
Ridgeway Swingers in South_carolina

Ridgeway Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ridgeway, SC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ridgeway looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ridgeway, SC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ridgeway, South_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ridgeway, South_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ridgeway Swingers right away!

Question for the ladies - - Just asking them their size does not work. They are not truthful about it. It was not MY wife who laughed at the guy. She has been very patient with the guys so far, even though she hasn't gotten what she wanted. I hate to see her disappointed. We are exclusively looking for singlemen, we do not go to house parties or swingers clubs.

New Yorker Shutting down - - [quote=Back4Good][quote=summerlovin] Whatever. Enjoy your cesspool thread of bitching and moaning about Ross and the New Yorker. [/quote] World famous swingers here gracing us with their lovely words. Flying monkeys. We had several anonymous and fake accounts come after us both on FB and here when we brought up issues at the New Yorker. And heard they are still deleting and removing people for bringing anything up on the group about the article. [img]https://dfzses8qx79cf.cloudfront.net/C4cVIp1PtUVFA7LYirrZMi7MbOY=/780x0/smart/photos%2Fb%2FBACK4GOOD-211370515464e92f97b964c.jpg[/img] [/quote]What a surprise. Fraud exposed who is too scared to reveal who they really are. Everything he says must be true because you know his history (kind of like Ross’s). Everyone now can know the truth and judge for themselves. Bring on more titties!

Why swingers are happier. - - Why wouldnt we be happier? Sex is a proven method to happiness and longer life. And lord knows we get alot of it! speaking of hmhmmmm

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - CLASSY: Good topic! :) Neither Siren nor myself have set any specific rules about time parameters being met before we'll play with a couple, but as always with many things in life...our playing has it's dynamics and nuances, which are always evolving. So, to respond to a few of the questions you posed: Fear of STD's? Not specifically. Fear of thinking of ourselves as sluts? Absolutely not. Sometimes sluthood is fun! Fear of others thinking we are sluts? We don't and have never given a patoot about what others think of us. Values, morals? No way! We are "swingers" after all, and besides...we've both spent our time in an organized "forum" (former mormons), worrying about whether or not we were being "worthy" or if Jesus was happy with us; we're sooo done with that! Do we have to BBQ before we'll fuck someone? What's the point of that? Besides...sometimes through the interaction of a BBQ you realize, "I really don't wanna boink this person." If our kids have played together? Nah...children fall outside of the spectrum of the specific lifestyle. They're part of the social nature when we're not swinging with those that we have met during the course of our experiences. It's all good. Is random sex scary? Well, yes it is...or it CAN be...but especially if you don't practice wisdom and are not reasonable by indulging in indiscriminate sex with EVERYONE you come across. There are some seriously scary-ass people out there! This question is along the same lines as the first question of fear of STD's. Taboo? Well, hell...yes it is...and I believe that is part of the intrigue; part of the whole mind-game of swinging. Bottom line: Siren and I have been known to play on first dates, and we've been known to wait a long time, and as can be expected have had a grab-bag of results. We never carry an agenda or ulterior motives (expectations) when we socialize or meet people. We can draw no conclusion using the good vs. bad experiences and if they were a first-time play or not. We do, however, go with how we feel at any given moment and at any given event. You know...sometimes it just feels right and sometimes, the Mo-Jo is simply not there. ~J~

Cum One Cum All!!! - - i hope they make a bracelet for nazi swingers...red and black with a cute little swastika. comes with matching lil mustache and inherent hatred for anyone not aryan. and just a couple pages back i read something about sending the "wets" back to where they came from? i guess when you are racist you dont notice when other people are being racist. there is a guy who just started at my work. he is from Venezuela. doesnt speak a lot of english. i know enough spanish to direct him but it frustrates me. ive worked with people from vera cruz, mexico who refuse to learn english or speak it. ive worked with bosnians who dont speak very much english...tibetans..muslims arabs...israelis and palestinians...and a turkish guy who GREW UP HERE and still doesnt speak much english. i do agree that they should put some effort into learning the language of the country they are living in...just like if i went to their country i would be required to learn their language...they aint gonna change for me...although i do make an effort to learn a couple phrases in their language for fun. thats pretty much all that bugs me about immigrants in this country...the language barrier. gives you a reason to get to know them...maybe if you heard their stories you would understand why they are here. one of the bosnians i worked with was royalty in her country...maids..their equivalent of millions of dollars...but in the war, their houses were demolished or used for army personnel. so they came to our country and now work as maids and cooks in hospitals. in their country they dont work...the guys work, and the women cook and clean..so coming here is hell for them..but they are here..they have no choice. you want to send them back to their country? their bullet ridden houses and swimming pools full of corpses..? i couldnt live with myself sending someone back to that hell.

Speed dating swinging style - - So the reason we (KOIGIRL) and I hosted it was we were tired of the meet and greets where everyone had their cliques. Also the parties we went to were not swinger parties. Everyone stood around until someone got drunk and then there was drama. Not all parties are like this, but the one's we went to were. So we decided to hold the party. First, we held it at my place. Second, we screened those who attended. there were young couples and vet swingers. We limited it to 10 couples invited (8 showed). We did have some drinks and refreshments, but once everyone got there people drew a number 1-4. There were two of each number. Based on the number you paired off with the couple with the same number. A timer was set for 20 minutes. Everyone went someplace quiet and just talked. When the timer went off, one group rotated. So those that had 4 went to 1 and so on. After a little over an hour, we went into the family room and had a few drinks and were talking about doing a second round. However, this didn't happen as truth or dare started. Almost everyone was naked. There was a new couple who was shy but even they opened up. If anyone was uncomfortable, there were other rooms. It was made clear that no unwanted advances would be tolerated. There weren't instances of this. People started breaking off and going into separate rooms for fun. If you have questions, let me or KOIGIRL know.

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - we meet most on the net... but our friends have a monthly meet and greet party... about 300 to 400 show up its a great way to meet new friends. For those who are interested the link is http://www.secretdesires.org/

S#!% swingers say - - Holy shit!! That was great. If we haven't said all those lines, Im sure we will mostly complete the list soon.(I'll have to register for Catholic school to make 100% and that might get awkward)

Hottest State - Who has the hottest people? - Uh, hmmmm, perhaps you missed the subject area, swing humor not swinger functional analytics. Come on, down throw cold water on my fun.... Which State has the Hottest Swingers?

Real Swingers Sex Parties In Pocatello? You Bet! - Idaho Sex Club is holding it's Spring Sex Party in Pocatello - Saturday, March 26th! - Hello all you horny swingers! Idaho Sex Club will be holding another fun Swingers Sex Party! Spring is a great time to get naked and naughty! [b]When:[/b] Saturday, March 26th, 2011 [b]Where:[/b] Pocatello area hotel (exact hotel and directions available on ISC site) [b]Time:[/b] 9PM until we are done! [b][color=#561225"]This party is NOT a Meet-n-Greet[/color][/b]. There will be on-premises sex happening! All of our parties are private events and by invite only. If you are interested in learning more about attending this party (or others), please contact jessicat78 here on Swingular.

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