
Tiona Swingers in Pennsylvania

Tiona Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Tiona, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Tiona looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Tiona, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Tiona, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Tiona, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Tiona Swingers right away!

Recons 6th annual backyard bash! - - Just wanted to say a huge "thanks" to Recon for throwing another Phenomenal backyard party! Everything from The beds in the orchard, the tent, the lighting, the guests, the nudity, the food, the Taco Vendor from the corner of Sears on state...it was perfect! This was the best swingers party we have ever been to! We can't remember much after the second round of margarita's, but the hot, hot, hot people doing the "wiggle" on bed 3 in the orchard is etched in my mind ;) hahahaha! We were Happy to meet new couples, and it was good to see old friends, as well! Recon, we Love you two! Thanks for all your hard work for The 6th annual Summer Back Yard Bash! Xoxo Utsluts :)

Single Males - - [quote=CTA313][quote=EVILDOERS] ...get a girl to join you....Not only do you now "bring more to the table", but you have the added credibility that if you can find and finesse a girl into joining you in this little adventure we call swinging (whether it be a girlfriend, a wife, a second cousin twice removed, or just a hot fwb) you might just not be a giant douchecopter.[/quote] Ignoring the need to "finesse" someone and unhealthy gender stereotypes in general, this line of reasoning is a little troubling as it presumes that a male's company is inherently worth less. Or that an absence of semi-romantic relationships somehow speaks poorly of his character. I personally think approaching someone whom you aren't already fairly close with and soliciting to go to a swingers party is a bit out of line. Especially if her company is sought as an accessory to demonstrate to others that he is not, as you say, “a douchecopter”. Call me old-fashioned. [quote=EVILDOERS] I know we can't be the only people who secretly wonder just a little bit about some single guys and why they aren't with somebody. Do they secretly hate women (yes, we've met some that actually do), are they just too lazy (or busy, maybe...but hey, we're all busy) to find someone, are they serial killers and/or just not very nice guys? [/quote] Oh, I hope you are! That's a really unfortunate outlook to have. Promising relationships take time to find, let alone build to the requisite amount of trust and stability to try things like this. In the mean time, I don't see anything wrong with someone pursuing their interests while still holding out for someone worthy of their emotional investment. To me, that behavior is quite attractive should be respected! It doesn't get any better than someone who is confident, self-actualized, and motivated to pursue their desires. Sadly, it sounds their gender influences whether this is seen as a desirable trait. I'm not sure how long you've been out of things (30 years?), but it's easy to forget the struggle when you're comfortable in a marriage. Things are more fluid. People don't feel the need to settle down like they used to. [quote=EVILDOERS]I know many will say they've tried and swinging is a deal breaker for most women. After almost 3 decades in the swinging trenches meeting and talking to other people, both couples and singles, we would disagree....many, if not most, women could eventually come around to the idea of swinging once they feel safe and secure in a relationship.[/quote] This is just confirmation bias if the evidence comes from a sample of people you have met while swinging. [quote=EVILDOERS]...those of us who DID put in all the blood, sweat, and tears into a relationship and allow it to grow to the point of daring (don't think for a second we aren't risking a LOT in opening up our relationships to other people!) to allow others access to our significant other sometimes wonder why some others want to take a shortcut to all the sweet swinging bennies with little or no risk on their own part.[/quote] If you're not comfortable sharing your wife with someone you might view as a potential competition, you definitely don't have to. On the other hand, there are a lot of people enjoy it :) This smacks of the old “you must suffer as I did” chestnut. [/quote] Yes, I agree, "finesse" was a poor choice of words. In my defense, I was at work and rather in a hurry to make a point...that apparently I didn't make well (and my attempts to also be humorous apparently fell flat too). Rereading my post it does smack a little of mild gender bias but I can assure you that it wasn't my intent in any way and most certainly is not my outlook on women, relationships or life in general. My intent was simply to advocate approaching swinging as a mutually desirable activity that two partners desire and share equally in. And not that it matters, but I've shared my wife with probably over a hundred men, married and single, and I've never thought of any of them as competition. But I never thought of swinging as "sharing" my wife either, but instead as her deciding to be sexual with another person and me being totally okay with her decision to do so. Sharing her, to me, almost denotes some sort of ownership or at very least some kind of permission that I would have to give. Both those ideas are not a part of our relationship. Perhaps the concept of "competition" in swinging interactions is a single male attitude? I don't know. And I didn't mean it in any way, shape, or form as a "you must suffer as I did" trope but simply as the idea that we invested a LOT of hard work and time making our marriage what it is and together deciding to risk opening it up to the excitement and also the possibility of harm that is swinging. I think, perhaps, that sometimes single people in the lifestyle don't quite understand the very real possibility of permanent damage (or worse) to the relationship that couples who swing are flirting with. For many (most?) of us, our marriages/relationships are THE most precious thing we have. What, if anything, are you risking? A bruised ego?

