
Venango Swingers in Pennsylvania

Venango Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Venango, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Venango looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Venango, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Venango, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Venango, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Venango Swingers right away!

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Our very FIRST experience ever with this lifestyle was down in Vegas. We figured we were out and away from our home town, which mind you at the time, was a small small town where everyone new everyone, and everyone's business. Anyway, we went to Vegas for a night on the town and thought we might go to the Red Rooster and ck it out. I was extremely nervous anyhow because we had never done anything of the sort, and we didn't know what to expect when we went inside. We mustard up the nerve to go in, and went on upstairs to the couples lounge. Just as I was getting comfortable with being there I look up only to see a girl and her husband from none only then our own home town. She new all my family, and to make it worse she lived right by my husband's brother, and I worked at the same store she did just in different departments. I was mortified the whole night long.....I just kept thinking....OMG, here we are, never done this b4, 400 miles from home, at the Red Rooster, and we run into someone that we freaken know. What are the odds??!! The worst part of it, she has the LOUDEST mouth in the whole valley so I just knew she was gonna tell everyone she seen me there at a swingers club. lol Thats just our luck! Needless to say, we got home, I seen her at work, and she said nothing at all. Our family didn't find out, no one we knew found out, and from then on....I just really didn't care that much. Bsides, they were there too....so, I had something on them as well!

I need a room! - Do you have a room for rent? - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]Off subject, just a bit, but has anyone every considered renting a room out to swingers on a month by month basis, as a play room? The renters would not be there all the time, just when they have a hook-up. So the landlord would not have to share their home 24/7/365. When their renters are there they might make a bit of noise and such, but hey that might be interesting and a side benefit. If they collected $400.00 or $500.00 a month and maybe three or four swinging households kicked in it could be a way to economize play-dating and not have to worry about hotel security knocking on the door due to noise complaints. I am guessing the room would get used maybe two nights a week. The landlord and the swinging renters and any of their guest would sign an agreement on rules etc. Hey it might be a way for a select single guy to meet a few people as the landlord. Hey, he might get an invite from time to time to join in.[/quote] Damn!!!! That sounds freakin great!!!! If I had my own house, I would definitely set that up!!!!! I wish that existed, now!!!!

The Vent part II - Secrecy - Hi all, me again here with another vent. As we have turned into full blown swingers, our "Vanilla" friends are becoming an issue. We usually swing out of town for two reasons, first there are very few swingers in our area, and I'm having my doubts that the ones that are here are who they say they are, and second, (as a friend once said) we are in a small town and can't "shit in our own nest." The problem is we are very fun people to be around (not bragging,) and when we go out of town our Vanilla friends want to come with us. This leads into the problem, if we take our friends out of town with us we can't find someone to play with, or we have to "out" ourselves to them which leads to SO many other issues that I don't even want to contemplate what could happen then. (Basically all of them would not be open and understanding.) So we are planning a trip to Mesquite, for all you Northerners that's like Wendover, and some of our Vanillas want to come, but we want to "hook up" while we are there, and if we don't "hook up" we could still have alot of fun with our regular friends. So do we risk putting a wedge in our friendships by making up stories and lies, or do we give up on getting some? its like a double edged sword, (we would love to have more swinger friends, but I will refer you to above statement about lack of real swingers in our area.) In many ways I would love to just announce at the next bash that we are swingers now and they should just deal with it, but we all know that's NOT a good idea. Any thoughts or ideas? I guess we just have to pick one huh? -Classy

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Sounds great would be interested

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - - Fix the site so it's mobile-responsive. Your current mobile app sucks ass. (Like.. a LOT of ass). We had a great one with SwingRing and you shut it down. (I even offered to give you the whole thing for free.. but you ignored a ton of emails to that end). All modern social communities are now mobile-first. This one is mobile-non-existent. I recognize this is a total front-end UI rewrite. I would propose that it's probably about time. I can introduce you to some people who are very good at this kind of work, if you need. (And you'll have to forgive us if you make another promise that it's coming, and we don't believe you anymore). - Get rid of the awful chat system and replace it with something a little more.. modern. You're just plugging in bad third-party products and you just cheapen the whole experience. CometChat really is bad, and the mobile app you white-labeled from them is absolutely TERRIBLE. You should get your money back on that whole venture. (123FlashChat is also TERRIBLE!!) - Fix the "groups" feature here. You need a more social / facebook style wall where content that's relevant to us is pushed to our main Swingular page. If someone posts in a group I belong to, I should get notified of that and see it on my wall. If someone replies to a thread in the forums I'm participating in, I'd like to see that. Kasidie, Quiver, and other sites are figuring all of this out while this site still lives in the dark ages. As it stands, the social capabilities of this site aren't just bad -- they're embarrassing. No wonder so many people from this site are migrating to the (less than ideal) Facebook groups and Kik chat rooms. - I want a damn text message or push notification when someone sends me a message. I want to be able to reply to the message they sent from my mobile device, without going through some cumbersome sign-in process. I want to be able to view their profile, their public photos, and their private photos without having to go through the captcha process. Put simply? I want interaction with other couples to be seamless. You really suck at this right now. (The SwingRing app had all this. You killed it in favor of something that looks like it was created by a junior-high kid). - Better event management.. I built a REALLY nice event management system in the SwingRing app that's now dead.. but parties were better attended than ever before as a result of that system. Now we're back to the stone age. The whole point of this site is to help swingers meet other swingers. Don't lose site of that! - All the bells and whistles that I get from other sites are missing. (List is too long to paste here, but I'd be happy to offer you consulting services on how to build engaging and interactive online communities). ---- My data shows swingers are moving elsewhere and your site is becoming less relevant. It's still the only real gathering place for swingers in Utah, but it won't be long before the mobile world decimates this cash-cow you've built. (I'm happy to share that usage data with you, if you're interested).

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Laytoncouple801- lol- good for you! LOVE THAT ALL AROUND!

MMF - - [quote=ONEFUNCOUPLE]Well It's great to see so many people agree with me!!!! Now I have to take baby steps with my other half so she can work up to that experience. I think she will like it and she thinks so too but she wants to get her feet wet "so to say" with just being with another girl and work up from there!!! [/quote] This is how we started FMF...I am bi and we started with just me playing with the girl and he watched, then I was comfortable enough to let him join....now we are full on swappin swingers...hahaha...love FMF, MFM, MFMF, MMFMM, and ALL other combinations...hehehe...have fun and let her set the pace...you will be happy in the end letting her do it how she feels comfortable...she will reward you for your patience...I know I did Lucky B...hehehe...kisses...Naugh-Ty and Lucky B ;)

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - Just look for the couples with Swingers tattoed on their forheads like the thing that Teelc(sp) from Stargate SG1... Otherwise I think that the walk up and ask if they know where such and such is.... A local club. If they know then strike up a conversation and ask what they think about the club... How many times have they been there, etc.... Or have you ever been to Las Vegas and have you head of the Red Rooster or been there? WHat do you think about that?..No biggy and if you zero on the local club... good chance that they are vanilla. Good hunting Ray

Swinger Study Survey - - What I don't understand is how singles male or female call them selfs swingers. Now we have nothing against singles we enjoy there company often. To us swingers are a couple that are sharing them selfs with others outside of there relationship. where as singles are not shareing anything with anyone. They are just looking to get laid ( I don't hold that against them ) but swingers are couples.

single male's showing on cam - curious on what you think - my initial thought is,what does it matter who shows what. this is a swingers site

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