
Ozona Swingers in Texas

Ozona Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ozona, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ozona looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ozona, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ozona, Texas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ozona, Texas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ozona Swingers right away!

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=SWINGAIRS][quote=KIDSATPLAY]Why would any industry sponsor shows about the positive side of Swinging? I doubt there is any big money in promoting the swing lifestyle any more than there is profit to singing the praises of plural marriage. The vice industry might even suffer financially should swinging really catch on. This is a lifestyle that must eat the crumbs that fall from the gay lesbian table to acquire any "me to" acceptance. It seems like social and financial suicide for the deep pockets.[/quote] They had a swinger pride parade in new Orleans this year. Maybe in 20 years we can have a table too.[/quote]Except that's a false equivalency; swinging is a choice people make. No one is born as a swinger. This is like comparing wearing contacts to having green eyes; one chooses to wear contacts, one doesn't choose to be born w/ green eyes.[/quote] I was only referring to acceptance of lifestyles. Right now being gay is probably more acceptable to society than we are.

Tired of Politics and Religion! - - We are just getting caught up on this thread and all we can remember about it is that Bel gets all wet and tingly. Guess this site really is a swingers site after all. And to the Don, our friends own another swing site and guess what, they even started a thread supporting Obama. Yes it was controversial but if you knew them you would understand, they are all about common sense and always support freedom of speech and expression.

Vaccine - Do you take vaccine status into account when deciding who to play with. - [quote=FunKinkyDuo][quote=Farkeltwins]Wow, we were under the impression that swingers were smart progressive people but this thread has educated us. It appears that some swingers are racists, knuckle draggers, selfish and just plain stupid. Please keep posting comments as it has been very helpful to us on what we want and don't want![/quote] Your comment clearly shows your own level of “progressive” intelligence, and lack of it. Still happy with your boy Biden running out of Afghanistan and leaving thousands of American civilians and Soldiers there as sitting duck targets? Not sure he could have fucked it up any more ![/quote] What? no “progressive” responses from anyone to my post? Wow, I guess Covid was a perfectly fine topic to bash, trash and categorize anyone with a different view on vaccinations than yours ... but it’s crickets on this topic ... cat got your tongue? hmmm ....Biden will go DOWN in history for this royal fuck up ! And please please please put us on your fucking list of people you don’t want to play with if you think otherwise ... we probably wouldn’t have played with you anyway! ... that is all. 🇺🇸

Do the booty calls actually work? - - [quote=WETANDHARDUTCPL]It does work, but your location does turn alot of potential swingers away. . Just something about going out of state. Come out to Wendover this saturday night and have some fun with us.[/quote] Yes Wendover isn't out state...lol :) we love you guys

Skinny Dipping Spots - Where do you go sans clothes for a dip in Nature? - You can also meet up with the local naturist groups. They have naked activities all the time. The UANR group rents the pool of a local dive shop twice a month for general naked swimming/chatting for the first half then water activities/games (volleyball, tag, etc) afterwards. You can follow their group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uanr Other groups you can research are Utah Naturists, NudeUtah, FSD, Wasatch Front Naturists, Skinny-Trippers, AANR, TNS, INF, NLI. Just be respectful and remember that they are naturists/nudists and are not swingers.

Discussion brought about by the marajuana topic - - **YAWN** I'm with Highway on this one...there are plenty of ways to kill oneself. There are plenty of things the general "law-abiding" public does in their cars and homes that put themselves and others in danger. Have to wonder which demographic group will be next after having ridded our communities of the dregs of society by outlawing tobacco and alcohol (the insidious pot-heads have already been dealt with after all)? How about the fat people? They live an unhealthy lifestyle, and certainly provide a burden on society with obesity related issues. Attribute the rise in Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, increase in cancer (yes cancer...in individuals who have never smoked and have otherwise lived a good "christian" life) to the convenient and unhealthy lifestyles full of decadence and complacency we lead (Hmm...I know there was a reference to the Roman empire somewhere earlier in this thread). Once the fat peeps are incarcerated...who shall shoulder the burden and blame for many of the ills in our society? There are always going to be special interest target groups in our society, whether they be pot-heads, crack-heads, fatties, adrenaline junkies, speeders, cell-phoning-while-driving idiots, swingers...well you get the point. We may forget to look at WHY things are made illegal, maybe that's on purpose...because when you think about it...the reasons for WHY they are do not make sense. It couldn't be merely for personal safety and health reasons...because if that were the case, then certainly excessive food, and cell phones would be made illegal. I'm with TR on the too much government intrusion scene; We are the so-called "most free" country on the planet...yet we have the most laws and government intrusion and incarcerated percentage of the population. Period. Merry Christmas...haha

