
Kingston Swingers in Rhode_island

Kingston Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kingston, RI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kingston looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kingston, RI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kingston, Rhode_island Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kingston, Rhode_island so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kingston Swingers right away!

Amusing Story about bad planning - Notice nobody asked the swinger\'s opinions - If I may interject something here with regard to the Orlando swingers\' New Year\'s Eve party. Several people have lambasted the \"parents\" of the children exposed to the swingers\' activities. I\'d like to take a different approach. Don\'t \"swingers\" have any common sense? For starters, the writer of the piece didn\'t make it clear whether the parents were or weren\'t with the children during the time of the exposure. Based on an \"adult\" reporting the incident(s) to hotel management though (Mr. Young, I believe), I\'ll take it that there might have been at least one situation where the parents were with the children. Besides, it doesn\'t say the the kids were out late at night. It doesn\'t make any specific statement about when the incident(s) took place. It does say that the swingers did their activities \"in front\" of the children. Didn\'t they have the common sense to notice youngens around and be discrete? Didn\'t the hotel management have enough sense to realize that swingers would probably be exposing themselves and therefore cover up the glass surrounding the ballroom where the majority of the event took place? And didn\'t the swingers\' group organizers have any sense to address those issues before, or even during, the event to make sure that anyone (child or adult) who doesn\'t want to \"participate\" in their enjoyment wouldn\'t have to be exposed to it (no pun intended, but hey!)? On the other hand, shouldn\'t a parent feel in a high level hotel like a Crowne Plaza that their kid could safely go down to the lobby vending machine (or whatever) without having to monitor their every movement? Doesn\'t that instill a sense of maturity in an age group (around 13 I think I recall from the story) that is virtually moments away from \"adulthood\"? From this perspective, there\'s plenty of blame to go around, except for the kids. Something else needs to be said here which is how people \"read into\" news coverage. It was quite interesting to see comments about the \"impression\" that the article made regardless of what it did or didn\'t actually say.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Given swingers seem to be very opened minded people, we are wondering how age is viewed. Do the 30 somethings stick with the 30 somethings, etc. Your thoughts are appreviated.

Can bieng Mormon (LDS) and a Swinger co-exist? - - If Catholics can have pedophile priests, Muslims have sexist wife beating terrorists and Baptists racist incestious siblings, then The LDS Church can have swingers. Why not; everyone outside the LDS Church is misled about the mormons all being polygamists anyway. I don't think others' perceptions will change much if you lead a double-life. People are kinda dense that way. <-*Joke* HAHAHA... No... well ahem.. Ultimately, it only matters what you think and feel to be good for you. If you live life for others, then you will not have lived at all. Absorb your environment and mold yourself in a manner that is consistent with your belief system, morals and happiness. You know your own heart and what's right for you. We believe as long as all human parties are of consenting age and have given consent, nothing is wrong for you sexually. We'll do what the hell we want with our bodies. As I (Don) am not religious in anyway, I don't want to have anything to do with organized religion and all their hypocrisies. This is our stance. Take it for what you will. -TR- P.S. If I hurt your religious feelings.... Remember forgiveness :-)

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - SWINGERS??? In UTAH??? REALLY??? would someone kindly introduce us to a few so we can try swinging? We have met alot of really sexy people here... but swingers? NO WAY... Isnt it against the law?

Like fishtanks? - Maybe you could help us out.... - We have a few fish tanks in our home...we absolutely love them....here is our issue...we just found out we may be having to move very quickly and possibly a couple of times...we do not want to have to worry about our tanks so we are looking to sell a couple of them very quickly...I will be posting them on other sites but wanted to give our fellow swingers an opportunity first...we really really need to sell them...email me for the info and more pics if you want but here's the basics 125 Gallon- over $1200 into this set-up asking $700 OBO 55 Gallon- over $400 into this set-up asking $125 OBO

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - CRAZYFOXTCU - you're turning me on. Am I immoral to feel that way? (I'm holding up my sarcasm card...) K.

What's the universal swinger signal? - How can you spot a swinger?? - I always tell people I like girl juice and sausage for breakfast... real swingers know what I mean :)

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - FLCPL4FUN; was there a misspelling there.... at the end... "...... Soon Cumming" ???? remember this is a swinger's site and even the young adults have to understanding coming and cumming..... :l I took my whack at the STUFF.... (remember George Carlin; "my stuff is stuff and everyone else's stuff is shit" routine.... Wasn't my stuff, therefore someone else's.....S#*&) Need a bit of humor when a pissing contest takes 9 pages......well 8 if you consider those that have said enough is enough..... Sad sad situation.... Someone mentioned the age of 12 or 13 as being the way people were treating others... I say, if the foo shits :v

Swinger Bracelets - Swinger bracelets - honestly what needs to be done is yes the bracelets and no matter what your not going to make everyone happy. OK the number is fine to say hey were swingers instead of colors why not have a 1 threw 5 and put it in a circle to separate it from the other numbers one being beginners and 5 being all out who really cares about the fact if your bi or single cuz if you catch on to the bracelet then you can just discreetly ask

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - I wear an ankle bracelet on my right ankle, which is supposed to indicate we are into Swinging/Hotwifing. Haven't had one person approach us, or appear to notice it at this point. But it's fun and naughty, so we still go out with it. :)

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