
Pageland Swingers in South_carolina

Pageland Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Pageland, SC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Pageland looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Pageland, SC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Pageland, South_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Pageland, South_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Pageland Swingers right away!

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - soooo.. after reading your suggestions on creating a great profile.. good advise i might add.. I checked out your public pictures out of curiosity.. [b](2) Your PUBLIC photos NEED to show what you look like.[/b] [em]Emo_64[/em] is that one of you? the monkey? just wondering.. ;) lol

Mormons - - Ya somebody side there was only 50 real swingers in ut. I wanted to know if I was one of the special 50

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - That e-mail was totally out of line and I would like to say on my behalf as a single male, I would never conduct myself in such a manner. If I were expecting to be a guest, then that is what I would be. The agressors are truly insecure. Sometimes too I wonder if some 14 year old didn't get access to an account or something like that. None the less I continue to witness such a sensitivity to single males almost to the degree that saying hello is out of line. I guess that looks like another agressor. I do not want to come across as a whiner but it really makes it difficult for those of us who are hoping to make a connection somewhere. One more thing to the originator, HOTTYZX2; you are a great looking couple and there is no reason you shouldn't have the kind of fun you are looking for. Hang in there, take care of yourselves and counsel one another about how to deal with such nonsense as the e-mail you received. Sincerely, Rick

Dating other Couples - Have you done it? - Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. We know plenty of people who've done it, and done it successfully (up to a point), ourselves included. We don't know of many, if any, where it has lasted for more than a few years and didn't end somewhat badly. It CAN be quite heady and has the potential to take swinging to the next level. Unfortunately, it is also exponentially more likely to crank up the drama factor to eleven (out of ten). Quite often each couple has their own "agenda" (for lack of a better term) that is often at odds with the other couple's agenda. We've seen it frequently cause weird jealousies not only between primary partners but also between non-primary partners and in a few extreme notable cases it has ended marriages. In our case, we were relatively long-term swingers at that point who, although never really super active in the scene, felt like we'd checked off most of the things on our swinging bucket list and were somewhat curious if there was more out there to explore in swingerdom...or if we were sort of done with the scene. The couple we started "dating" wasn't really the kind of couple we usually were attracted to and maybe that was part of the allure. They also had a very interesting (to say the least) dynamic in their marriage that really was at odds with that in our relationship. Ultimately they kept pushing boundaries (started throwing the "L" word around and much more), pushed for more and more separate activities and were insidious in slowly and subtly causing rifts, both large and small, as well as a LOT of drama. We actually didn't even realize how much drama and subterfuge had occurred until we were finally out of the situation entirely. We actually miss them a little, at times, and often wonder if there might have been a way to talk things out and come to a better understanding of how to continue on in a healthier way but they've actually gone on to do exactly the same thing to a number of other couples we know (it's a small world in Utah swinging and word gets around) and it seems to be their pattern. Tldr; It can work. It's quite rare when it works long term. It has the potential for disaster. While it's appealing in many ways we don't really recommend it. YMMV

Inconsiderate - Lack of consideration for others - Then perhaps you should edit your post, MAUI, to say that "the vast majority of people in the lifestyle THAT WE'VE ENCOUNTERED IN THE EXTREMELY SMALL GROUP OF SWINGERS ON MAUI are super shallow and don't give a crap about others". Maybe it's just Hawaiian people in general who are super shallow and don't give a crap about others. Or maybe just people on Maui. I'm really sorry your swinging experiences haven't met your expectations. And believe it or not I'm not trying to rip you a new one. I genuinely feel badly for you. Have you explored other options? Travel, obviously. How about other swing websites? Swingular is big here in Utah (it was started here) but there are few members almost everywhere else except Florida. And the part about Maui being family oriented...have ya HEARD about Utah? LOL A very wise swinging couple once told US that the way to be successful in swinging is to first get rid of you expectations (so you won't be disappointed) and then to approach each situation and couple looking FOR reasons to connect and play rather than looking for reasons not to. I'm not saying play with peeps you aren't attracted to or are not compatible with but far too often it seems swingers look for reasons WHY this or that couple isn't perfect and they end up being disappointed that they can't find anyone to play with. Try some different websites. Host some meet n greets. Hell, host a house party and invite people similar to yourselves. Just a few thoughts. Good luck.

