
Kopperl Swingers in Texas

Kopperl Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kopperl, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kopperl looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kopperl, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kopperl, Texas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kopperl, Texas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kopperl Swingers right away!

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - Ya, right? WTF is that all about?

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - We are thinking about making our first trip out to unspoken tonight, has anyone been as of late and know if people are actually going out there?

Gangbang group in Tampa? - - richandchris - the ones in the area we've heard about have been questionable from other swingers. this would be a swingers group, not a porn group or pay to play group.

Couples Copulating - How the hell do ya match up? - We must be very lucky I guess. We've only been around since April and we strictly play with couples or a group. Both the guy and gal need to be accepted by both of us, and yes it's a hard combo to find. Even in a group situation we need to feel ok with EVERYONE involved. So for us that has meant we go to A LOT of parties and put ourselves out there and meet people. Because of that we have had several foursomes and even a couple eightsomes, and some of those have been repeats too. As we have met people we've found that we're actually doing pretty good as new swingers because we've found that a lot of people who play with only couples don't get to play too often. So we say try to get out a little more. It's numbers, the more you're out then the more chances you'll find exactly the combo you're looking for. We haven't compromised ourselves yet (taken one for the team) and don't plan on it. Your combo is out there, just gotta keep looking. (Take this advice for what it's worth coming from the new guy...lol)

geting in LOVE while swinging - - Posted By: XPLORR94248 Reply posted on: Aug 5, 2008 - 7:12 am Someone mentioned Polyamory. Poly people, at least in most communities, feel that swinging and poly are not compatible.. Fact is, why not? If you are open and honest about your poly leanings and totally honest with your mate and any relationships you may have... then why not poly as well. I know that several people in here and on other sites, swingers feel threatened if you are overtly open abut your feelings. If one truely loves and trusts their partner/SO/wives; husbands/girlfriends; bopyfriends and whatever other relationships that I may have missed, they should not be threatened. If you fall in love with someone that you have sex with.... you have 2 choices..... Tell that person and their spouse and your spouce and see where it goes or simply walk away with the thoughts and get on with your life. The 3rd option is not an option.... If one is poly...thier primary relationship/s take precedence. =============================================================== I don't think it is so much of trust and love that is necessary for a poly relationship. There are, in theory at least, benefits. OTOH, NILIF. So, you are going to add complications. Many marriages already are at risk or in divorce. So, it is difficult to handle one person. What about 3? Now, it is a very nice idea to say that whomever the wife plays with is whomever she plays with. However, the reality is that it will have some effect on me. Is it always so easy to divorce yourself from the situation? Yes, in theory, you can say that when you come home, the other people are out of your lives. In practice, it often has a way of creeping back in to the primary relationship.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - I hope they do a follow up piece showing how gay marriage opened the door for evil stuff like swinging. Thanks, Obama!

Age and desire - Is there a number that scares people away? - Age is nothing we have fb's anywhere from 25-52 it just depends on whether or not they can separate from Swingers and be friends too. I mean we like to swing but sometimes we just like to hang out but we find the young'uns are a little overzealous sometimes which can be annoying so we prefer the older crowd.

YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - Can't wait to join you Liz & Ron .. we have already met quite a few cruisemates already (online) ... we plan on needing a vaction when we get back!! see ya at the Green Iguana Saturday night before the cruise???? Mark & Kathy .. room 6131

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander... - - Just one last thought on the subject. I rarely post on these issues, but have to throw this in on this particular thread. I believe the basic question that we all have to ask ourselves is: "Why are we in the LifeStyle to begin with?" I will not presume to answer for anyone on here, but for my wife and I the particular reason is to spend our lives living not living to spend our lives. As far as all the single males, fatties, skinnies bashing that appears to be occurring, folks, we are missing the basic premise of the swinging lifestyle here. It is to meet new people, establish friendships and to reap the benefits of those friendships even if they are just someone to go get a burger with. Just because you are on a "Swingers" site, sex is not all that there is. We are just as happy finding folks that want to grab dinner and see a movie as we are playing around with. Building lasting relationships and having people that one can count on is more important than notching our bedposts. As far as the body weight issue is concerned, K has gone through quite an ordeal to lose over 100 pounds in the past 15 months (and she is looking very good!). To those folks that apply the HWP stipulation to their profiles. all I can suggest is that perhaps you should redefine your limitations. You could be missing out on not only some great friendships, but actually some pretty intense sexual experiences. Kitty, anyone that has anything negative for you should seriously step back and examine who they are, what they want, where they are in life and why they are in this particular lifestyle. And BTW, I am with you on your own little world thing! It is ALL about having fun, making friends and enjoying life. The limits that each individual or couple places upon themselves, is by their choice and I support that choice, but they only limit the experiences they will have in our exceptional community. Secrets, I totally agree with you on the being good at being ourselves point. However, sometimes the choices and perceptions that we have are too overwhelming. Let's face it, no one is born into this lifestyle and all of our ideas, conceptions and beliefs are based on what we learned in our formative years. For some, that includes the perfective (is that a word?) states of looks, shape and health. Is that the goals that should drive us in a lifestyle of this nature? One last thing.....Kendra, love the tat on your back, but MAN that had to hurt!

Added Profile Information - We need your feedback. - Have seen on other sites a computer match auto search that matches the top 10 or 20 profiles that match what you and the others are looking for. This could save a lot of needless looking into others profiles endlessly. Some dating services are set up in a simular manor and it does have its benefits. Also good to have a place for specific ages you are looking for, or others are looking for. That way us vintage stock swingers would not be viewed as trying to bother the younger generation that may view us as pasture ready.

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