
Sumneytown Swingers in Pennsylvania

Sumneytown Swingers

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Opinion -- House Party Or Club - - Well We have to say, house parties since we enjoy getting to know new people and getting acquainted with old friends. clubs are too loud and normally if it's not a swingers club you never know who else (vanilla friends, family, co-workers, clients, ETC) will be there. we have been to some swinger's clubs on the east coast and love it ass well. Since Utah don't have any swinger's clubs we vote for house parties not to mention that last week we went to one at recon's and it rocked

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Nope, sorry. We checked for a pulse and swinging has flatlined. And that boner you see is just advanced rigor mortis. On a positive note, necrophilia is still legal in some places.[em]Emo_84[/em]

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: T4REAL69 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 10:48 am Kristy Couldn't care one way or another as to your racial views...just don't hide behind the single man issue to justify them. Maybe he doesn't like single men as well? Scenario 1: They are racist. They don't like single men Scenario 2: They are racist and they like single men Scenario 3: they are not racist. They don't like single men Scenario 4: They are not racist and they like single men How do you know which it is? Isn't it kinda jumping to conclusion because he is racist that he doesn't like so and so because of the race and he is hiding behind the single guy issue?

When is this site going to get back to SEX - - I would suggest that if you'd like hotter topics, provide the threads. The forum has been kept running by people who present topics, albiet sometimes controversal and mostly about things other than the lifestyle. On other sites to which we belong or did belong the topics were about how to meet women by single men or from people who wanted advice as to how get their spouce, SO, G/F past the talking stages and into the lifestyle...It seems that since there are no questions and everyone is a swinger of experience that subjects from newbies are not here. There are no Newbies here???? MAybe people come into the forum see the posts and figure that they will be looked down upon by all of those hardened and seasoned swingers.... So to facilitate putting this forum onto the swinging scene, people need to toss caution to the wind and take advantage of all of the experience here. A thought just crossed my mind.... could it be that the people here are simply talking the good game. Now that will probably get me flamed from many sides. So please stop complaining that the forum is not about swinging and sex and make it that... I have a PS for this ....so here's my PS PS: If anypme doesn't like what I say, I say FUCK YOU !!! because that is what we should be here for..... getting busy....But I could be wrong....

Observations from the other side of the room - Some unsolicited advice - [quote=EVILDOERS]All good advice. You should give seminars to the GAZILLIONS of single males who think female swingers are nymphomaniac, wanton sluts who will fuck anyone, any time, anywhere and that their husbands/partners are pathetic, impotent cucks who don't know how to please their partners and need a "real" man to satisfy their wives/girlfriends. You could make BANK teaching the utterly clueless how to act like a gentleman and do a service to the lifestyle by helping to weed out the twatwaffles who have no business even ATTEMPTING to enter a lifestyle they know nothing about and should leave immediately![/quote] That's a really good idea! I am no authority but I agree that Utah guys have a bad reputation. I have heard similar stories from friends on vanilla dating sites where the guy just wants a one night stand. I am glad that my post was read and responded to. I agree that my comments are common sense as well. Unfortunately, common sense isn't all that common. Any suggestions on what to name my seminar?

Massages - She need massages - [quote=midcrisis]in our minds we are all better then the pros....just ask us.[/quote] I would even go out on a limb here and suggest that some swingers might give BETTER massages than an experienced LMT...at least as far as rubbing parts that a masseuse is legally prohibited from touching. Since I sincerely doubt they cover the fine art of erotic massage (especially with a happy ending) in LMT school, someone who has been a swinger for a certain amount of time would likely be more adept and/or experienced in that particular 'sub-specialty' of massage. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Just curious are we the only ones? - Just curious are we the only ones? - [quote=UNICORN73]Black rings? Really?? Soooo how well known is this fact? I would really like something that's discreet but yeah...says I'm in. But if they are vanilla...I don't want them to know at all! Am I gonna out myself to the world if I get a ring??[/quote] The idea of the black ring has been around for a long time. As early as the 60's by some accounts. However it is not generally well known. As such it's very uncommon to see anyone wearing them in public. Mrs. DandD and I have only seen one other couple wearing them and we have only had one other couple notice ours that we know of. It's also important to to note that black rings carry different meanings depending on who is wearing them. Members of the of homosexual community have been known to wear them on the right hand ring finger to indicate marriage when living where marriage was not legal for them. Members of the [url=http://www.asexuality.org/home/]AVEN[/url] community wear them on the middle finger of the right hand to identify each other. Finally swingers wear them on the right hand but not on the middle finger generally out of respect for and, I'm guessing, to avoid being confused as member of the AVEN community.

What sets you apart from other swingers - Lets see whos looking for what. - I think ironhorse needs to cum to UT for a visit....I LOVE the single men ;) Oh wait the thread....LOL What sets me out from the crowd: Well I dont think Im better then anyone else, but I do like to make sure everyone around me is having a good time. :) I have a "bouncy" personality. When I do get to go out, I make the most of it and have a GREAT time whatever I'm doing. What gives me an edge: I think because I am VERY expressive sexually. When Im being pleasured you can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell the enjoyment. I have been told that I am better then watching porn. I LOVE being on cam. I LOVE knowing that I can excite people just by them seeing me. Maybe it's a little power trip, but its fun, and I sometimes do pretend while I'm on cam but that's only at night after the little ones are in bed and I can REALLY show off. ;) My talent is the ablity to turn on everyone in the room. I am great entertainment. I love to make sure everyone is having a good time. I have also been told I give great lap dances. My weakness...... I'm not going to let out ALL my secrets hehe. My spot is my neck just below my ear. Lightly kissing and licking that area sends zingers down my legs and makes them quiver. Oh my. hehe Of course my G-spot gets me squirting like a faucet. Better have lots of towels handy around when you even get close to there. ;)

Roll Call. Who all here has... - Polarizing Poll - [quote=EVILDOERS]Interesting. Quick follow-up question. Was your decision to get vaccinated in any way influenced by the desire to get back out there and take a trip to pound town with other naughty swingers or was it mostly for other reasons? And, fwiw, Ms. Evil and I are vaccinated. Got ours way back in December since we're essential workers (erotic balloon animal artistes').[/quote] Not entirely about getting out to Pound Town as much as a desire to get back to normal. Having several people on our orbit who are high risk, and Mr. working in an essential industry, this was the most expedient path with the least risk. Pragmatism is why. We happen to believe vaccines work and are better than the alternative. That being said we are all about informed consent, and respecting other’s choices. Even if some of those choices are opposed to ours.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Hell don't know how to do the Quote massage LOL But yeah what LAPUA said

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