Hedonism 2 Young Swinger's Week - March 19-27 - Speaking strictly in the context of swingers cruise versus swingers resort... this comparison may help... -----[ Swingers Cruise Pros:]-------- - Lower Price (compared to resorts, it's USUALLY a little cheaper overall.. ) - TONS of activities to do. Non-Stop entertainment on the ship and on the excursions. (Not a lot going on at the resorts.. one or two games per day is all). - Many of the excursions are takeovers as well, so you can be naked if you want. (Many of the resorts of topless-only). - You can be completely naked on most parts of the ship, if you want. - Dedicated play-rooms. Lots of them. (Many resorts only have one smaller area dedicated for play... which makes sense... generally only 200 to 250 people at a resort at any given time). - MASSIVE crowd. 3,500+ people on a single ship. You'll never possibly get to know even 5% of the people on the ship. (In other words, you have a huge pool of people to choose from to find people you like!!). Unless you are into older people, this is a HUGE advantage, because on any expensive swingers vacation, less than 20% of the crowd is going to be under 50. (People under 50 generally can't afford vacations like this)....... 20% of 3,500 is MUCH better than 20% of 250 in terms of finding couples your own age. For us, this is the single most important factor. - Better / more types of food to choose from. - Higher-end facilities and nicer overall atmosphere. (Cruise-ships are equivalent to a 4-star or even 5-star hotel… swingers resorts are 3-star at best.. most are pretty worn down). -----[ Resort Pros:]-------- - Smaller, more intimate setting. You'll get to know everyone at the resort at the time you are there. - Much more laid back. If you like to do is lounge by the pool all day, every day, it's for you. - You can leave the resort any time you want and venture into town. - Typically you have better access to phones, internet, TV, etc. - Rooms are bigger If you look at the activity list on a typical resort, you'll find there's only one thing going on at any given time. Most people just lounge by the pool all day, every day -- and then they go to club-style events at night. The cruise is totally different... At any given time, you can choose from 3 or 4 different activities (or just lounge by the pool)... and you can still do the club-style stuff at night IF YOU WANT.. (but there's usually other alternatives to pick from). Honestly, the ONLY major downside to the cruise compared to the resorts is that they don't do the swingers takeover cruises very often. (Once or twice a year is all you've got to pick from). So if you're picky about WHEN you go... the resort is probably your only bet. If you're flexible, don't give it a second thought... the swingers cruise is where it's at. =) I agree, however, that if you're going to do the resorts, and age is a factor (it is definitely a factor for us), young swingers week is where it's at! Hope that helps!

C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - We should start to all go to redemption in Herriman on like Friday nights - All Singers should wear “PURPLE” and show up after 10:00 pm - We’ll all know who is in the Lifestyle !!!

Too Young to be Taken Seriously? - - [quote=REN]My husband and I are interesting in joining the lifestyle, starting slow. However I've noticed the majority of people here are older. We both are twenty, is this too young to be taken seriously in the lifestyle? Should we keep at it, or come back in 10-20 years. I do understand if people want their partners to be old enough to have an adult beverage with them. But perhaps it is the maturity level? Maturity level is different for everyone. There are twenty year olds who act years older than they are, and sixty year olds who act younger than we are. To each their own I guess. I'm not asking to have everyone be my friend right now. I'm just curious as to what people think about younger swingers. What is your opinion about say twenty-five or younger couples?[/quote] I think you two should keep at it as well. :) You are young and full of energy. Most of us older swingers wish we had the open minds, you do, when we were your age. There are plenty of people that you can connect with both old and young, that don't pay attention to the age thing. With respect to being close friends, you will have factors like experience and maturity factors that come into play. You're at a different stage in your life than older people and more often than not, this can limit your interaction and ability to identify. That being said, you should keep going. If someone's too old (in their mind), to hump ya, then they're just plain ole too old. hahaha ;) Good luck and have fun. D

swingers defined - - CDI has been doing funny vids for quite a few years and they're all hilarious. He's been a swinger for quite a few years and is a member of another site we're on. Check out their earlier vid on how to become swingers. I think it's called "The Lifestyle and You." Too fucking funny!

Why swingers are happier. - - We would definitely have to agree! Because of swinging and everything it involves and requires of a couple we enjoy an entirely different level of relationship than ever before. Its brought us closer, trust deeper, communicate better and enjoy things that most non swingers can only dream about.

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