
Hooks Swingers in Texas

Hooks Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Hooks, TX, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Hooks looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Hooks, TX. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Hooks, Texas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Hooks, Texas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Hooks Swingers right away!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - I would have to agree with TR, you arent poking your nose into their private life and they need to stay out of yours. Then again we havent been busted. mtman

Those damn single men! - Where do they fit in this lifestyle? - T4Real I dont see Sexypoker hating anyone. He has said that from his experiences, be it at a club, private party, and I'm sure out in public, that men hit on his wife, and dont take NO for an answer. I have no doubt you have had play partners who you've been out with, and even with you standing right there, the idiots are still hitting on her, and dont want to take No for an answer. It happens in *straight, gay, lesbian, and swingers* clubs. I know several swing couples who prefer to hunt for play partners in the *straight* clubs. There is a huge gallery of men to choose from, most willing to play even if hubby wants to watch. We are all here because we LOVE sex, and we want multi partners.

Swingers gone bad?? - -


MORALITY is irrelevant. Statutory law is what reigns supreme. If they are breaking the law, then they should accept the consequences. Many European countries allow 14 year olds the right to consent to sex and marriage at 16. These decisions were made by the majority of the people in the country. Here the age of consent varies from state to state in regard to consent with other minors and 18 for most with regard to adults. Whether you are male or female, the law applies. If it is illegal to consent before 18, then it is illegal, regardless of your dogma. I seem to recall seeing a story on television about a russian (I think that was the nationality) couple that immigrated here with their two children. The country (eludes my recollection), they were from it is customary for parents to "pat" the gentinal area of the child as a means of reassurance or some such bullshit. According to the story it was a non-sexual gesture and a common custom in their country. The father was seen at a local school sporting event do this to the daughter, by another child's parent, and the man and his wife had their children taken away. This is a perfect example of what I mean. While to them, the contact was liken to a football player smackin another player on the ass as a way of saying "good game", it is not tolerated as such here. Anyway, I can't remember all of the details, but you can see what I mean. If 18 is the age of consent, 18 is the fuckin age. Laws and customs of the land are what matter. When in Rome....

-Don- "Sic vis pacem, para bellum"

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Has swinging changed? - - I've been trying to quantify the changes we're seeing but it's a little hard to pin down. For one thing, there seem to be quite a few people sticking their heads in and quickly retreating. Perhaps it's the ease of entry that allows "lookie Lous" to sort of check things out without really risking actually MEETING someone. LOL Another thing we've noticed is that there seem to be more people treating swinging as simply another way to hook up for NSA sex. I mean I know at it's core that's what swinging is but it's almost become a wham, bam, thank you ma'am culture rather than the sensuality of sharing your body with a caring generous lover. Foreplay almost seems to have become perfunctory (if it happens at all) and there's more of a "down and dirty by nine thirty" attitude than there used to be. It's almost a hit it and quit it or get in, get out, go home culture now. Many people just seem to be in such a hurry to fuck that they don't really want to take any time to get to know each other a little first. Maybe I'm seeing things but it just seems like it's changed a lot since we started swinging. I was talking to some people on another site and one guy postulated that the changes were due to the scene being so diluted by people with varied interests that there just aren't a lot of "pure" swingers anymore. I dunno, maybe I just need more coffee. [em]Emo_96[/em]

Mormons - -


It appears that there are enough swingers that are also believers in a god. Perhaps you should form a more tolerant version to the faith and recruit members. That's pretty much how all the other branches got their start. The believed differently from the "mainstream". Those that believe god or the gods could give a fuck about your sex life should make your own version. Hell you can even write a supplemental to the Original christian bible. If there is such a thing. Anyway, I say do what makes you feel right. If you fuck and it doesn't feel wrong, then fuck. The only people who say it's a "sin" are humans. AG, That just proves that many religions families usually ignore one of the fundemental principles of "God's Intent" and rob individuals the right of free will until they are away from the grips of their families. People feel so dependant on the church because the church is all they know.

Habits tonight?? - We would love to dance - How many of the people at habits on a given Saturday night are swingers? How do you know who to hit on? =)

Curious Question - - The reason this website has so many swingers in Utah is probably because it is based here and Rob does a great job of getting people here interested in the lifestyle and this awesome website.

Advice for dipping our toes into D/s - - Sign up for a fetlife account. Go to a munch, if you're really interested then you'll need a sponsor. There are some great groups like the: menagerie, Flog or a lot of groups associated with the path. A lot of swingers usually don't stay.

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - soooo.. after reading your suggestions on creating a great profile.. good advise i might add.. I checked out your public pictures out of curiosity.. [b](2) Your PUBLIC photos NEED to show what you look like.[/b] [em]Emo_64[/em] is that one of you? the monkey? just wondering.. ;) lol

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Agreed Two. Let's get together and play with toys! -K_T

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