
Dike Swingers in Texas

Dike Swingers

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If only you could tell in public who is and isnt in the LS - - For anyone squeamish about my whole branding idea we could always just have all swingers get microchipped...and then we all carry around scanners. It might be a little awkward "scanning" people as they walk by us in a restaurant but it would avoid embarrassment from misidentifying people as swingers when they're really just dressed slutty. [img]http://pincincinnati.org/wp-content/uploads/microchipping-your-pet-01.jpg[/img] Hell, the fact that we were then all carrying around scanners might be a good way to tell if someone else is a swinger too...or just a pet advocate looking for lost puppies. "Pardon me but are you lost and looking for your home or would you like to come to a hotel and fuck us?" [em]Emo_4[/em]

Stansbury Nude Beach - - 4 to 5 couples going today. If you're a couple please stop by. We'll have ladder ball, music, frisbee and nakedness. Groups mostly not swingers but people do play there. 430

An out of this world (or state) encounter - swinging parties - [quote=2TOHAVEFUNWITHU]We just moved here from California were we were part of a swingers group and kinda thought it was going to be the same out here. But we have found out there is huge differences out here lol. We are used to going to meet and greets at bars or motels and if you like someone you leave and play with them.the we are used to going to house partys which have been some of the best times of our life's lol. The house partys would have anywhere from 30 through 50 couples and there would be games and music and bring your own bottle share a bottle. They would have stripper poles and it would be a no pressure atmoshphere. The bold would end up naked and the others didn't have to if they choose not to. It was a great time there were private rooms and a couple big sex rooms were people can walk in and watch or they can ask to join. Was kind of looking forward to doing the same out here then found out the partys are nothing like that. We want to attend a meet and greet and meet new people and hang out. We are really good friends with the swinger group in bakersfield ca and they are opening a club and we are looking at getting a bigger house and they,suggested that we use there name for the swinger group and throw some house partys. like we used to go to. But I'm not sure that would work out here to well because people are a lot more private and from what we have heard from the couple couples we talked to people are to afraid to go to a big house party because there afraid of someone else seeing them there which we understand. But if we end up getting the house we qre looking at we will have a big enough place to host and we will have the same kind of setup and games that we had in bakersfield. Would there be anyone interested in going to a big house party only swingers and everyone have a good time in a no pressure environment? And sexy fun couple if you throw a party count us in we would love to go to an actuall party and meet new people and if you like someone you can actually play and have a good time and if you need assistance we can help also. [/quote] If respectful, single men are allowed I would love to attend a house party like you described. I used to belong to a group here in UT that would throw monthly parties at a local hotel that were run a like the house parties you are describing. There would be a large meeting room for everyone to meet and mingle with games and some light munchies. then there was always someone that would host the after party orgy in their room. Good Times were had by everyone who attended.

Required info for swingers - - haven't seen that one yet, we will have to check it out.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - [quote=LUVTHEFUN]We don't like condoms. But we have heard the HPV vaccine is not recommended if you are older than 26, 30, or 45 (depending on the type of vaccine). Not sure the options, other than a small group, tested regularly, would be ideal.[/quote] It’s supposed to be less effective with older people mainly because most have been exposed to HPV in some way the older they are. HPV is the number one STI… chances are you’ve had it and never realized you did, then your body got rid of it on its own. As far as this thread goes, while it might sound ideal to have a small group of friends that are tested clean, the reality is it only takes one of those people to stray and play with someone outside of the group that’s infected with something… then they will bring it into the rest of the group. It would take a whole lot of honesty and trust to make something like that work. Can’t control other people if they decide to have sex with others outside the group… and you’d never know if they put you at risk if they decided to keep quiet. Testing in this LS is a funny thing to us. If you’re active in this LS and are playing with others that are also active, those clean STI results become useless very quickly. You would have to test after each new partner, and after waiting through an incubation period first. Couples that say they have “recent tests” are usually talking about months old tests… how many people (men or women) have they been with since the clean test result? That’s not ever mentioned in our experience… If you test on a Monday, then play with someone infected (and get what they’ve got) on a Wednesday, then get a clean result on Friday, you still have a clean result even though you’re infected. We test for our own peace of mind. Never to show others as proof… we will always only ever trust ourselves with our sexual safety, and take the risks WE can control… those risks are never at zero in this LS, and we recognize that. Oral sex has its own risks as well… Weighing risk and reward is part of it. However, leaving our sexual health in others’ hands is something we just can’t do. We don’t trust you other naughty fucking people that much 😂 So condoms always for us. To each their own.

Seeking mormon swingers - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Exactly [i]how[/i] Mormon we talkin' here? I'd wager that a fairly good portion of swingers in Utah are or were Mormons at one time. We're [i]technically[/i] still Mormons so I guess we should get together and play Strip Know Your Gospel and or Spin The Book of Mormon. It's MUCH hotter when you think you're gonna finally get to see the goodies and you really only end up seeing some sexy garments. [em]Emo_100[/em] [/quote] Alle-fucking-luya, we got sum balivars up in this bich!

Here's something Ive been curious about - - Congrats on 10 years in the lifestyle, SLOW. We're old timers as well and have been doing this off and on since shortly after we got married. Over 25 years now! So I guess I can sort of see both points of view and contrary to the current rather negative societal attitude towards political correctness I have no trouble being firmly on the side of being kind to people and not labeling or belittling anyone regarding their participation in the lifestyle. Having said that, however, I can also see the viewpoint of some couples since when we first started swinging there really were no singles (or at least so few that we never met any) actively participating in the lifestyle. A few years later we met a few singles who would, say, hire a hooker to gain access to parties and events or sometimes convince a friend to act as sort of a swinging "beard" if you will, again to gain entry to swinging events. This was all pre-internet so connecting was considerably more difficult than it is now. To say that the internet changed swinging (for better or worse) is a HUGE understatement. I was talking to a guy (formerly single but now in a couple) recently about his experiences as both a SM and a couple in the lifestyle. His attitude had actually changed dramatically. It reminded me of former smokers who now are militantly anti-smoking. His argument (now that he's no longer single) was to take the couples and the singles and put them on separate websites and what do you have? He said you have a swingers site and a hookup site. I told him that there are some couples who actually seek out singles over other couples but he wasn't easily dissuaded. One final point he made that I thought perhaps was a valid point...he said when he first started out as a SM in swinging he thought that all or most of the married guys who enjoyed seeing their wives getting fucked were basically cuckolds or at very least not real men. He said it took him many years and a lot of different experiences to lose that mindset. He also said that now that he's part of a couple who is frequently contacted by single guys he sees that attitude (because he recognizes it from when he had it) far more often than not. He stated that he would guess that the VAST majority of those single guys who don't "get it", the bad apples if you will, the ones who ruin it for the few good guys have that attitude and mindset. He said that's why there will probably always be somewhat of a schism between singles and couples. Whew, that was a long fucking post. Hope it made sense. No more herb before posting, Mr. Evil! LOL

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - We could be interested. Went to temptation last december and LOVED IT!!! What resort you going to? Dates are a little bad though because we are planning a huge trip to europe around that time. If the dates change or you go again in winter, let us know.

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - We would like to join what is the Kik group

Las Vegas looking for swingers info. - - I don't know. Those parties at peoples homes are kinda uncomfortable to me. Of course we have never been to one. We just prefer a semi-public place. Easy to walk out when you want to.

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