
Cross Swingers in South_carolina

Cross Swingers

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Dear single females and males - Tired of this. - On a swingers site... yea nice. Really classy there.

Swing Camp (7/15 - 7/17) - Swingers Campout in Birch Creek Idaho - "This one time at Swing Camp..." Do you know how you would complete this sentence? No? Well, come join us for the 1st Annual Black Ring Society of Idaho Swing Camp and let's make some naughty and sexy memories that we can use to complete that sentence! We are going to host a swinger's campout at Birch Creek Campground (north of Mud Lake on ID-28, more information below) on the weekend of July 15-17. We have reserved Group Site #4 for this event. This is going to be a group event with an admission fee of $15 per person (collected in cash at the event). The admission fee will cover the cost of the campground, the large 6 foot grill that we are going to provide for those tent campers who need something to cook on, and other supplies that we will help provide. The area we have reserved does not have a LOT of privacy, but we plan to bring several tarps that we can hang up between campers or in other ways to help us provide additional privacy for the things that we would like to do during this event. There is also not going to be a lot of shade other than that which we provide, so if you have a pop-up canopy you can bring, it will surely come in very useful. The campsite is about a quarter mile from the main road and we plan to use campers in a way to block access to the campsite from onlookers. The site is plenty big enough for quite a few campers, so feel free to bring them with the knowledge that there are no hookups there, so this will be dry camping for those bringing their campers. Additionally, if you have them, feel free to bring ATVs because there places to ride up in the area. There is also no place to harvest firewood up there, so be sure to make arrangements for that. We don't really want to plan a lot of group activities because we want members to have the freedom to do what they wish, but here is what we have planned so far. On Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning, we are planning to have a group potluck type of cookout where we will provide a grill to cook what you bring. Depending on how we can arrange things while we are there, we think it would be a great idea for the guys to cook the Saturday night meal nude (or as nude as they feel comfortable) and have the girls cook the Sunday morning meal nude (or as nude as they feel comfortable). Saturday night we have a few group games that we will play with those who are interested. Campsite Information: 1) Birch Creek Campground website: http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/visit_and_play/places_to_see/upper_snake_field/Birch_Creek_Campground.html 2) Directions to the campsite: Birch Creek is 66 miles from Idaho Falls (I-15 Exit 116): 1. Take I-15 North to Exit 143 for ID-33 2. At the end of the off-ramp take a left on ID-33 towards Mud Lake. 3. Just after you go through the bustling metropolis of Mud Lake (don't blink of you might miss it), take a right ID-28. 4. 24.5 miles down ID-28, you will see a sign on the left hand side of the road for the Birch Creek Recreational Area - Middle Access (attached to this post). 5. Take a left on to the Middle Access road to the Birch Creek Recreational Area. 6. 0.3 miles down the road, you will come to a fork in the road (the 2nd picture). 7. Take a left at the fork and you will see the sign (on the right) for Group Site #4. 8. Someone from the group will be at the fork to check you in, so be looking for that. Things to bring (other than normal camping supplies and equipment): 1) $15 per person for admission. 2) Food for your consumption keeping in mind that we will provide a grill for cooking 3) Firewood 4) Pop-up canopy or extra blankets to be used for privacy and/or shade Even though we KNOW this campsite may not necessarily be ideal for this event, this is the site that we have chosen and reserved, so we plan to make the best of it and we hope that you will be able to join us for this event and have some outdoor fun with us.

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - [quote=2INWVC]I'm probably betraying my ignorance here. But what about West Wendover? (The Nevada side) Or maybe Mesquite? I think there should be some houses there that the owners or banks are desperate to sell. Heck, the cops in either place might welcome some extra tax revenue.[/quote] Would definitely have to agree. West Wendover would be better and more successful. Less population to "spy" on the club. Only 1.5 from SLC. The "Out of State, Out of Mind" philosophy would apply well there. That is probably why the Vegas clubs do so well. Build it in SLC or anywhere near SLC and you will have problems from the "moral majority." Another possibility may be a ranch somewhere in a remote area close to SLC like Grantsville. But with the Wendover solution, at least there are hotels available. Mav

swingers helper... - I know some of us need this every now and again... - Sexercise for the women

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - Great time! Can't wait until next year. Thanks to all who worked to make it happen.

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - Another fantastic adult camp out is in the bag. I enjoyed seeing quite a few of my old friends and making some new ones. See you all again next year.

Swingers in Draper cause Super Dell to speed - - I wonder if the KSL story on that will be better produced than the last one?

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We havent had much luck with playing. But when we do play we tend to like to stay younger. It doesnt really have to deal with age so much as looks. But what do we know we are only 21 (m) and 20 (f)

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - We think there would be a big draw for a club like this. If it was ran right and people felt safe and privacy was still there.

Speling and Swining - - [quote=IHORUS69]Turns out this lame program allows one to edit the content of your post and not the title. So you can hack on the mis-spell all you want, but you are missing the forest from the trees. Its a fine example of missing the point; anal banality-- and proves a disappointing social and emotional maturity.[/quote] I think you may have missed the point. Evildoers is one funny person. it was all in jest. Maybe I'll start a thread asking why swingers don't try harder to have a sense of humor. On a side note, I hear steroids make one irritable and judgmental.

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