
Gable Swingers in South_carolina

Gable Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Gable, SC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Gable looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Gable, SC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Gable, South_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Gable, South_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Gable Swingers right away!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We don't have any issues with age at this point. Personality and attitude trump years. We have, however, had people uncomfortable with our ages (mid-20's).

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - Poly is pretty much a multi-party marriage (more than two) and includes all the commitments that go with a marriage. Swinging is "recreational sex" irreguardless of what other relationship you might be in, ie single married, poly etc. The one thing that I disagree with in the thread is that swinging does not or should not involve a relationship. Rather it is the LEVEL of relationship/commitment that is the question. If you have friends, especially close friends (and I hope you all do) that is a relationship. "Normal society" says you must be in a much higher level of relationship/commitment ie married to have sex. Swingers say you can be on a good friends, friends, or even just acquaintences and have sex. All of these are relationships and I would submit for your consideration that there are a lot of swingers that enjoy getting together with the same people multiple times and also enjoy other things together outside of hopping into bed with each other. That all is a relationship but lower level of commitment. So maybe the commitment level is really the demarkation. We swing and really enjoy it. We have friends that are also swing partners and we enjoy them both as swingers and friends. We have friends that don't swing and we enjoy them. Those are all relationships, but the commitment is to friendship and or swinging. Does this make sence?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - ULUV, HAHAHA!!! Never had it. Is it any good? Oh and dude, if you change your fuckin' name, I won't respect you anymore. Fuck 'em, if they don't like it. I think it suits you and to tell you the truth man, I think it's a fuckin pimp assed name. You are who you are. That I do respect. I've read a lot of your posts and I have to say, you are a smart and funny dude, built like a brick shithouse and got pics to prove the ladies like ya. I think you never even needed this thread. You are one of the cool ones dude. I don't know if that means anything, but I would recommend you to our friends seeking the single gents. Guys like you T4REAL69, VALANCEPARADIGM (forgive me if I left any of you guys out) and a few others, proved to me that not all of you single guys are cocky, pushy, selfish fucks. You ever get this way, let's have a beer. Bring one though because the beer here sucks. Only state in the union that has 3.2 percent by weight beer (about 4% by volume). It's weak as fuck. That's a whole new Utah-based thread. -D-

Las Vegas - Fun - [quote=just4funxxx11]Thanks for all the comments. WE are actually leaving saturday lunchtime so it's thursday or friday play for us[/quote] Check out Swingers Circle for Thursday night

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - BMW 335i, Hard Top Convertible. Love it !!!!!

Why do people.... - Booty calls - [quote=JSTJIM72] Seriously.... We're supposed to be open minded, swinging people and this site is about as judgmental as anything I have ever seen. [/quote] First, about "rules" and things, and people complaining when someone "breaks" them. In any group of people there are going to be expected ways of behaving and doing things, no matter how open minded the people in the group are. For example, take a group of folks who pride themselves on being "free" and doing what they want to do, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. They have a set of bylaws maybe an inch thick, telling members what to do or not do. Swingers in general [b]are [/b]more open minded than most, or they wouldn't be doing this. That's why I like them so much. By being swingers, they automatically have at least one attitude that I really like. But not necessarily all swingers are all [b]that[/b] open minded, sometimes it's limited to paying no attention to who society says you should or shouldn't be having sex with. People have their prejudices and expectations regarding others, no matter what they're doing. This'll sound like [b]my[/b] rant, and I suppose to some extent it is. I've never posted a booty call, and I never will. And I've only ever responded to one of them. Why? Because I know it'll be a waste of time because of peoples' assumptions and expectations. Like you, I'm not uber any of those things, except maybe smooth if you're talking about body hair, which I doubt you are. I'm good looking, not fat, and am probably the most non-judgmental and open minded guy you'll ever run into. Unless someone does or says something just plain mean to or about someone else, then I get pissed off and my normal open mindedness gets kind of lost. But I [b]do[/b] have a really big issue finding people, let alone single girls, to play with. Why? because I'm [b]old[/b]. And pretty much everyone has all kinds of assumptions about that. It makes no difference that I don't act, or think, or have any of the attitudes someone "my age" is assumed to have. It doesn't matter that I look, based on what other people think, literally decades (well, 2 of them, that

Swingers Kickball Society - - Count us in. Send us the info please. He played Kickball for a European professional league. She coached at the collegiate division 1 level.

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - I think most of us have talked about who we have met before, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed when talking about others. Like Canitb said...it will come back on them. I think it is nice to hear that another person has "recommended" someone...LOL Isn't that kind of what the real and VIP seal is? If someone is GREAT to "hang out" with, hell I want to meet them. I mean, we NEVER talk bad about someone, but it's good to talk nicely about others. Or am I wrong?

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Sarasota... Great response!! I really was trying to say just that - there are 'perks' to any age of man, woman or couple... Of course it took me three paragraphs to say it....hehe. Happy Play! Te

Is it a “preference” or is it “ discrimination” - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Didn't realize this thread was apparently about skin tone. Fun fact. Skin is technically ALL the same color. It varies only by value, which is the relative lightness or darkness of a particular color. Saturation and chroma also play a role in how we perceive colors. Maybe a more accurate way to state your preference would be to say that you prefer that your lovers have a much higher skin tone value...of course, then you might be inundated by requests to fuck by albino swingers. But, based on the verbiage in your profile, albinos WOULD be the closest color value to your stated preference of "white". [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9d/db/ff/9ddbfff4cc56de7d456b77b9c6e2e0b2.jpg[/img] [/quote] Exactly, OmG you figured out my albino fetish ... crazy right ? 😂 👻

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