Party Group for Non-Redheads - Wouldn't such a group without such flaws be great? - {Warning...this is a goofy parody, not to be taken seriously!!! Warning for the seriousness police!! We've been in this lifestyle awhile, have attended some parties and would like to throw a question out there for debate. Not to get anyone's panties all in a wad by golly, just as a debate of general interest. Yeah, a debate for fun. I like to party with only those folks that I find extremely attractive--you know, those folks that look like me. To that end, I was wondering what you folks thought about starting a group where only non-redheads are invited? Mind you, I've nothing against those redheaded swingers out there, I'm sure they're fine folks. It's just that I find tanned bodies to be much healthier appearing and, lets be honest, redheads don't tan -- they burn. And when we have beach parties it really pains me to see all these redheads slathering on tanning solution yet still burning. Ouch, I can just do without that vision. I feel bad for them, I have great sympathy for their condition. Plus, redheads tend to have lots of freckles. I'm sure that SOME people find freckles to be attractive, just not me. There's nothing wrong with freckles though, I guess. What do you all think? Should we create such a party group to exclude these freckled folk so that we don't all have to play Rorschach games trying to decipher if all those freckles connected represent anything? Oh sure, I could have just created a group or a party event and simply stated my preferences and given information as to how to join my group or party and how to prove to me that you're not a redhead. I've every right to do that and, seeing that we all have our PERSONAL preferences, I believe most folks here would be very supportive of that. But I thought it'd be much more fun to have a public discussion as to the majorities feelings about the "redheaded" look and whether there was an overall agreement that such a non-redheaded party would be popular. NOT to belittle the redheads, mind you, just to have a frank and open discussion. Isn't that what this forum is for, to discuss peoples' physical features that they can't possibly change? Right here in public? Yeah, so don't be negative about my post here, OK? I'm just trying to start a constructive dialog. BTW, I don't mean strawberry blondes. I think those would be OK. As long as they can get a nice tan. Without freckles. I still haven't started my group yet, or announced a proposed party or time. I'm awaiting all of your input as to this great idea and what you yourselves think about these redheaded swinger folk. So post up your opinions so that I can decide whether I want to start this group or not! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OK, I'm trying to be tongue-in-cheek here, so I'm already in trouble with the seriousness police. But is my approach here really all that different than what has seemed to be occurring on this board lately? I really have NO objection at all to folks personal preferences. None. We all have them. But for gosh sake, just create the booty call, the party event, the group or whatever. Place your preferences in your profile and on the event, group, or booty call description. Is a public debate as to the popularity of my physical features or your physical features really necessary? What is the REAL goal of even starting such a debate? Just make the group, create the party, state your personal preferences and interested folks will follow you and other folks will not feel belittled by a public debate about the merits of their "look." I think it is fantastic for us all to have as many different options available as possible. I LOVE variety! :) I just re-read this before I post. I hope the first part of it's taken in the goofy way that it's meant. :)

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Thank you Silent Scorp!!!!! You guys are so sweet!!! You two are awesome.

Swinger arrested for being peeping tom - Naked man who holds swinger parties caught peeping in little girls room. - Good hell, I've decorated people's cars while they were in their wedding reception with condoms. Does that mean if a condom blew off while they were driving away mean their reception was actually a swingers meet'n'greet? (I was younger then but, I still think it was hilarious.) It's a good thing nobody caught me leaving the reception didnt get arrested!!! This guy has a history of peeping. Nobody said the dad had a history of beating the shit out of people? I would have beat someone looking in my daughters bedroom! Dosent make a difference if the dad thought he was (lets just making noises or not, call in what it is sounded like he was beating his meat) looking, peeing or just wiggling in weeds point is it looked like he was being A SICK SOB WHILE LOOKING AT THE DADS SAUGHTER!!! He was protecting his family. If he had been IN their house the dad could've SHOT the sick SOB and said he was afraid for his families lives and they wouldn't even be thinking on putting the dad in jail. HELLO D.A? Are you as big of of a NASTER OF DUMB ASSES Mr. D.A.? As you sound? What I don't understand is who cares if the neighbors being swingers/or just throwing bug parties has ANYTHING to do with a Grown Guy (I won't call him a man) looking in a window go together? Just because you have people over (even if they are screwing) dosent mean that's where the guy came from... Not is it something you do even if he was at the party. How do the two go together? I've been to parties, swinging and I've been to parties long before I was swinging and noone left the party and yanked their chain in a neighbors window!!! How does alot of people equal swingers??? Good hell my mom had her 15 brothers and sisters and spouses at her house this exact same night in W.V.C., UTAH and I don't even want to think about what 31 people (who are my Aunts & Uncles) must have been accused of? HEADLINE. "69 year old woman is KEEPIN IT UN TGE FAMILY". 31 Senior Citizens caught, laughing and having fun befor they Take turns going in the house. "Bottle of little blue pills found Spread around in the road" Hell that just made my fingers hurt to type and I'm gonna be sick!!!

Is the chat room always dead? - - 2nluv, you are 100% right in your first statement as you stated dont be shy about makeing a true point, maybe its time for 2 chatrooms , 1 for swingers and sex fun for this should be an adult site and the second for' the friend makers chat '....

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