
Mineral Wells Swingers in Texas

Mineral Wells Swingers

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KSL swing story - - For those of you guys out of town. This is the transcript from the KSL website. "Everyone has shared their partners with everyone else in the room." "You're in happy valley and you think nothing like that could happen." An Eyewitness News Investigation takes us inside a delicate subject few people like to talk about -- infidelity, couples cheating, in secret, in the open, and joining a movement that appears to be gaining momentum. We heard persistent rumors that spouse-swapping and adultery is commonplace in certain suburban neighborhoods. We discovered those rumors were based on at least some truth. People told us they were being recruited -- marriage counselors say they are seeing more if it. There aren't statistics or easy answers, but it's clear the effects can be devastating. Love, commitment, holy matrimony. In Utah, where marriage vows and family values run deep. Woman: "They said it was more exciting when their spouse was involved." This story will open eyes to something many would like to keep secret. "It was taboo within their religious background." "I thought, this can't be happening here. This is Utah." Sometimes it's kept very quiet, among neighbors and friends. Other times, it's out in the open. Studies show infidelity is to blame for more than half of divorces in Utah. What we found surprised even experts. We knocked on doors, attended a party. We heard stories by phone, by email, but nothing could match what we heard in a pocket of Draper. "Something was wrong with every other neighbor in that neighborhood." Her husband's indiscretions shattered their marriage. "Intensely, intensely painful. It's the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life." The divorce final, he remarried one of their neighbors within a week. It seems adultery ran rampant. Up the block it was consensual with other married neighbors cheating together. People told us they moved to get away from it and stayed inside to avoid it. Across town one woman told us she just wanted to run from it: "Everyone in the room had shared their partners with everyone else in the room. These people had been married five, 10, 20 years." She and her husband were invited to a barbeque with couples from Draper, Provo, Sandy and Salt Lake. A doctor made a move. "He's hitting on me, like he's single, and his wife's sitting right there. I think, there's another motive to this party and it's not just to hang out and meet new people." They got out of there. While there's no data, experts say it's proof of a trend. Vicky Burgess/Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist: "I think, because sexual relations and sex itself is more open, I think we're seeing more of it." We found there are several parties where couples can meet. Randy Chatelain, Ph.D./ Marriage and Family Therapist: "I believe this kind of behavior is going to catch up with a couple, because where does it stop? What more do you have to involve to create the high?" Hundreds of couples pack a popular Sandy nightclub. "A lot of people nowadays have fantasies and they want to fulfill them with their significant other. This is the best way to do that." This man, who asked not to be identified, built a business, helping couples meet at parties. His website suggests spouses can be in love and still enjoy sex with others. "They figure, 'I would much rather do it with the person I love than have them do it behind my back.'" From the looks of it, he's pretty successful. He has 4,000 members living in Utah. How fast is it growing? Four years ago there were 150 members. How common is it? Posing as a married woman, we signed up on a website aimed at so-called "swingers." In six days, 70 married men, most from Utah, ask to start a fling.

Single guys and emails... - Answering all emails - except from single men who don't seem to read our profile - OK here's another post from another "Narwhal" (single male vs. "unicorn" single female) Valance I think you coined the moniker in another post and hope it sticks because it's comparative nature of desirability even with a 10 ft. pole. I really don't understand couples attempt for the exclussion of single males as not being"swingers" without also excluding the single females as swingers with statments like "stay out of the clubs, your not swingers"or" get a woman first" This is a lifestyle not an exclusive club and there are all types and interests. I admit there are many rude crude and impolite males out there but there are also the same in the couples and single women catagories too. What are my odds of finding a woman into and interested in similar sexual activities in a regular bar or dating site? I'm here mainly for the social aspect(and yes maybe sex!). My reasoning being if one can be open and honest about sex they can and usually are more honest about all other things and this has been a general experience with most of the people I have met. Yes there's sometimes drama .(90% of the time it's either insecurity or honesty related and you'll see me headed the other way..lol) but for the most part I have found all of you folks to be great to be around. I don't ever expect any replies to any email contcts I initiate or receive any initial contact,the good old days of letters of introduction and subsequent curtious replies are regretfuly long gone. The internet just makes it easier to ignore or not acknowledge someone. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone replied without fearing nasty rebukes for rejection issues? The single males are just looking for their needs and desires to be fulfilled just like all of you and don't deserve to be bashed for being single. Being rude, vulgar,overly aggressive or impolite is a different matter. All in all I say have fun and play nice no mater what your preferences are.