Where on Earth are all the hot Virginia Swingers? - Show us what you have to offer VA!!! - stafford were here had a great time last night,K+M

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - Vegas baby Vegas

Verified Real VS Not - How trusting are you in non-verified accounts? - Look for the union label when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse. Remember somewhere our union's sewing, our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house. We work hard, but who's complaining? Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way! So always look for the union label, it says we're able to make it in the U.S.A.! Join Swingers Union Local 6969 today! ...............................or else! [em]Emo_84[/em]

CLUB TASTEBUDS - WHAT UP WITH THEIR PARTIES? - Well we also love Tastebuds as most know. It is a great Club with alot to offer. One should always remember dont go to the club to find a party bring the party with you , and if you go looking for the party dont knock what others are doing. Tastbuds is not a BYOB club well drinks $3.00 each top $6.00 each and a low cover always. It is also directly located in a Hotel with room rates most nights for club members of $43.00 plus tax. No it is not a five star Hotel 1 to 10 it is a 7 some may score higher some lowere but the rooms are fair. Large dance area and seperate bar with pool table. As for the DJ we like to add you cant put 200 swingers in the same club and have them all like the same music . For the record most of the time we wanna hear other stuff and also dont like everything to be mixed all the time but we have sat back a few times and wanted to complaine but the dance floor was packed was hard to get our point out when such a large number of guest were enjoying the tunes. We think any club will have some clicks their are so manny diferant types of people in the life.We have tryed our best to be open and friendly even when others were not so nice back. Funny how some times several months later we eneded up friends with some of them but thats the lifestyle as we see it. We do Love Tastebuds as we said Hayden Travel and the club it self are great. Their is no other Club like it in Central Florida. Please take the time to view the web site clubtastebuds.net note how the club proudly flys the Swingular banner as well as the other lifestyle events and sites and Travel destinations. To all our old and new friends to all the fun we have had at the Club more to CUM we are sure see you all soon. Kisses Traci and Pat

FWB Anyone...??? - Seeking FWB - Couple to Date - We're an attractive, fit and fun couple looking for the same - FWB. We've dated 3 couples in the past 6 years and have had a blast! Since we've been in the LS for a while, we're picky and know what we want. We get a lot of friendship requests but no message to go along with it. We don't consider ourselves "swingers", we don't want to go to parties, not our jam but we do like to meet new people and see if the potential is there to be exclusive. It is hard making sure all 4 people have a connection but we've done it before and it has been fantastic so we know it can happen. Anyone interested...??? **Check out our profile and send us a message if you like what we're laying down ;)

Best Halloween activities (corn mazes, haunted houses, etc) - - [quote=Nakedcouple5150]We're the same way lol, we'd love to meet other swingers in a non club/bar atmosphere.[/quote] Would love to do somthing simliar

Alaska Swingers - - We had no luck there visiting but the Alaska bush company was fun

Private Pic BullSh**T! - - [quote=SHERA_HEMAN3]I don't get it. We are on a sight to see if we wanna share each other. Why not show everyrhing up front. It's not like i dont want someone with the sane intrests to see what i look like. Why do we have to be private. Ultimatly we are all here for the same thing does it matter if another swinger sees your face. Lol two cents. [/quote] I guess my point is that if other swingers were the only people on here, it wouldn't matter. However, this is and open website that excepts anyone temporarily and anyone permanently with enough cash. THEY DON'T DO BACKGROUND CHECKS! There are a lot of liars on here, plus occasional law enforcement and self righteous do-gooding crusaders. Don't assume its just the ones who hide their faces. And don't criticize me if I choose to be more cautious than you. I may be in a position in my private live where that is necessary. Look at all the trouble facebook causes people looking for a job. Can you imagine if they started checking swingular? Besides I'm in Utah. This is the state where the Church sends people down to Trails to record license plates. This is the state that requires your name be entered into a data base when you go to a bar or strip club. This is the state that allows the printing of a weekly newspaper that shows the arrest report and photo of anyone taken into custody, locally or state wide. I live in Utah. I'm paranoid for a reason.

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