - club in peoria - [quote=NAUGHTYGIRL101][quote=CARRIERMANANDGEEKGIRL]Obviously, the Peoria city fathers have never heard of the Constitution. #1. - It's a PRIVATE club, which means it's not open to the general public. #2. - Nothing that happens inside is within view of the general public. #3. - The club's proximity to the police station has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. #4. - Swinging and/or swapping partners is NOT illegal. It will be really interesting to see what the exact wording of the ordinance is. It will also be laughable. [b]FLASH:[/b] "Consenting adults arrested for having consensual sex behind closed doors." Film at 11:00.[/quote] I always forget how spoiled ya'll in Florida are...Constitution or not they can and will shut this place down...look at Utah...we have NO swingers clubs and as of now Ogden has no strip clubs...talk about conservative...oh wait, I DON'T LIVE IN UTAH ANYMORE...roflmao I keep forgetting that lol[/quote] It just happened in Vegas too! No more swing clubs.

What would you do? - what does a person do when their spouse no longer wishes to paticipate - There have been a lot of valid and reasonable points made. My fiancee and I are swingers, and we enjoy seeing each other with the same sex, as well as, the opposite sex. We have sat down and discussed it at great lengths. Like Tequila stated, it is recreational, it does not define our relationship. We like to meet as a couple, and we play as a couple, never separately. That is us, and how we swing. I agree that they must sit down and discuss it. Not sure about the counseling. I think they work it out between themselves. I wish them the best! Ron

Shower Time Pics - Let's See Your Shower Pics - JJSEXYTIME said: "Hmmm... what kind of fun makes you all need a shower afterwards???" Glitter bombs? Won't work. You'll NEVER completely get rid of glitter. It's the herpes of craft supplies and the scourge of swingers the world over. [em]Emo_8[/em]

You might be a swinger if - Anyone know where it is - http://www.swingersdateclub.com/swingers-jokes/100-ways-you-know-youre-a-Swinger-Blog-40345.html

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - ok now it is time to be blunt you all appernlty dont know what this is about nor have you got a clue i do realize that you are new but other people have said the same thing to you over and over again not only on this thread but others that you have posted like i belive that cplinjax said if i missed spelled the name i am sorry but people come here to expolre thier wants and desires with like minded people whatever thier comfort level is with others in this area is completly up to the couples in question but from everything you say it seems that you either try to justfiy or explain your stance on what you are looking for i think you two should talk and try to look at it from another persons point of view of what you are sayin you might learn something

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Shit before long we're gonna have to start being built with Two cocks just to keep up! =)

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