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - The net is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Lifestyle, Try sites like this, yahoo and AOL groups are a great place too.

Damn Utah couples! :) - - ALL4MYPLEASURE, Mormons didn't get you into the lifestyle, swingers did LOL! BTW, nice to see other Greeks in the lifestyle. After all, we Greeks are pioneers of debauchery. Granted, the scene is ok here. It lacks on-premise clubs and many of the other lifestyle related dances and such, but I won't complain too much. We prefer the scene in a state that is more liberal where you don't have self-righteous religious zealots trying to force feed the populous their dogma. Times are changing and the population of non-lds is growing and it's voice will be heard sooner or later. -D-

Crickets! - - [quote=Tdaddy106]I’m brand new here and haven’t been able to correspond with anyone yet! Any pointers?![/quote]Don't join a swingers site during a lockdown and join one that is more prevalent in your area. This one is mostly Utah.

Mormons - - the2ovus: My response to the mormon question has always been "yes, but I've never been very good at it" Both hubby and I grew up in lds homes, did what the parents wanted us too - then woke up one day as adults and realized we could actually choose for ourselves what made us happy. I don't think it's a fair judgement (then again is any judgement fair?) to look down upon Mormons who are practicing their religion and practicing in the lifestyle. Maybe they aren't very good at either one just yet! My vote is to encourage them to look within and find out what brings them true inner peace and go with it, no matter the path they choose. I've never made the connection between the couples that chat till your fingers fall off and never meet to Mormons. I think there are a LOT of scared folks.... just wish I could tell them apart! Funny thing to me is that no-one ever asks if the couples that are down south are bible bashing baptists and swingers too, just due to their location. Why is it Mormons end up looking like hypocrites when religion is in debate? *can you tell there are some Mormons in my life I love and will defend with my life?*

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - How about kissing the Ice cube to your Favs.Make out with the host/hostess, one minute.Everyone stand tightly in front of each other and pass the orange forward using chin/shoulder.Penis bagle tossTwo girls tie a ribbon on a penis only using there mouthsAll girls have to kissBlindfolded oral sex (guess who the partner is)Everyones blindfold and try to find your partner.Remove an article of clothing from your fav. and it has to stay off the whole evening.Try a friends drinkPass the cherry, lips only.Fondle For Fun (1 min.) your choice.Men, serve the woman through out the night; fruit, (periodically). There choice who.8:30 Clothes, 10:30 Lingerie, 11:30 one article of clothing. turn out the lights.Hope this helps, sounds like fun. Oh and the Bagle toss is a real ringer.

Black Rings - Do Swingers really? - We came across a piece of jewelry that is supposed to identify lifestyle participants that can be worn as a bracelet, necklace, anklet or pin. Its the shape of a heart combined with the infinity sign. We had one special made for Cyndi and when asked by vanilla people, we simply responded it stood for our love forever for each other. It was not long after we noticed another friend and neighbor wearing something similar. They had found it on a jewelry sight that caters to the lifestyle. Our friends are so vanilla they have no idea what they stumbled across. It seems there really is no for sure sign until you start swapping or taking your clothes off.

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - are you all kiding , go "on line " you will find everything and more of what i am claiming to be TRUE , you will find helpfull info. there , i gain nothing if you trust me or not its your children and as i said some children had good luck some did not....{it might be that some children that have been exposed to porn and nudity can cope with swinging parents better}

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - TR, By "sour" I meant "off subject" (these dam threads have a tendency to do that don't they?). Your are correct, I am guilty of being intolerant as well, I have ZERO tolerance for bullies or bullying, and have a tendency to speak my mind to these type of offenders I believe in treating people they way they treat me, even if its rude and ignorant. (My Mother said if you can't find something nice to say, not to say anything at all.....I have often struggled with this) "It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance."- Dalai Lama But to go back to the original subject: SWINGING SENIORS!!! "Like childhood, old age is irresponsible, reckless, and foolhardy. Children and old people have everything to gain and nothing much to lose. It's middle-age which is cursed by the desperate need to cling to some finger-hold halfway up the mountain, to conform, not to cause trouble, to behave well...."-Sir John Mortimer ~K~

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